View Full Version : Race-cut fenders

05-10-2005, 09:35 AM
Does anyone know of a template for cutting race-cut fenders? This is not something I want to mess up and I want to make sure I do it right instead of just starting to hack away. I just thought there might be a how-to tutorial or a template of some kind that I could use. Thanks

05-10-2005, 09:38 AM
try useing a peice of cardboard, and just trace it, but you will have to tape it strong and, then sawzaw it.
good luck

05-10-2005, 10:06 AM
Take an eraseable marker and draw some lines on it where you want to cut it, until you have what youlike then you can use a dremel or whatever, but I find that a simple razor blade works good and causes less messes.

05-10-2005, 10:12 AM
It's much easier to use electrical tape. You can put down a line and contour it much like if you were pinstriping a car. Electrical tape is flexible, so it works better than other tapes. Other people say to use a dry erase marker, but freehanding a line with a marker is much more difficult to keep straight than the tape. Just lay down your profile, make sure everthing is even, and go at it. (It will take many adjustments of the tape to get everything right, the more time you spend, the better the end product will be). Use a power tool to do the cutting, it's much more refined than an ordinary hacksaw. I used a Rotozip spiral cutting saw, it's basically a 16,000 rpm Dremel with a side-cutting drill bit on it - extremely accurate in its cuts and very easy to control. An ordinary Dremel will work as well just won't cut as fast as the Rotozip.

Remember to cut about a centimeter away from the tape you laid down in case you make a mistake. Then sand everything down real nice until the plastic is even with your tape line. The edges will be smooth but still will look roughed up after you sand them. Just take a propane torch and braze it across the edge and you will notice that it makes the cut edge look like it came that way from the factory ;)

There's many threads on this topic, but I thought I would give you my $0.02 on it :)

ryann mx68
05-10-2005, 01:56 PM
i did a combo on my fronts, i use electrical tape for my lines then trace the edge with a black sharpie marker, using the edge of tape as a guide. remove tape, cut with fine tooth jigsaw about 1/8th from marker. file down sawmarks, bevel edges, finally hit with fine grit sandpaper. done

05-10-2005, 04:56 PM
Just what he said. electrical tape & fine jigsaw blade works great. I'd be careful using a sharpie, that crap don't come off too easy if you get it somewhere you don't want it. I used a electric sander to smoothe the edges. Good luck!