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04-29-2005, 07:36 PM
Hey I was wondering how i can loose about 30 pounds by july 4th. I know most are u guys are gonna say eat healthy and exercise but it dosent work for me. Right now my diet is eating dinner then dont eat till the next night. But im gettin rele dizzy. I weigh about 165- 170 and i want to get down to 135-140 by july 4th. I have man tits and big love handles. I was jus seein what u guys think i could do. Im jus gettin fed up with my weight. and i was also wondering What are some good Pantera songs.(Outta topic)

04-29-2005, 07:47 PM
you're gonna think this is wierd but you gotta listen. eat 4-6 times a day with small portions. eat only low GI carbs like veggies and it'll keep your insulin from spiking and making you hungrier. eat chicken breast (awesome for you, 0 carbs, 25g protein, 1.5-4g fat) and lean cuts of turkey and beef. you HAVE to exercise or the weight won't come off. at least run 5 times a week and take the weekends off. the reason you're not losing any weight is because you aren't eating until dinner and your body goes into a catabolic state AKA starvation mode and automatically stores all the food you eat. plus you're only eating at night which is when you're about to sleep all night and not burn it off so it just stores it all as fat. you must eat or your body will just store everything. just eat enough so you're not hungry but not so much that you're full. start paying attention to nutrition labels and the size of your servings. a healthy diet and excersize is the ONLY way to lose wieght and keep it off. oh and the 4th of july deadline is cuttin it pretty close

04-29-2005, 07:53 PM
Okay man...

Around the beginning of February I weighed 300lbs exactly...

To this date I weigh just under 260.

All I did was...well...I used to drink a ton of soda and eat lots of junk food....and I never realized how much sugar and calories I was taking in...

I completely eliminated soda from my diet...I only drink flavored water and diet pop now.

Junk food...no..you can eat popcorn if its air popped (you can buy an air popper at like Target), and basicly you can have a lot of that with as much PAM Butter spray and garlic salt as you'd like...

Exercise...doesn't have to be killing yourself....just walk or so for about 30mins a day...or something.

I am still loosing..my goal is to get in between 200-220.

Pantera songs? Revolution is my Name, Cowboys from Hell, Walk, Domination, Cemetary Gates, and The Art of Shredding.

There you go man...try that....


04-29-2005, 08:11 PM
drink plenty of water and gatorade

im a senior and my friend wieghed more when we were in second grade then he does now, so he lost a lot of wieght, he starved himself i think

drink slim fast

and those great pills off the tv commercials will make you loose, at least 25 pounds a day:D :rolleyes:



04-29-2005, 08:17 PM
How tall and old are you? 30 lbs is alot if you aerent that old.

04-29-2005, 08:41 PM
uhhhh eating before u goto bed wont help u lose weight :huh

dont eat alot, if u can, dont eat anything near the time your going to bed cuz it will just turn to fat cuz your not using it while your sleeping

oh yah......eat SLOW!!!!, your food takes awhile to digest obviously, and if u eat slow, u will be able to eat less and still be full and not hungry. Cuz if u eat real fast and just scarf food down till your not hungry...youve eaten too much, cuz it takes time for your body to realize its not hungry anymore (hard to explain). But anyways........just eat slower, and u will be able to eat less

and one of the most important things........drink a sh^tload of water

04-29-2005, 08:58 PM
all drinks are calorie/sugar/carb free. when you skip eating yo uscrew your metabolism up horribly so then when u start eating again u gain weight like mad. just cut back on portions, and go on a low carb or no carb diet. i know many ppl who are on it right now and i used it to lose 10 lbs and did so in a few weeks. its hard at first but ya get used to it. to speed the process up along wit hthe diet run alot....or do some hardcore bike exercise.
but the low carb diet alone will shed pounds without any "extra" exercise....

04-29-2005, 09:10 PM
i forget how to find out how many calories you burn each day doing nothing, but look around and find that out. depending on body type it MIGHT be like 15Xyourweight=calories burned a day. now, you take that number, and reduce it. you can still eat you just got to burn that off. how fast you lose weight depends on how much you burn. 3500calories to one pound of fat. you do the math. aim for losing 1-2lbs a week. and like mentioned, eat consistantly so your metabolism doesnt go wacko. more info at bodybuilding.com

04-29-2005, 09:37 PM
yeah that's where I'm commin from-bodybuilding.com. try and stay away from foods with hydrogenated oils and drinks with sugar (gatorade). just drink water. try weightlifting. the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. plus you'll look killer once you lose the fat

04-29-2005, 09:52 PM
in 2 months, ive lost 15 pounds. i dont drink soda, eat sweets or junk food. i use my total gym xl, and participate in gym class alot. i dont eat as much and watch what i eat for the most part.

i read that if you drink one soda a day, for a year. you will ahve accumulated around 37 pounds, from soda ALONE!

04-29-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by JRP
Hey I was wondering how i can loose about 30 pounds by july 4th. I know most are u guys are gonna say eat healthy and exercise but it dosent work for me. Right now my diet is eating dinner then dont eat till the next night. But im gettin rele dizzy. I weigh about 165- 170 and i want to get down to 135-140 by july 4th. I have man tits and big love handles. I was jus seein what u guys think i could do. Im jus gettin fed up with my weight. and i was also wondering What are some good Pantera songs.(Outta topic)

PM me with your height, weight, and what kind of excercise you would be open to and I will PM you back with a complete diet and excercise program as well as a menu or 2 to choose from for your meals..It is good food too, but they are just to give you ideas of what to eat if you didnt want to eat what we have on the menu's..My wife is a Health Educator and this is what she does all day..very good at it too..let me know if you would be interested in this..she gets paid $45 a session to give the same advice I will give you for free..:D

04-29-2005, 11:18 PM
I know alot of people have mixed feeling about low carb(atkins) but it does work.Guys tend to loose faster than girls.I stick to 20 carbs a day and go to the gym 5 days a week.The pounds will fly off of you if you stick to it.If you don't loose pounds you will still loose inches.They make a paperback book that sells for 6 buck that will give you all the carb info.The book is the new Atkins book.Good luck, you should be able to make it by July!

04-29-2005, 11:43 PM
Everyone may not agree with me, but I say hit the weights hard and stay hydrated while doing it. If you build some muscle, the exercise as well as the new muscle will burn fat. Although you're weight may not change drastically, you will get more fit and your body defined.

Whatever you do, don't starve yourself. That doesn't do anything but hurt you.

04-29-2005, 11:59 PM
stay away from beer thats all i can tell ya:macho haha, i jsut work out every day to maintain my weight,,, works,,, and i eat alot of steak:D

04-30-2005, 06:46 AM
I used to weigh 165-175 around september of last year .. I am only 5'7/5'8 so thats pretty big .. I am down to 140 now.. I just kept myself busy started going to the gym and stayed away from any kind of fast food.

04-30-2005, 08:59 AM
i work out twice a 5 days a week. I have weight lifting class and then i lift for football after school and the results you will see will be amazing. I dont think your actual WEIGHT should be much of an issue unless you are sorter than like 5'9". Turn all that fat into muscle. Try to stay away from bench when you first start out because bench WILL give you man boobs, not saggy ones but you wont get definition of your "pecks" for a while. Do a lot of auxilory lifts like curls, tri cep push down, up right rows, exct. If you have access to a ham and glute machine they are awesome for sit ups when you use a weight. If you dont have access to ab machines just get a 35 poound dumb bell or 25 pund dumb bell and do sit ups. Im a freshmen right now and the begining of the year i was tiny. Now ive caught up to all my friends doing what i do. I would go to a local gym and talk to a trainer. If you really want to lose the weight or get in shape you can. All you have to do is sacrifice soem things. I also recomend the Arnoald Swartz book he had published. Very helpful for getting tone and strength you may be looking for

My sister says eat two packets of oatmeal every morning for two weeks and you will lose 5 pounds. I know that very little weight but she swears by it. YOu can eat everything you do now and all you have to do is add the oatmeal. Now if you cut out any junk food yo umay still eat try it. IT will probably double.

04-30-2005, 08:22 PM
This is what i learned in Personal Fitness class at school.

To find out how many calories you should be eating daily to get to your desired weight do this.
Take your desired weight and divide it by 2.2 then take the answer of that and multiply it by 24. so Deired Weight/2.2=Nx24.

Example- 140/2.2=63.63 63.63x24=1527.12

Next, do not skip breakfast, it is the best meal for you because that is when your metabolism is highest!

Hope this helps.


05-01-2005, 05:59 PM
Hey thanks for all the info u guys. Any more would be great.

05-01-2005, 06:05 PM
ride hard and often, stay away from fast and junk food, and drink a lot of water. oh also eat 3 meals a day.

05-01-2005, 08:25 PM
I spend quite a bit of time here: http://www.discussfitness.com/

Basically here is what I have come up with ....

- First off have a plan and stick to it for 6 weeks. Evaluate the results and make small changes to it. Basically give yourself time to actually notice results.
- Eat good foods, no crap, but don't kill yourself over diet either. If your good all week and wanna have pizza on friday night w/ the guys .... go ahead.
- Small frequent meals are far better than large meals far apart. This helps keep your metabolism up.
- Lifting once per week per muscle is plenty for that specific muscle.
- If you feel too tired to work out, listen to your body and take another day off.
- The key to getting big is balance. That means legs, back, and the entire body .... not just your arms and chest.
- I like to further balance by working opposites. For example I do stomach if I do back, pull downs if I do shoulders, etc....

Some good foods w/ lots of protien ....
- Eggs
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Tuna
- Cottage Cheese
- Milk

Stay away from .....
- Salty stuff (makes you retain water)
- Sugars (soda especially)
- Greasy foods (fries)
- Snacks (little debbie snacks, cookies, etc)

05-01-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
I used to weigh 165-175 around september of last year .. I am only 5'7/5'8 so thats pretty big .. I am down to 140 now.. I just kept myself busy started going to the gym and stayed away from any kind of fast food.

haha that is how much i weighed 167 at the beginning of the summer,i havent had a can of soda since last may,i dont eat alot,but i eat healthy and i treat myself to some candy once in awhile nothing to much,but i dont eat fast food barely any more
im 5'8 right now,146 i want to get to 135:o so idk how that is going to go,but i work out once in awhile,but i am very active,so its all good,i weigh the same as i did in 8th grade,im in 10th now,lol i was a lil porker

05-02-2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by 400exredrider
[B]stay away from beer thats all i can tell ya:macho

If I stopped drinking beer, I bet I would drop 20 lbs in a heart beat.

05-02-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by MNTNMAN
If I stopped drinking beer, I bet I would drop 20 lbs in a heart beat.

i bet my dad would too:D and he would also have about $75 extra bucks every week:o

Big Slick
05-02-2005, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by MX610EX
The Art of Shredding.

There you go man...try that....


Nice one! My Favorite.

Just listen to this song for a month(stay off the freeway while listening) and run, lift, jog, or whatever you can to stay active.

The Pantera alone should drop you 20lbs. in a month:muscle:

05-02-2005, 08:51 PM
whatever u do...DO NOT cut carbs out totally u need them maybe go on a low carb but DO NOT cut them out totally
**eat five meals or so a day(little ones)
**dont eat after 7 pm(fat just stores)
**dont skip breakfast
**workout or just stay active
**drink tons and tons of water
**try and cut out all soda and snack foods
**try not to stress

05-02-2005, 09:09 PM
use carb cleaner first!

no don't

i play drums and have double bass so that keeps me skinny, lol

also, what could i do to get more energy?

05-02-2005, 10:20 PM
pantera- f*cking hostile

05-03-2005, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by m_townsgreatest
whatever u do...DO NOT cut carbs out totally u need them maybe go on a low carb but DO NOT cut them out totally
**eat five meals or so a day(little ones)
**dont eat after 7 pm(fat just stores)
**dont skip breakfast
**workout or just stay active
**drink tons and tons of water
**try and cut out all soda and snack foods
**try not to stress

might you care to back your statement up? because i sure would love to prove your carb theory wrong :)

05-03-2005, 11:01 AM
hahaha i have man tits too ;)

Tommy 17
05-03-2005, 11:24 AM
i use to weigh 142 before i went to college... i'm 165 or so now!!!

beer and pizza diets really kill you:o

05-03-2005, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
might you care to back your statement up? because i sure would love to prove your carb theory wrong :)

Carbs is what your body runs off of. Carbs are quick energy. 1 gram is equal to 4 calories. Think of them as little energy balls ok? Well if you use them the carbs get burnt, but if you dont it will turn into fat. Carbs are bad if you eat all carbs and sit on the couch. Eat as many carbs as you want but burn them off do not let them sit there. But in the long run, too many carbs may lead to kidney stones. Part of your every day diet should be 55% carbohydrates. Now fats on the other hand, 1 gram of them is equal to 9 calories. In your daily diet, all you shoulda eat is 20-25% fat. You should drink a minimum amount of 8 cups of water A DAY or MORE!
The Burning Process of the body:
3)Proteins (at this point you might as well sign your will and say good bye.)

Taking this straight from notes from school. Yes i do pay attention sometimes.

05-03-2005, 04:07 PM
First thing you need to do, is ditch the scale, go by what the mirror puts out. Instead of trying to become skinny, take that fat and turn it into muscle. 160 pounds is not a lot, and 130 is tiny. I'll assure you that if you have a high protein diet and liftweight, and do a little cardio, you'll start to look better in no time, weather you gain weight or not. I use to way 180, looked chubby, now I weigh 210, and look much more thin then I used to, because I turned a whole lot of my body fat into muscle. I'm 5'11".

05-03-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by APK400exRacer
Carbs is what your body runs off of. Carbs are quick energy. 1 gram is equal to 4 calories. Think of them as little energy balls ok? Well if you use them the carbs get burnt, but if you dont it will turn into fat. Carbs are bad if you eat all carbs and sit on the couch. Eat as many carbs as you want but burn them off do not let them sit there. But in the long run, too many carbs may lead to kidney stones. Part of your every day diet should be 55% carbohydrates. Now fats on the other hand, 1 gram of them is equal to 9 calories. In your daily diet, all you shoulda eat is 20-25% fat. You should drink a minimum amount of 8 cups of water A DAY or MORE!
The Burning Process of the body:
3)Proteins (at this point you might as well sign your will and say good bye.)

Taking this straight from notes from school. Yes i do pay attention sometimes.

haha i know this, im very well aware of most things involving weight and weight lifting and such. before i get on my soap box i will say this. dont believe everything teachers say. many have told me lots of wrong information. now as for carbs, look at what you stated. carbs turn to fat which is correct. so now, if someone wishes to lose weight what do they have to do? use up the stored fat. so now when you cut carbs out of your diet, where is the body getting the energy to fullful a days duties? in the fat reserves which = stored carbs.
now some have reported a loss of energy, some have not. if you cut carbs out of your diet completely for the rest of your life of course it will more than likely have negative effects. but say for a month you are on a low carb diet and use up the fat reserves then you can go back to normal but in moderation.
a diet/workout routine isnt just a 2 week or month thing. its a complete change of lifestyle....or it should be to make the results last. cutting soda, chips, candy, basically all bad food out of your diet is a necessity for weight loss and proper physique.
you cannot expect to gain alot of muscle however on a no/low carb diet, however you can maintain and retain what you do have with lifting while you are on this diet.
and yes, whoever stated to eat 6 meals a day was correct as well. the reason for that is you go less time between food so you dont get hungry plus your body is always having the nutrients it needs. but dont make these full course meals, make the portion of food around the size of your fist. mix this diet with cardio workouts and the weight should just fly off you. but DO NOT go hardcore bike/running and go for 3 hrs til you pass out. for the most efficient calorie burning it is recomended that you go in spurts like 1 min moderate, 1 min hardcore, 1 min jog for around 15-30 minutes.

ok im off my soapbox for now. if you continue to think i am wrong i am more than willing to get techinical and quote my references and such :)

05-03-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77

ok im off my soapbox for now. if you continue to think i am wrong i am more than willing to get techinical and quote my references and such :)

your wrong

