View Full Version : Eastern Mass Atv Club Interest

05-22-2005, 08:35 AM
being a member of atvconnection.com also i was browsing their website in search of some eastern massachusetts riding i stumbled upon a thread concerning an eastern mass atv club. several of their members are outraged by what massachusetts has done for orv usage in past years, closing several parks to orv usage etc., and they were looking to just a bunch of people that are interested in forming a club for atv riding in eastern mass. if your interested check out the original forum, which is rather extensive and gets into why everyone is so mad at http://forums.atvconnection.com/mes...adid/451761.cfm or you can just say you are down for an eastern mass club at http://forums.atvconnection.com/mes...adid/453350.cfm

Thanks for the help and spread the word. The more people the better chance we have.

05-22-2005, 08:40 AM
i dont know why the links to the website arent working but you can check them out at atvconnection.com under forums. The first link is under "where to ride" and is titled "about where to ride in mass." kinda long but you'll know why they are so upset. the second is under "club forums" and is titled "Eastern atv club interest."thanks

05-22-2005, 07:08 PM
just tell me what and who to talk to or do!! im in we need a club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kandc1994 (kandc1994@comcast.net) i have kids and dont want it to suck for them in the future!!!!!!!! ilove to race but we should not have to race to just ride!!! did everyone see fox25 cops being cops!!!

05-23-2005, 03:07 PM
hey kevin check it out atvconnection. com and under the club forums there is a thread titled eastern mass atv club interest. that is what you wanna check out. there is a survey you can take. a lot of guys on that site are active in this effort. thanks and spread the word.

05-25-2005, 04:22 PM
anyone else

06-09-2005, 01:44 PM
come on guys we need people to support this group. these guys are pretty serious about it.

06-14-2005, 01:38 PM
PM me for info regarding anything me or Greater Boston Motorsports can do to help out. No bull----

06-14-2005, 02:35 PM
i emailed the head of the group and told me to all of the information that he has gathered. ill get back to you soon.

06-15-2005, 02:04 PM
sammy this is what we have so far. i sent the head of the organization process as of now a message and told him to send me all that he has so far and this is what he sent back to me.

UPDATE: I have 41 people that have expressed interest in a club through the internet survey plus whatever number that Frank from Plymouth has collected. The actual setting up of a club has not been going too well so far. I have tried to meet with some knowledgeable advisors but they have been very busy.
In order to give this effort a chance to succeed it's going to need a few talented and responsible people to serve as club officers. Until we have at least a president, vice president, and treasurer; nothing will happen.
We need a PO Box and money to get a lawyer and file a charter with the state as a non-profit and then get a tax employer ID number and then a bank account. It's not a lack of money issue it's a matter of having the dedicated people to be responsible for it. We need volunteers and suggestions.

In the mean time there is an effort underway to further our goals to protect the sport in Mass. If we were already a club we would certainly be contributing to the effort described below.
As everyone is aware, this year the state has decided not to reopen Savoy State Forest to ORV use. The current legal riding for ORVs is down from 34 Forests/ Parks to just 7, and actually only 5 for ATVs.
If this trend continues, there will be no legal riding on public land. There are already rumblings about the criteria used for closing Savoy being applied to other Forests.
The Berkshire Trails Council has started a fund to be used towards maintaining and increasing our legal riding areas. Several ORV clubs understand the importance of this issue, and have generously donated to this fund. The work we will need to do to not only preserve what we have, but attempt to expand our riding areas will not be easy, and will not be inexpensive.
There are thousands of individuals and groups that donate large sums of money to restrict our access. We need to be as committed to saving our sport as those other groups are to doing away with it.
There are 25,000 registered ORVs in this state, and probably 10 times that number unregistered. Imagine the results we could achieve with just $5 for each user.
PLEASE spread the word about this fund. Talk with your dealers. Encourage them to get involve, and to provide assistance. The address for this fund is:
Trails Preservation Fund
PO Box 584
Bellingham MA 02019

several of them the members have expressed interest in meeting together and possibly discussing the formaiton of this group.

as of right now we dont have much but we are trying.

hemi operator
06-15-2005, 07:03 PM
I have joined over there and filled out the survey form.

06-18-2005, 06:03 PM