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View Full Version : Need help to quit dippin

05-03-2005, 04:49 PM
ive been dipipn for bout a year now. I saw a thread on this earlier and thought u guys might be able to help me also. I have braces and have noticed my teeth have gotten a little greyer. What can i do to quit dippin and whitin my teeth back up? cant use white strips cause of the braces though. Help me out thanks

05-03-2005, 04:55 PM
Dippin ? wtf is that

05-03-2005, 04:57 PM
chewing tobacco

05-03-2005, 05:01 PM
Ohh, heh never heard of it being called dipping. Well chew gum, i heard that helps, just knowing you already have something in your mouth apparently fights the crave/ idea to chew.

I used to do it, it was cool untill i heard that lil peices of fiber glass is what cuts your mouth for the nicotine to reach your blood stream :huh

n00b on a 400ex
05-03-2005, 05:01 PM
kinda off topic, but what kinda damage can snuff do to you?

Tommy 17
05-03-2005, 05:03 PM
u won't quit unless u want to quit... same things with drugs, alcohol, etc... if u tell urself to stop then u will...

it don't matter how many rehabs u go to... what ever counseling or ptachs u use... it matters that YOU want to quit... and untill u want to quit urself thats the only way its gonna happen...

thats or just go to work with my mom one day... she treats people with cancer and when i saw a guy missing half of his face because he chewed is the day i said never...

05-03-2005, 05:08 PM
all of my friends started dipping,i personally cant see how you can due that,i play cards alot with my friends and a couple of the kids always dip and spit that chit into a bottle omfg that is so nasty:scary:

05-03-2005, 05:40 PM
Try an internet search on cancer of the mouth and jaw, and the effects of chewing tobacco. That should provide all the motivation you need.

05-03-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
Ohh, heh never heard of it being called dipping. Well chew gum, i heard that helps, just knowing you already have something in your mouth apparently fights the crave/ idea to chew.

I used to do it, it was cool untill i heard that lil peices of fiber glass is what cuts your mouth for the nicotine to reach your blood stream :huh

Your not supose to chew gum with braces

05-03-2005, 06:29 PM
when i was quitting i got the strongest gum out there and chewed it up and stuck it in my lip. because all i chewed was skoal mint and it helped me

05-03-2005, 08:45 PM
some of my friends who try to quit take up smoking but thats an even worse habit

05-03-2005, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by TGW_400ex
Your not supose to chew gum with braces Back when I had mine, the orthodontist told me that sugarless gum was okay. The sugared gum is what you have to watch. It sticks to the braces and can cause damage to them.

05-03-2005, 09:32 PM
i heard you can with sugarless too

a couple of my friends were into drugs hardcore

growing pot
all that stuff

friday, they got rid of all their pot, and like sunday they quit everything, wasn't getting fun to them anymore and they wised up and stuff

just chew gum one, day and don't think about it, thinking about stuff always messes it up, stay busy and keep your mind off of it and it'll do you good

05-03-2005, 11:13 PM
Move to Australia where they don't sell it! Worked for me!;)

05-04-2005, 12:16 AM
try that beef jerky in a can, worked for me after many yr, if that dont work... fill the can w/ horse chit and carry it for a few hrs, if that dont get you to not chew.. nothing will..

I finally quit chewing and my dumbass started smoking
:rolleyes: :mad: after all these yrs smoking... its the ef'n hardest thing Ive ever tried to quit!:huh

Seriously tho, try the jerky... just try not to eat it;)

05-04-2005, 12:28 AM
I chewed for 4 years, good ol' copenhagen snuff........quite by chewing gum, lots and lots of gum. I would go through around 3 packs a day for the first couple of days. I'd say try that and have the drive to just quit. You are stronger than the urge, just say no, lol. Good luck.

05-04-2005, 09:10 AM
How in the world can you dip with braces?
Dip has alot more nicotine than cigarettes. It's even more addictive, plus it will kill you faster. I've heard of people dying from lip/jaw cancer in less than 4 years of heavy chewing tobacco use. I'd just limit yourself to one dip a day, than back it off even more. Cold turkey works for some people but you really have to be motivated to quit that way. The longer you've been chewing, the harder it will be to quit. There's no trick to it, it's either you're over it, or your not. It' up to you my man. That sh*t is BAD for you!

05-04-2005, 10:08 AM
I knew a guy in high school that had to get a whole tooth removed because it got poisoned from the chew. So you know what the dumb redneck did. He started putting the chew in the empty tooth socket for a better buzz.

05-04-2005, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by praetorian
I knew a guy in high school that had to get a whole tooth removed because it got poisoned from the chew. So you know what the dumb redneck did. He started putting the chew in the empty tooth socket for a better buzz.

:D Hilarious!! what a moron!

05-04-2005, 11:14 AM
I've heard that you're going to go through hell for the first 3-4 days (give or take). Once you get past those first few days, it just gets easier. Keep busy and keep your mind off of the dip.

Believe me, if you really want to quit, you will!

05-04-2005, 11:38 AM
I smoked for 10 yrs. When i started racing and got my quad where i wanted it to be competitive all my buddies started bugging me about it. Then one day my little girl who is 6 said she doesn't want me to get a hole in my throat. I never picked one up again. I had the worst headache, would get hot/cold flashes, i even threw up. Couldn't sleep, then about a week later i was fine. Cold turkey is hard but you have to want it. I feel better on the track and i smell better. I have been single for about a year now and maybe that was why. Anyway, good luck, If i can do it, you can do it. I love my daughters and my racing so what better reason is there. Find one for yourself!!!! Good luck and im me if you need some support!

aol im: yfzgirl72m

05-04-2005, 11:45 AM
Its funny, one of my friends who used to smoke a pack a day, quit and started chewing. He said that all he has to do is get used to chewing, so he will quit smoking. Then he will quit chewing and stop doing both all together.(his theory) But now he stopped chewing and is back on smoking. Its confusing too why he thought of this process, but i thought id share.

05-04-2005, 04:04 PM
I'm new here, but I dip (as if my avatar didn't give that away). Quitting chewing tobacco is hard. If you don't want to quit to begin with, then it is almost impossible. It's mind over matter. Those that say that dip is more dangerous than smoking are not correct. In Sweden, more people dip than smoke. The government over there has determined, although dip can have health risks, that it is 98% safer than cigarettes. I'm no doctor, but I have read that in several publications.

05-04-2005, 05:29 PM
I work with a couple of guys that recently quit. They started chewing some "corn chew" which Wal-Mart sells. It comes in a regular sized tin, but is made up of corn or something. I chew Cope Snuff, dumbest thing I started in my life. My old man has chewed cope since he was 10. His 51 now, no signs of cancer yet. But he goes through a 10 pack log in 7 days, so it wouldn't suprise me if he does get it.

05-04-2005, 06:08 PM
and I thought smokes were getting spendy, chew is $8 a can around here WTF?:huh

I used to spend $1.26 a can:confused: think I quit when it was almost $3

w/ smokes being $5 a pack its enough to make me think what I could do w/ all the $$, that and my health

Any of it isn't good for us and I'll give anyone the Congrats for quiting... just wish I could myself, the more I get on a mission to quit... the more I seem to smoke:rolleyes: :confused:

I got buddys that still chew and I'll snag a dip if its Copenhagen every once in awhile... but none of that other wussy stuff. These guys get sore lips and put it in the upper gum, or cheek. I remember the days of dead inner lip skin and all... but ppl sure look stupid w/ a wad packed in the upper lip haha:D

05-04-2005, 06:31 PM
when i was younger i started smoking paper bags, ya know just tear off a piece and roll it up and toke, watched my dad smoke cigars. then id ride my bike around looking for half burnt sigs laying on the ground, id pick em up and smoke them. then i just went out and bought a pack. sucks been smoking for 18 years now and tryed quitting umpteen times, cant. i used to chew red man leaf, that stuff was good. it just sucks all together, smoking will give ya lung cancer and chewin will give ya lip cancer. dammit i wish id never started either. :mad:

05-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Cocaine's a helluva drug

05-04-2005, 08:08 PM
if you dont, he'll come after you....

05-04-2005, 08:37 PM
i'm trying to stop dipping... well at least slow down on it... and i told myself i was and i havent put a pench in in a week... i got real bad on it and did it every single day... but my mom found mine and i've just kinda slowed down on it... now i only do it aobut 1 a week or two

i've just found no need in doing it... if i want the taste ill go grab soem wintergreen tictacs or gum... or have a a cherry air head or soemthing... or if i want the buzz ill drink a lil bit... and be a lil safer...

i hurd 1 can of dip is about 60 cigs.... thats when i really started slowing down... becasue i always make fun of people when they have a cancer stick in there mouth and im not doing much better with that crap in my lip...

05-04-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
and I thought smokes were getting spendy, chew is $8 a can around here WTF?:huh

HOLY DUMP!!! 8 bucks!!! that be a good reson why i'd quit... save my money for candy or my quad.... down here its like 1.19 for the crappy stuff but it dont stay in my lip and i spend 4.50 on a can of skole...

05-04-2005, 09:12 PM
kids around here put so much dip in they can't even talk right, so me and my friends make fun of them, im always the one to start pickin on them though

thats what i do, they think its cool to do it i think its stupid to spend lots of money to kill yourself so i think its bundles of fun to make fun of them and make them look like the idiots they are

doesn't dippin cut your inside lip and go in your bloodstream and thats how it give you a buzz

05-04-2005, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex
doesn't dippin cut your inside lip and go in your bloodstream and thats how it give you a buzz

pretty much. thats what got me hooked i liked the buzz it gave me:rolleyes:

05-04-2005, 09:47 PM
Are you addicted to the nicotene, or do you dip just because your friends do? If you are addicted to the nicotene, start chewing nicoret. If you dip because other ppl do, start eating sunflower seeds or chewing gum..

Originally posted by One_Bad_400
i'm trying to stop dipping... well at least slow down on it... and i told myself i was and i havent put a pench in in a week... i got real bad on it and did it every single day... but my mom found mine and i've just kinda slowed down on it... now i only do it aobut 1 a week or two

i've just found no need in doing it... if i want the taste ill go grab soem wintergreen tictacs or gum... or have a a cherry air head or soemthing... or if i want the buzz ill drink a lil bit... and be a lil safer...

i hurd 1 can of dip is about 60 cigs.... thats when i really started slowing down... becasue i always make fun of people when they have a cancer stick in there mouth and im not doing much better with that crap in my lip...

Also, for people under 20, 1 can of dip IS equal to 60 cigs. The acids in dip go into your stomach eve if you do spit. Kind of hard to imagine, but it's true...

05-05-2005, 12:32 AM
I have tried the whole dippin thing....and I don't know you people do it. Makes my head spin...and I just throw up.

n00b on a 400ex
05-05-2005, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by hondarider2006
I have tried the whole dippin thing....and I don't know you people do it. Makes my head spin...and I just throw up.

they probably gave you a horseshoe (where it fills your whole front lip), it happened to me before.

05-05-2005, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by trict_out
I have braces and have noticed my teeth have gotten a little greyer. What can i do to quit dippin and whitin my teeth back up? cant use white strips cause of the braces though. Help me out thanks

try crest vivid white toothpaste, they will whiten back up really fast.

n00b on a 400ex
05-05-2005, 08:41 AM
does anybody know what snuff can do to you?

05-05-2005, 08:44 AM
Humm, quitting was pretty easy for me. I had a can 3/4 full, I decided one day on my way home from work I was done with it. So I got home and threw the can away. No big deal, I havent done it again since. Most of an addiction is in your head, and you just have to tell yourself you dont need it. Just dont buy anymore, and you cant dip anymore, its that easy.

05-06-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
try that beef jerky in a can, worked for me after many yr, if that dont work... fill the can w/ horse chit and carry it for a few hrs, if that dont get you to not chew.. nothing will..

I finally quit chewing and my dumbass started smoking
:rolleyes: :mad: after all these yrs smoking... its the ef'n hardest thing Ive ever tried to quit!:huh

Seriously tho, try the jerky... just try not to eat it;) i did the same thing to quit because it was costing me so much money but then my dad started buyin it for me but i still dont dip as much. i know i should quit but yea the beef jerky dip works good

05-06-2005, 03:42 PM
wanna know how i stopped? i never started thats the easiest way

05-06-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by dunnonuttin
i did the same thing to quit because it was costing me so much money but then my dad started buyin it for me but i still dont dip as much. i know i should quit but yea the beef jerky dip works good

are you ****ting me? your dad buys it for you?

05-06-2005, 09:21 PM
Dam, that's the first I ever heard of a kid chewin' dip. That's not even cool, lol. Reminds me of in that movie I seen many many years ago at my grandmothers house, "Where the Red Fern Grows". The little redneck bought the stick of dip and took some for himself.

I think you should take up a new hobby, go roll up a blunt, has a much better after effect, and it wont cause cancer of the mouth as severe. :)