View Full Version : Quadkid32 WTF!!

04-24-2005, 05:17 PM
Has anybody even sold a quad to this time wasting little prick? He PMed so I called him and he didn't even know which quad I was talking about. I researched his history a little and he has about 60 posts in the last week saying he was going to buy someone quad,always something like consider it sold or call me very intersested. No big deal just very annoying when you trying to sell something.

04-25-2005, 02:26 PM
lots of kids do that. If i talk to someone, and they now which one was yours again the conversation is over.

04-25-2005, 03:09 PM
I know lots of kids do it,but look at how many times he's done it in the last 4-5 days. Must have something wrong upstairs.

05-12-2005, 09:37 AM
he has sent me about 5 pm's for mine offering me stupid amounts for my 450r i final told him to leave me the f@* alone