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View Full Version : How much is too much, people say to stop

05-17-2005, 03:39 PM
ok im going into my 406 build up and i have got all the parts lined up but i just need to place my orders. i bought my 2000 400ex about 2 years ago and have probably put over $1000 into since then. i plan to spend around 600 to 700 on my rebuild now my dad thinks i shouldnt do it because i all ready put to much into it. Im goin to be turning 16 in a few months and he wants me to save my money for a car but i dont want to i all ready have a car its not the nicest but it runs good and is reliable. some of my freinds think i should stop to but i really like riding and plan to get into some racing this summer and want to make more race ready, my rebuild isnt totally pointless i am kind of fixing a problem but then going a step further ( its smoking pretty bad ). should i stop putting money into my bike or go for it. im the one paying for it working so its not like im having my parents buy the stuff for me and most of the work will be done by me

05-17-2005, 03:48 PM
If the car is decent I'd run it because its not a good thing to get a NICE car for your first car, accidents are more prone when your learning.

I think you should just go ahead and spend the money on the quad, My dad has said the same to me but I spent almost 3 grand on mine and he told me I better save or take one of their cars, but if you ask me you dont really need a liesnce our age unless you have a job and its far from your home :)

05-17-2005, 04:05 PM
I just put my F-250 in the paper today to have more money for my quad. I say follow your heart and do whatever makes you the happiest. I spent a lot of money on a new truck and now I'm sitting with a broken swingarm and no money to fix it.

05-17-2005, 04:16 PM
you pick up lots of chicks in a decent car though. Get your motor **** straightand mod your quad. then get a nice truck.

05-17-2005, 08:11 PM
yeah well i talked to my dad and im goin to put my cash in my quad he doesnt really like the idea but o well. about the car i found out that the car i was supposed to drive isnt safe :( but im kinda glad in a way because i get to drive my dads car for the first months after i get my liscence a chrysler 300M with the HO V-6 and auto stick, it will be fun but after that im getting an old cavaleir :( i told him it has to be a Z24 but i doubt it cuz hes been all into gas milage lately and thinks the 4 banger would be 10 times better on gas

05-17-2005, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by enduro400rider
yeah well i talked to my dad and im goin to put my cash in my quad he doesnt really like the idea but o well. about the car i found out that the car i was supposed to drive isnt safe :( but im kinda glad in a way because i get to drive my dads car for the first months after i get my liscence a chrysler 300M with the HO V-6 and auto stick, it will be fun but after that im getting an old cavaleir :( i told him it has to be a Z24 but i doubt it cuz hes been all into gas milage lately and thinks the 4 banger would be 10 times better on gas by the way the car i was supposed to drive was an 86 ranger but the frame is so bad with rust we were able to poke a hole in it with a screw driver :confused:

05-17-2005, 08:15 PM
i would say dont listen to them....if you think the car is fine go for it the 4 wheeler. its your money though i would put it in the quad

i was going to get a truck to but after the way gas prices went up ill stick to the cavalier i got and just hook a little trailer up to that lol:macho

05-17-2005, 08:19 PM
The 4 cylinders are way better on gas, but then again wheres the fun in them. I need a V-8 which is why I'm getting a full sized 92 bronco. It is very nice for the year it is, and it will last me a long time. It had new brakes, and most of the front end is new, and the motor will be new or rebuilt, and I'm gonna drop in a standard trasmission. I say do the quad first. Thats what I am doing. For college id in a year, and I knew that if I wanted a good quad to have a while I had to start that now.

05-17-2005, 08:27 PM
funny you should mention the whole " I want to spend $$$ but rents think it is bad idea" thing.

because I am in the exact same boat. I got a 400ex and am 15. I have a pickup. alls it needs is a radiator, brake line, shock mount in rear. I want go spend my $$ on a trx 450r but the father says NO. so I gotta play along till I am 18.

I am going to strap my quad to the roof of a car some day. It will be a junk car of course tho, nothing to worry about as far as scratching.

05-17-2005, 09:55 PM
spend your money on what you want. dont listen to anyone else, its your choice! personally, i dont think you can ever have to much $ into a quad:D

05-17-2005, 09:56 PM
If your vehicle actually needs things, like the brakes and radiator. Spend the cash on the parts you need. With cars you can get stuff dirt cheap, and its easy. Chit, those parts at a salvage yard cant be more than $100 if that.

05-17-2005, 10:17 PM
doesent need brakes, brake line, about a 3 $ fix. and a radiator is more of a pain to replace than cost. I will just keep putting leaves in the bottom of the radiator for now to plug up the holes. lol just kidding.

05-18-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by mittimj
doesent need brakes, brake line, about a 3 $ fix. and a radiator is more of a pain to replace than cost.

Fixing a brake line is no fun man, I hope you realize that. It may be a cheap fix but it is a pain in the *** UNLESS you have the proper equipment to make life easier.

At least in our state, to pass the inspection (I say in our state because I don't know if regs are the same nationally) the brake lines need to be in one complete piece. So if you are replacing the line you have to replace all of it, even if say only one part of it is bad. I had a leak, and my brother and me fixed it, but didnt replace the whole line. The car will not pass inspection with the brake (and gas lines too, lol) being in more than one piece. So that sucks.

Again, running the whole thing and connecting it to the master cylinder is no fun unless you have the proper stuff to do it right.

05-18-2005, 12:33 PM
no, I am lucky. I only have to splice into the old line and put in a new pice just where it is rotted out. I got all the right tools to do the whole thing, but it is easer to just fix what is there.