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View Full Version : Sweet St. Anthony Dune Video

04-25-2005, 07:16 AM
I forgot to post this when I got back from St. Anthony. I bought a movied from Pure Adrenaline Powersports, called The St. Anthony Sand Crusades. It is a sweet movie. It is made by alticity and can be bought here if anyone is interested http://www.alticity.com/shop/productview.aspx?prodid=177

04-25-2005, 01:34 PM
this is there instructions for watching the vid:blah: INSTRUCTIONS:
2. Wait patiently for mail arrival
3. Call you friends over to watch it.
4. Insert Sand Crusades into your DVD Player
5. Watch in amazement and try not to have a seizure as your brain may overload.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5.

04-27-2005, 12:09 PM
Truly A great Video Whats really neat is I ride with some of the riders in the video . I also like the fact that I can show it to my 4 year old sone and not have to edit out any of it .
If your thinking of building a hill shooter like Norms give him a call
He owns a Norm's Auto Electric shop in Ontario Oregon and is also an engine builder .
I'm lucky enough to have riden his 910 Hotrod . although he would'nt let me run the Nitrous . So it was just a little under 200 hp. What a rush ! Nuff said .