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View Full Version : to race or not to race 300ex

Mr. Wiggles
05-15-2005, 08:43 PM
i have a stock 300 ex. then sombody else has got a 250r wich would be better to race i think the 300 becaus my 300 is faster than most

Mr. Wiggles
05-15-2005, 08:50 PM

05-16-2005, 08:47 AM
I'm sorry to say the 250R would walk all over you're 300EX

05-16-2005, 09:34 AM
if thts the case then why is a 250r in a lower division than a 300ex?

05-16-2005, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Mr. Wiggles
i have a stock 300 ex. then sombody else has got a 250r wich would be better to race i think the 300 becaus my 300 is faster than most

lol, wow

05-16-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by 300exwawow
if thts the case then why is a 250r in a lower division than a 300ex?

yeah..the 300ex is a 300 and the 250r is a 250 therefore the 300 must be faster...:devil:

05-16-2005, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by smr
yeah..the 300ex is a 300 and the 250r is a 250 therefore the 300 must be faster...:devil:

well duh!

05-16-2005, 10:26 AM
exactly so y does thumpin think his 250r will walk all over a 300ex?

05-16-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by 300exwawow
exactly so y does thumpin think his 250r will walk all over a 300ex?

dude, a 250r is always faster then a 300ex.

05-16-2005, 10:52 AM
NOT ALWAYS! there are ways to make a 300ex faster than a 250r

05-16-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by 300exwawow
NOT ALWAYS! there are ways to make a 300ex faster than a 250r

not many, and then if you finally do get it faster, you have just wasted alot of money.

05-16-2005, 10:56 AM
how is that wasting money?

05-16-2005, 10:59 AM
price of 300ex + price of parts to make it faster then a 250r > price of 250r

05-16-2005, 01:28 PM
if you think a 300EX is ever going to be faster than a 250R you have some serious problemsas long as the 300EX has a 300EX motor it will not beat an R and even if you did put a different motor in a 300EX it will still handle like crap and the bigger motor will make that problem worse

05-16-2005, 02:19 PM
idk what your talking about the 300 is one of the best handling quads ... even if it is sorta slow .

05-16-2005, 04:25 PM
mine had allot of push and body roll in the turns but maybe I got a bad one who knows part of the reason you think the 300ex handles good is because of how slow it is and you can't tell who knows maybe i'm such a bad rider that I only think it's pushing and rolling over these are just my opinions take them as you want to interprate (sp?) them

05-16-2005, 05:39 PM
Are you asking should you race the 300EX vs the 250R or are you asking what should you take to the track to race against other people? In head to head drag or MX the 250R will win. It was Honda's 80's racing quad and it ruled the world until the 400EX came out to repace it. The 300EX has always been a normal riding bike. Now if your asking what you should take to the MX track to race against other people that depends on what shape the bikes are in. Most 250R's are not in very good shape anymore since they are all over 10 to almost 20 years old. Either bike is going to get smoked by the 400EX's and 450R's. You may be competitive against the other quads except for the YZF450's because most other bikes can't handle and are just built around a big engine.

05-16-2005, 06:12 PM
300exwawow.....a 250r puts out twice if not 3 times the power of a 300ex...especially w/ motor work...lol. Just stop arguin it now

Mr. Wiggles
05-16-2005, 09:14 PM
ye should i take to the track to race against other riders. 300ex or 250r. i wouldnt be racing against any yz450's no way or 400ex were they race. so that dont bother me. what is the 250r's motor made of then what is the 300ex's motor made of. a 300ex is smaller and most the time lighter than a 250r.

05-16-2005, 10:04 PM
The 250R has a 2 stroke engine. They rev faster but tend to not have the power that a 4 stroke engine has. The 300EX has a 4 stroke engine.

05-16-2005, 11:16 PM
the 300EX puts out 12 horse power stock now you don't have to be a rocket scientest to figure out that it's slow my moms riding mower has 18 for comparison some 250R motors have put out over 50. If you really do some studying you will notice that from 1988 until the new production class rules were in place last year all the pro's we're riding 250R's and NOT 300EX's for a good reason the, 300EX is a starter quad but not an advanced race bike and will never be. I raced a 300EX for 2 years and I beat some 250R's mainly becuase the riders on the R's were dirt slow so yes if the 250R rider is horrible and the 300EX rider is good the 300EX can beat the 250R but machine wise as long as the 250R can hold together a 300EX will never touch it. I'm sorry to damage the pride of you proud 300EX owners but it just never could and never will hang with a 250R and I never once thought I would have to defend this situation to anybody but i guess it happens sometimes

05-17-2005, 06:28 AM
I also believe a factoyr 250r is about 70 pounds lighter than a factory 300ex, more power and less weight

you says thats a 250r is bigger like its a bad thing, then why are all of the aftermarket chassis developed of of 250r geometry and many new quads also are very similiar geometry? your fighting a loosing battle so quit

05-17-2005, 06:34 AM
When this thread started I thought it was a joke...thats why I jumped in saying the 300ex was a bigger motor.

I have built some nice 300 to race the 0-300 class and yes you can make them as fast as a 250r, however...this not only requires a 330 kit and cam, you must also strenthen the clutch and widen it out. Not counting the price you paid for the quad these mods alone will run you more than an 86 or 87 R.

Simply put the 250r was the best quad ever built. It won at every level of racing until the ATVA decided it would no longer alow them to run at the Pro level.

05-17-2005, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by ThumPIN_450R
the 300EX puts out 12 horse power stock now you don't have to be a rocket scientest to figure out that it's slow my moms riding mower has 18 for comparison some 250R motors have put out over 50. If you really do some studying you will notice that from 1988 until the new production class rules were in place last year all the pro's we're riding 250R's and NOT 300EX's for a good reason the, 300EX is a starter quad but not an advanced race bike and will never be. I raced a 300EX for 2 years and I beat some 250R's mainly becuase the riders on the R's were dirt slow so yes if the 250R rider is horrible and the 300EX rider is good the 300EX can beat the 250R but machine wise as long as the 250R can hold together a 300EX will never touch it. I'm sorry to damage the pride of you proud 300EX owners but it just never could and never will hang with a 250R and I never once thought I would have to defend this situation to anybody but i guess it happens sometimes

well, if you really want to go back to the dark days of racing, there were quite a few 300ex's and even blasters in PRO classes all over the country, including the gncc's.in fact, in the early 90's there was a blaster that overalled the mid south winter series races quite a bit. i think his name was chris brown

05-18-2005, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by chucked
not many, and then if you finally do get it faster, you have just wasted alot of money.

Well, I had a 300ex, it was worked and it lasted me many years. I competed in Open 4stroke B and I finished VERY well on it, ask Harlen!! It was very reliable, and I miss it. Any race bike you put a lot of money in it to compete. Just my 2cents. :D

05-18-2005, 04:12 PM
AAAAHHHH too many newbies!!! guys c'mon is it that hard? 300ex races 300ex's, blasters, 250exs, z250's....thats its class the 250r is in the over 350cc class they race against 400's 450's 650's 700's u name it the 250r will race it....the 250r is quite possibly the best quad ever made....the 300ex is good but the r can stomp over a 300 anyday....

05-18-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by 300ex13
AAAAHHHH too many newbies!!! guys c'mon is it that hard? 300ex races 300ex's, blasters, 250exs, z250's....thats its class the 250r is in the over 350cc class they race against 400's 450's 650's 700's u name it the 250r will race it....the 250r is quite possibly the best quad ever made....the 300ex is good but the r can stomp over a 300 anyday....

Thank you we finally have somebody who knows what's going on in here

05-18-2005, 04:57 PM
Wow, this is some good stuff right here! this is about as good as reeds dad

05-19-2005, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by 300ex13
AAAAHHHH too many newbies!!! guys c'mon is it that hard? 300ex races 300ex's, blasters, 250exs, z250's....thats its class the 250r is in the over 350cc class they race against 400's 450's 650's 700's u name it the 250r will race it....the 250r is quite possibly the best quad ever made....the 300ex is good but the r can stomp over a 300 anyday....

You are correct..too many newbies...

We just simply stated that with enough time and money the 300ex is an awsome machine, and it can run with the R. If you've been around racing as long as you imply that you have then you would remember a man named Steve Holbert (how ever you spell it) He finished second in pro class back in the early 90's (GNCC). Alot of people thought the factories would support a man riding a 4 stroke so Steve built one of the most awsome 300ex's you could imagine. When he raced he had ran 250r plastic so if you look at an old photo you must look at the motor.

I still say the R is the best quads ever built, but the 300ex had it's place in racing history.

05-19-2005, 08:07 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Damn kids!!!!!!!!! 2 STROKE VS. 4 STROKE COME ON NOWz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't be stupit!!! I think this is one of the funniest threads I've read in awhile :p Good luck beating an R w/ your 300 ROFLMAO

05-19-2005, 12:04 PM
What exactly are you racing? MX or XC? They both are good machines, but I think the 300 might be alittle better for XC and the 250 for MX

05-25-2005, 07:36 AM
u could i have a stock 250r and a hoped up 300 and the 250 will still walk all over it

05-25-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by lilwitting
u could i have a stock 250r and a hoped up 300 and the 250 will still walk all over it

sounds like you really know your stuff.

05-25-2005, 01:28 PM
Not to be put anyone down, but.......



Bottom line...Its like comparing day to night.

05-25-2005, 08:12 PM
I got a video of cody hurst i think his name is, and he raced a 300ex. And he beat 250Rs, 450Rs, and YFZs, at the nationals back in OHIO.