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View Full Version : Q: Registering with IATVHSS

04-25-2005, 08:48 PM
This is the first timet hat I have raced. I was filling out the online form but unsure as to what to put in for event and AMA/ATVA#?

Another stupid question ATV#, is that the number that I want for my quad?

Do I have to register for every race or just once for the series?

I want to get registered for racing this weekend and would appreciate any help.



04-25-2005, 08:54 PM
the event is the location of the race~ this weekend for example would be:

Event: Ottumwa

~ the number on your quad you pick out check and see whats left by emailing andy or tracey~
~your atva# or Ama # is the number on your AMA or ATVA card. ~
~you have to register for every seperate race~

good luck!!! your going to an AWESOME series!!! and youll be hooked!!:)

04-25-2005, 09:02 PM
think of a number you would like to be for the season (# on your quad that is) then email tracey and see if its available : iatvhss@msn.com

04-25-2005, 09:16 PM
ok, how do i get an AMA or ATVA card? I checked for ATV#524 (Jrs B-day) and that is not taken, WOOT.

04-25-2005, 09:20 PM
you can register for one at the track~ you should be good to go now just dial in the quad and go have fun!