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05-11-2005, 08:46 PM
I think mine are coming down I'm biting down on my cheeks and gums all the time. Who here has had them pulled? Or not pulled? How bad does it suck

05-11-2005, 08:48 PM
gettin mine pulled this summer:grr:

05-11-2005, 08:56 PM
It feels wonderful :o

They had to cut all 4 of mine out, break 2 in half. needless to say almost 4-5 days later I'm still hurtin!

05-11-2005, 10:25 PM
not cooolllllll

05-11-2005, 10:27 PM
danggg, me and my sister lucked out and dont have any wisdom teeth. i consider myself luckyy!

05-11-2005, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie69
It feels wonderful :o

They had to cut all 4 of mine out, break 2 in half. needless to say almost 4-5 days later I'm still hurtin!


05-12-2005, 12:16 AM
ive got those mofo's. they started to come in last year. my gums get sore when they break skin around the gums, but other than that im fine:p

05-12-2005, 02:52 PM
just got back from getting 8 teeth pulled including my lower impacted wisdoms.... Im effin' hatin' stuff at the moment:(

05-12-2005, 03:45 PM
No wisdom teeth here, my mother, father, and sister all had to have them removed... stupid human evolution....

05-12-2005, 03:52 PM
Ouch JT...hope you get to feeling better soon.....you gotta get back out riding again soon!


05-12-2005, 03:56 PM
If yours are already coming threw your gums it should be just a pull out and done. less swelling but you will have brusing on your neck and cheeks.
no big deal, be a man:)

05-12-2005, 05:12 PM
I see them everyday, if they are erupted then you can have them pulled by a regular dentist (most of the time atleast) but if they are impacted then you need to see an oral surgeon and have then cut out. You should first see your reg. dentist and have him refer you to an oral surgeon. Good luck!!!

05-13-2005, 05:38 AM
Ive spit about 3-4 pints of blood so far(filled a bowl and a 1/2), Im talkin' 80% blood and not a whole lot of saliva, anybody else this bad?:confused: Im not much of a bleeder... but this is rediculas:uhoh: :o :blah: I dont have much swelling...just flooding!

05-13-2005, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
Ive spit about 3-4 pints of blood so far(filled a bowl and a 1/2), Im talkin' 80% blood and not a whole lot of saliva, anybody else this bad?:confused: Im not much of a bleeder... but this is rediculas:uhoh: :o :blah: I dont have much swelling...just flooding!

Keep pressure on your gums, I ended up putting paper towels in my mouth because I ran out of gause(sp)

05-13-2005, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie69
Keep pressure on your gums, I ended up putting paper towels in my mouth because I ran out of gause(sp) yeah.. I have been but its still pretty damn sore!! Every few mins my mouth just fills up bigtime! I do gotta say cold milk sure feels good to drink:D

Hows yours doing anyway?

05-13-2005, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
yeah.. I have been but its still pretty damn sore!! Every few mins my mouth just fills up bigtime! I do gotta say cold milk sure feels good to drink:D

Hows yours doing anyway?

I ripped out some stiches somewhere along the line of trying to eat and it feels like I have a big hole in the side of my mouth now :o

05-13-2005, 10:31 AM
My wisdom teeth didn't start coming in until I was almost 20......so if you don't have them and you're only 15 just wait ..you may still be blessed with the gift that is those little buggers. And as I was telling JTR before...I've had a total of 16 teeth pulled. 12 at once..and I wasn't put out. they were all to make sure I had room for the rest of my teeth...for some reason my jaw wasn't big enough for them all.

After that, my teeth moved back into place pretty well.....you should've seen me before...I had fangs as my eye teeth came out on top of all my other teeth...they still are a little more predominant than my other top teeth...but much less pronounced.

It also helped to have a dentist that let us work some of the cost off by re-upholstering the entire office chair collection. He went to our church and it worked out really well to offset what the insurance wouldn't pay for.

05-13-2005, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by rush298
My wisdom teeth didn't start coming in until I was almost 20...... And as I was telling JTR before...I've had a total of 16 teeth pulled. 12 at once..and I wasn't put out. they were all to make sure I had room for the rest of my teeth...for some reason my jaw wasn't big enough for them all.

My goodness... you're my hero!!!

I only had 5 pulled out and I was put under.. at first it didn't hurt but when I could feel everything again it hurt like a b*tch, couldn't eat solids for over a month!!

05-14-2005, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by 400exchick
My goodness... you're my hero!!!

I only had 5 pulled out and I was put under.. at first it didn't hurt but when I could feel everything again it hurt like a b*tch, couldn't eat solids for over a month!! a month?? , Chit... Im already dying for a burger or a steak, or even pizza:ermm: I hope I dont gotta go that damn long:( Thats beat!

05-14-2005, 10:50 AM
Worst thing I ever went through. I couldn't touch my teeth together for two weeks.

All I could do for food was to eat macaroni and cheese. I would let the cheese melt in my mouth, then I would have to spit out the macaroni.

If they are coming in, they have to come out, but man does it suck big time.

05-14-2005, 11:17 AM
NOt everyone's wisdom teeth have to come out when they come in...it all depends on the mouth they're coming into....If my mouth wasn't so small I might have kept my teeth.

Not being put out wasn't so bad....General Anesthesia makes me sicker than anything so it's actually better for me just to have the shots and do it that way. I was able to talk right after that..I only had to eat soft foods for maybe a week...but it wasn't like I couldn't eat what I wanted..I just had to be careful not to chew on the sockets too much.

Luckily the teeth that were taken out (well most of them) weren't the main chewing teeth....so it wasn't too difficult. I tell ya though, I kept biting my cheek and tongue for a while just getting used to where my teeth were moving to....That sucked!

05-14-2005, 11:32 AM
I guess I was lucky, mine were impacted and had to be cut out. It wasn't really that bad as I remember it.

Just don't eat Dorito's for a while after you have them pulled, now that I do remember hurting!:scary:

05-14-2005, 09:40 PM
dude gettin them pulled sucked i had mine pulled 3 months ago and the had to drill the into peices to get the out. one good thing is the laughing gas;) it was wierd, my friend told me when they turn it on take a deep breath and hold it in and wow thing were spinin and this lady with big eyes said she was going to take my finger and that was it i woke up in a cold room and went home it doesnt hurt the first day at all but the 3rd days the worst. some people do better than others cuz my GF had hers out and she was fine for having fun like a day after it was done. :devil: it all depends on the person though i guess. but one thing you should use mouth wash like 4 times a day and make sure no food goes buy the holes they came out of cuz food got in mine and they had to sqeeze it all out like 3 weeks later it was sick it was like a lime green color.