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View Full Version : best way to get sand off the chain???

05-21-2002, 05:50 PM
dam i swear that stuff is on there like super glue. i use chain wax and the stuff sticks right to it.

whats the easiest way to get it off. the pressure washer still doenst get it all off. is there a product that will help take it off.


05-22-2002, 11:55 AM
a better preasure washer, a tooth brush, and alot of time

05-22-2002, 02:31 PM
The sand comes off for me pretty easily just rubbing it off with a damp rag.

05-22-2002, 02:44 PM
run ur chain dry and don't lub it
then go and it doesn't stick to it

05-23-2002, 11:40 AM
Sand and chain lube don't get along well. Chainwax is great because it sticks to the chain well and doesn't fling off. That's the problem though, it's very tough to remove. I would recommend using a lighter chain lube like PJ-1. It flings onto your quad some but it's easier to clean. I don't recommend running the chain dry especially if it is not an o-ring chain; it WILL wear your chain and sprocket faster. A dry o-ring chain isn't so bad though but I still lube mine.

Simple green or engine gunk de-greaser seems to get chains pretty clean. I don't know if the engine gunk is bad for o-rings or not though; it's what I use and seems OK.

Either way, you will go through chains faster in the sand; it's a fact of sand duning life. Don't bother with cheap non o-ring chains, they are usually cheap, stretch and don't last long at all.

05-23-2002, 08:22 PM
Rockymountain sells a little chain cleaner device that works wonders. That little gadget plus pure simple green will get rid of the sand and gunk...as well as being environmentally friendly :D

05-30-2002, 04:18 PM
i run my chain dry. nothing sticks to it then. run an "o" ring chain and you shouldn't have any problems. "o" ring chains have grease packed in the rollers and are sealed with o rings. i would clean the chain with kerosene. cheap and works good. happy duneing.