View Full Version : anyone take weight gainer for workin out?

05-16-2005, 09:37 PM
Well, im 18 and weigh about 130......not to good. Anyways its about time i do something about it, as soon as school is out im gonna start workin out but i really need to take some weight gainer, does anyone here use it? any bad side affects? how long does it take to gain weight? Any imput would be appreciated, ive searched the net but all i get is "buy this" "buy that" crap, not real solid answers.

05-17-2005, 12:16 AM
dont take that crap. if u want to gain weight without beig a slob i would suggest eating a bunch of carbs liked breaded sandwhiches then do your workout even if its as little as running for 8 minutes then when you are done eat protein like chiken that is your best bet to gain weight without it all going to the gut

05-17-2005, 12:22 AM
Taking creatine will help with bulking up. Just make sure and follow the directions and you shouldn't see any side effects. Also, make sure you are working out when taking creatine or you will just get fat.

05-17-2005, 07:13 AM
Creatine is water retenion, it will get you bigger, but if you ever quite taking it you will lose size really some quick. Find you a good protein shake and take it, just be sure to be working out. I take nitro-tech shakes. I went from bout 155 pds to 175 pds in bout 6 months and gained nearly 100 pds on my bench. Don't just depend on the shakes or weight gainer, you need to eat the right stuff, and the more you grow the more you will want to eat.

05-17-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by gojk
Taking creatine will help with bulking up. Just make sure and follow the directions and you shouldn't see any side effects. Also, make sure you are working out when taking creatine or you will just get fat.

ware do you get this creatine at? there arnt anyside affects? ive been needing to gain some weight to im 6ft 2 and i only weigh 135 i eat all the time but i still dont gain any weight

05-17-2005, 01:59 PM
Go to gnc, but don't just think about creatine. Look around there might be something else that would fit you better, just ask who ever works there. Most of the time they atleast have some knowledge of things. And yea, there can always be side effects of taking stuff. If you take it for extended amount of time and great quantities, your body can quit producing it on its own.

05-17-2005, 02:16 PM
creatine is good if you want to bulk up, it puts water in your muscles, no side effects but dont take it during anything that you need to have alot of water and cant get it because this stuff will dehydrate you if you dont take plenty of water with it, also helps in the weight rom bey reducing fatigue, you cant feel the burn in your muscles as much. but at 130, your probably scrawny and dont have much to build on until you start eating some carbs.

05-17-2005, 02:19 PM
Work out, eat right, drink a lot of water, and try a whey protein shake. Try to eat 4-6 small meals a day too.

05-17-2005, 03:16 PM
dont use creatine. sure as of now they it works but they dont know the long term side affect. you dont need that stuff man. Just work out 1-2 times a day 4 days a week. Really all you need to do is upper body one day, lower body the next. See some people think they can work there arms everyday and they'll get bigger but its actually bad for you. When you work out your msucles tear and they need 48 hours to repair themselves and when they repair themselves they come back bigger. But trust me, work out 6 weeks straight 4 days a week and you will see crazy results.

05-17-2005, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
dont use creatine. sure as of now they it works but they dont know the long term side affect. you dont need that stuff man. Just work out 1-2 times a day 4 days a week. Really all you need to do is upper body one day, lower body the next. See some people think they can work there arms everyday and they'll get bigger but its actually bad for you. When you work out your msucles tear and they need 48 hours to repair themselves and when they repair themselves they come back bigger. But trust me, work out 6 weeks straight 4 days a week and you will see crazy results.

you are on the right track but still wrong. creatine is a naturally occuring substance inside your body. it is still the hottest supliment on the market for a reason. there are no side effects and no it wont make you fat. and you DO need that stuff if you are serious about putting on muscle. working out 2ce a day can be potentially bad for you. you stated over training is bad which is correct so your contradicting yourself. if you do cardio in the morning then weight training in the afternoon you are ok IF you have proper nutrition/supliments and hydration aand sleep.

working out and finding the proper balance is hard. in my opinion for you at your size weight gainer = bad. if you would like an explanation as to why i have that opinion feel free to ask. start it off slow, designate a week just for "getting ready" and getting your muscles in tune to be worked. go to www.bodybuilding.com and find a beginer split. right now you need to just hit the basic muscle groups and basic workouts to get yourself started. again if you would like i could create you one.

so now, when you find the split you like do that for the first week or so. but DO NOT push it. do lighter weight at around 8-12 reps. do 3 sets and you should be able to EASILY do another 1 set of 15 after your final set. if you go killing yourself 2 things are going to happen. 1, it will completely destroy your motovation and will to succeed. when you can only curl a 35 2ce and drop it and your muscles ache so you cannot continue anymore. 2 it will damage your muscles and you will be sore on average for 2-4 days. so go slow and work your muscles into getting used to being trained then hit it like normal.

as for recovery time with proper nutrition and a good source of protein and creatine along with atleast 9 hrs of sleep ( 9 is for me, but professionals recommend 8) you should not even feel the slightest pain other than feeling great and stronger.

i will give you an example. building muscle is like building a cement pillar. protein = the sand, creatine = the water, proper nutrition and sleep = stones. when your body has all of those essential muscle building products ready and easily accessable the wall (muscle) goes up much much faster. sure you can run to lowes then come back then back then go and so forth....thats how it is without suppliments. it will get done, but not nearly as efficiently or fast plus you will get injured much easier and pain will be associated more.

k im off of my soap box. there was my 10 cents

05-17-2005, 04:14 PM
creatine probably works the best. if i were you, i'd run out to GNC and talk to the people about your exact application. i use Whey Isolate Protein and it really works! i went from benching 100 to 140 in about 2 months. that might not seem like much but that's almost half of what i benched 2 months earlier. it contains high levels of proteins and amino acids, vitamins b6 and b12, also get Mega Men once a day vitamins from GNC, they have everything you need to stock your body for a hard workout. i weigh 125 and bench 150 at 5 '7". it's ok to be little but if you're going to be little, you better have something to support yourself ;). i'd really try out the whey protein, it works good, fast, and doesn't wear off after you take it for months, and the chocolate tastes freaking awesome!

05-17-2005, 04:19 PM
Go to gnc and talk to those people, but don't buy there. Buy it online for 1/3 the cost, and you can get better brands. Try www.bulknutrition.com I have used them in the past. As far as protein drinks go, my favorite is Nectar by Syntrax. It tastes great, and stays the consistancy of water instead of cake batter. The flavor I like best is Lemonade, but to each their own.

Hey bansheeguy77, did you ever try that bench routine I sent you? If you did, what did you think?

05-17-2005, 04:32 PM
do not use creatine. i think that is next to using roids. yes it works but eventually it will push out all the water in your muscles and you will be pulling them more. do like me, just eat right and workout right. i do take a protien shake if i know i had not that much protien in the day. i woudnt take the creatine tho. i think of it as cheating(same with roids) but you do bulk up faster

my 2 cents

05-17-2005, 04:47 PM
i heard if you drink protien shakes and dont work out a lot you will just get really fat really fast. So if you do drink protien shakes make sure you are doing stuff liek bansheeguy77 said, he's given the best advice so far and seems to know what hes talking about. As for creatine being close to roids, i dont know if i beleive that. I would just wait a couple years to see more results from people who often use it. There is this kid in my weight lifting class who has done a lot of studying on creatine and he was trying to explain to me what it does. Really all it is is replacing some chemical in your muscle that is lost during work out and blah blah blah. I would like to read an article on creatine so if anyone has a link could you post it up. My football coach really dicourages us to use it but there are some guys who swear by it.

CHeck out the Bigger faster stronger (BFS) 'be an 11'. Its aimed at athletes but a lot of that stuff will get you in really good shape if you fallow the work out.

05-17-2005, 04:57 PM
Most weight gains are pure sugar, when I was 18 I weighed 132, now at 45 I weigh 202, Workout smart,Eat smart,Carb up before Apples or Ice Cream with banana's, Egg's and Milk 15 minutes after your workouts.Go to google.com and search powerlifting sites for good workouts.If you use powerlifting routines you will gain size with power,most powerlifters will blow away bodybuiders with weights.
once the weight bug gets you it's hard to shake,good luck go natural,take care,God Bless

05-17-2005, 05:08 PM
listen just take some M1T and u will gain the weight and get huge in 3 weeks,just joking dont take it itsa miner steroid. It makes ur balls shrink pipils,and anger problems.Just work out alot and just eat alot of proteins and dont eat alot of fat foods. People think if they eat fat foods that they will gain weight.good luck

05-17-2005, 06:11 PM
Is anyone knowlegdge able enough to know if Whey protein has lactate or dairy in it? or peanuts?

05-17-2005, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by 250-R-250
Is anyone knowlegdge able enough to know if Whey protein has lactate or dairy in it? or peanuts?

whey comes from milk. from the sounds of it soy is your way to go.

powerlifting definately is some good stuff. you do build muscle and strength like no other.

Rdhanded2 i have no had the chance to try it yet. had some rough times and i hadda lay off lifting for a bit and now i am spotterless for the time being. so i might try it soon on a lighter note.

05-17-2005, 09:39 PM
bansheeguy, why does taking weight gainer with my size = bad?
You seem to know what you are talking about more than anyone else.
I really want to stay away from creatine for now, but i just need to get some solidness under me, it seems whenever i work out i just stay the same, of course i have never really got on a good workout shedule for more than a week, but as soon as school is out im joining a gym with one of my buddys, he got me a two week pass and its awsome, but i have been savin for a new quad, plus school so i havent had time, but now i have absolutely had it with being so scrawny and it is time to get in the habbit of workin out, so i need some advice.

By the way to everyone who is talking about creatine, THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION, it was about WEIGHT GAINER, NOT CREATINE Thanks!

05-18-2005, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by bad01300ex
bansheeguy, why does taking weight gainer with my size = bad?

its not that its bad, but rather it would probably just make you fat unless you are serious about working out. if you are just doing basic workouts for 20 minutes 2 times a week then alot of it is just going to put weight on your gut. if you do take it seriously and get good hard workouts in and follow a routine then it probably would work. i think n-large 2 would probably be best for you. some of the gainers are up over 2k calories and VERY high in sugar. sugar is one of the # 1 ingrediants of fat. nlarge only has 30 grams of sugar and high protein. but definately do some research on this topic and find what is right for you personally and your goals.
www.bodybuilding.com ive spent way to much time reading there and come out feeling ive only read .01% of the articles and information there. very informative site.

05-18-2005, 10:47 AM
i don't claim to know a whole lot, so i can only speak from my experience...Duke416ex can back me, he's seen my results

I started lifting seriously with a friend at the beginning of this year...i weighed around 150 then. i now weigh 170-172. my bench is only about 175-180 now, but bench isn't a main focus of mine. i can, however close grip the same amount.

IMO, if you're just starting out, you can modify your diet, take some protein shakes, and you will be able to gain mad weight for a while if you lift regularly

05-18-2005, 11:09 AM
stay away from fried foods, sweets, and saturated fats. unsaturated fats are actually a necessity for muscle growth. pick up some natural peanut butter. stay away from hydrogenated oils also. my daily eating routine consists of oats, chicken breast, tuna, natty pb, and vegggies. no sweets. pick up a good multi vitamine also. don't take whey until you get serious with lifting. just eat 4-6 times a day and carb up after lifts like someone else said and you'll be seeing results. go to bodybuilding.com and pick out a good lifting plan