View Full Version : arizona riders?

05-20-2002, 09:32 AM
Just wondering if anyone is from AZ? That goes to the Cinders in Flagstaff?It is a great spot to ride.

05-20-2002, 02:22 PM
There are a few of us in AZ, but not many who actually respond to threads. I've personally never been to Cinders, but a friend and I may get up there this summer when the heat comes....
Pepto :cool:
PS, you should submit this in the where to ride forum....

05-20-2002, 04:37 PM
Guys that is like a 3-3 1/2 hour drive (I think) from where I live, is it worth the drive? If so, can somebody give me directions?

05-20-2002, 09:45 PM
There is a web site that has all kind of AZ trails and has some pics of the Cinders if you are interested. The camping is the forest with miles of trails to ride there are some hills to shoot up. People gather at the bottom to watch the rails and quads. There are bowls to ride in also. A place to meet friendly riders

05-20-2002, 09:47 PM

05-21-2002, 09:50 AM
It's about 2 1/2 hours from my house, but I think it would be worth it. Flagstaff is a real neat place to go to get out of the desert. Although it has been real dry, and campfires will probabaly not be allowed. But we should make arrangements to get up there one of these up and coming weekends...Hey Bad440, have you actually ridden up there yet? if so, what kind of tires you reccomend, paddles or some good trail tires (like XCRs)? I've been up to the volcanic area hiking, since it's called cinders, is that close to the volcanoes then? (That's some cool stuff!)
Pepto :cool:

05-21-2002, 11:05 AM
I have been going to the Cinders for the past 4 years. I ride all over the place i always use paddles. You can get around without paddles but you can't get up any of the hills. The hills are steep and it is hard getting up and even more interesting coming down with all the trees. The hills have names like at the dunes there is $50 dollar hill & Jeep hill which are the smaller ones and they are play hills. Then there is 100 dollar hill and Chicken these two are the big ones. The Cinders are located near sunset craterso yes it is volcanic rock and it can be rough on your paddles. This is in my opinion one of the greatest places to go riding.Check ut that web site and the pics are under the riders forum These are great pics of actual people climbing the hills.

05-21-2002, 12:27 PM
I ride in AZ<I live in gold canyon, me and my dad get up to the cinders about once a year.....I have a 400 and hes got a Raptor....im 15 though

05-21-2002, 12:36 PM
Hey I'm a Zonie, from Mesa. Haven't been posting on here too much lately, stopped when it turned into a big flame fest a few months ago. I'm 24 enjoy riding and partying anywhere, got a kid now though so I have to stay somewhat responsible. I spend a lot of time on that riding arizona site linking them back to here for technical stuff. Cinders are hard on the equipment and you but still fun, we are currently calling the BLM to see if it's included in the recent closures up there. That's about our last cool weather retreat!

05-21-2002, 04:23 PM
Hey WJW77...didn't we try hooking up like 6 months ago to go riding and it always fell through? or was that someone else?
Anyways, you all know about the new MX track being build on Ironwood Rd south of US 60 (in apache Junction) right??. It is slated to open in about 20 days! WHOOT, no more 85 mile one way drives to speedworld!!! This new track is only 7 miles from my house !!!!

Pepto :cool:

05-23-2002, 12:54 PM

Yeah that was probably me, still getting use to married with kid thing. Hard to make/keep plans and keep everyone happy. That track looks sweet! Need to get my air-time confidence built up soon, so I can get out there.

Have to keep eachother in mind in case some day we get a chance to hook up. All my buddies are Sand Spoiled and don't like riding the ruff stuff too much, plus I blow them away on the trails and one of them rides a modded Raptor so that probably adds to it.

Take care, maybe catch up with you out here some where.
I'm on a Red 400EX with Skin Industries Graphics.

05-23-2002, 01:08 PM
Yah, I know how that married thing is, been married for 6 years now, although we have no kids....yet...(gulp :eek: ). Well, if you see me, I really have nothing special on my 400ex except Elka's all around. I am trying to get some Pepto Stickers made..then people will have no problem recognizing me. I can't wait to get out and try the track. I've never been to the sand, so I'm not spoiled at all. But I do love catching air...
Pepto :cool:

05-23-2002, 03:20 PM
Nice air Bud, definately need to ride with ya. That's probably all I need is to watch someone air it out in person and get some hands-on pointers. I've only ridden with a guy not afraid to fly once, but I was a little out of it that day to try it. Was that out at Speedworld or Canyon? I'll recognize with those Elka's, (out of jealousy) and the Yoshi pipe, not too common of a combo. How was jumping wit the stock shocks compared to the Elk's?

05-24-2002, 01:04 PM
That was the small supercross track they have at speedworld. ( the one up front to the right as you drive in). It's not meant for quads at all so its a bit hard to ride on (but it used to be in horrible condition). At least this time it was kept up. The smaller track they have in back "designated" for quads is ok, but that same day we got to ride on the main track, and that was FUN!! From the looks of it, this new track (etmotopark) is going to be more technical than speedworlds. As far as the elkas go, I used to jump my quad with the stock shocks almost as far, but I jump farther with the elkas. Mabey it was psychological..who knows. But the elkas really do help out when I have a bad landing in which I know if I still had my stockers, I would have bailed hard. The elkas really do smooth out the ride over the rough stuff considerably too. I rode my friends 400ex with stockers, and you can really tell the difference. Plus, with the SSD, you can really slide in and out of corners with super speed like butter sliding off hot toast. Definately one of my better buys. Keep in touch, and we should get together and go to the new track, since it's so close, it won't take all day just getting there!!
Later. Pepto :cool:

05-26-2002, 05:58 PM

I am from AZ. This is what we ride. That is about 35ft high with that cliff at the top about 85 degrees and about 13 ft of it.