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04-24-2005, 12:11 AM
well, ok, me and 2 other friends had a band, one dropped out, so we got 2 other guys, then that didn't work out

now its me on drums, my 2 friends on guitar, and my other friend on bass, the one guitarist might not work cuz he is known for not wanting to come to practice's but we gotta talk to him

oh, and my friend wants to buy a bass cuz he don't have one so if anyone close to st. louis is sellin one for cheap let me know

so tonight was our first practice at my house, second practice all together and we're playin metal, so our first song we decided to play was Bodies by Drowning Pool, and I've been playin to it 4 years ago, so i knew it, and my friends on guitar and bass got it in like 20 minutes, in 1 hour we were playin the song perfect, it was so fast, i thought it would take a while to get it, but man, we sounded just like it

i was doin some sweet *** double bass, 32nd notes to that song, and we recorded ourselfs and man it was so cool, my feet and my bass drum was goin so fast, im like, THATS SO AWSOME, I OWN, lol

so this is a good start for us, i wanna play lots of local shows when we get more songs down and start makin them

next songs i wanna play are Dig by Mudvayne, cuz that song is fun *** hell to play on drums

Left Behing by Slipknot

War Inside by Mushroomhead

Drones by Fear Factory

but we proly all gotta agree on it

so im real happy and we could get a song a practice done so, just lettin you guys know if you care


04-24-2005, 12:25 AM
everyones probably asleep now.....lol

except me

04-24-2005, 07:33 AM
Ive always wanted to learn how to play drums. I have some in my basment, but I suck at it.

Ruby Soho
04-24-2005, 07:55 AM
I have a band, I play guitar. Its rad playing shows and crap

Yeah my buddy has a double bass its sick

04-24-2005, 08:16 AM
I want to hear you do drones, My band used to play Dig to screw around, I can hammer that song on bass.

04-24-2005, 08:21 AM
awesome man get some of that **** up on here asap...need to hear it.

04-24-2005, 08:40 AM
download imn by mudvayne and learn that..its a good song..or if you want some drum involved music listen to some as i lay dying

04-24-2005, 10:51 AM
how do i get it on here? record it on a cd? cuz my friend has 4 trak recorders or whatever, i guess i gotta use that

so you played dig? kick ***, that is one of my total favorite songs

and have you heard drones, cuz its so f-in sweet

thanks for the feedback guys, i'll try and get our song on here as soon as i can, even though its a cover, lol

04-24-2005, 07:47 PM
nice man...i just got in from my band practice a couple hours ago. went pretty well, finished our 2nd song for the most part. we dont bother with covers, IMO more then 1 or 2 is a waste, sure its fun but doesnt really get you anywhere. just what i think though. although, i do wanna do a cover of iron maiden-thin line (between love and hate), such a crazy song, but its like 8 minutes, so itd take forever to even remember it. anyway, good luck. oh and by the way, you can get really crappy quality just using your comp mic, and sound recorder. a little tip: put a thin towel/rag like a piece of shirt over it, itll help filter out the noise

04-24-2005, 08:30 PM
i bet yall would sound good playin some guns n roses..... like the guitar solo at the end of november rain... that would be bad;)

04-24-2005, 09:45 PM
we just had another practice and i told them they should learn dig so we can play it, my other friend wanted another song so i told him to flip his pick and it landed on the dig side, so they are learning dig right now

i can't wait till my friends next party cuz those guys play wimpy punk, when we get up there and play heavy heavy metal with the double bass ownin, they are ganna crap thier pants cuz its so awsome


we took some pictures of us jammin to so when i get them back i'll post em up


04-25-2005, 07:07 AM
I still gotta hear you play before I can give you props, Ive heard many guys "man we kick so much ***" and then I hear them and they SUCK HORRIBLY

04-25-2005, 01:28 PM
To get anything on the internet (doesn't sound good but you get the point)

I just use a mic next to my amp, open sound recorder, record, then go to File, Properties, and hit convert now, then select MPEG Layer-3 and for the next box select the top one, hit OK then go to file save as and save it as whatever file name you want, then upload to the internet, then link it and your done.

Here's a few riffs from ASG-Crosses that I recorded.

ASG-Crosses --Click to listen-- (http://home.comcast.net/~jman68/asg1.wav)

Recorded it kinda quick, and there's no tabs for that song, so I made everything up for it by ear.


04-29-2005, 04:11 PM
cool man, what song is that?

is ASG short for something, like AFI is A Fire Inside

thanks for explainin it and all

and i know what you mean chucked, cuz my friends start that all the time, they are like, "We're good" im like let me hear ya then, so they play and the drummer i hate cuz he ALWAYS does the same thing on the drums, cuz its all he can do, i wanna throw my knife at him because i almost puke when i listen to him, then he tried doin a cover and didn't even come close to playin how your supposed to, then my friend relized how he only does one thing and were walkin around one night, and someone starts playin the drums, we look at each other at the same time and say his name, and turned around and sure enough it was.

i've showed him up so bad, especially when there is a double pedal there, they all die when i got a double pedal:devil:

04-29-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by chucked
I still gotta hear you play before I can give you props, Ive heard many guys "man we kick so much ***" and then I hear them and they SUCK HORRIBLY I hear that! Been jammim for almost 18 yrs on drums myself, everytime someone posts "My band" .. they do severely suck LOL.

Drummer dude... listen to some Dream Theater and Symphony X, for some reason those 2 drummers have been a major influence on me, Ive learned more from them just by listening than anyting else. There are MANY drummers that kick complete ***, but those 2 are more my style.

Slipknot is pretty simple and fun stuff to play.. for me anyway, if you can relate to the drummer, it'll help you w/ alot more than what can be said

Throw down some action! I wanna hear it!

04-29-2005, 05:56 PM
yeah, i play to

fear factory
lamb of god

those are my favorites

i've played to dream thearter too, i like them as well, haven't heard much symphony x though, i'll check em out

i talked to my friend about recording, we wanna make up a couple too and get more songs, like covers and $hit, i got them learnin dig and other stuff, so just hang on a bit, lol

talk to ya soon

04-29-2005, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex
yeah, i play to

fear factory
lamb of god

those are my favorites

i've played to dream thearter too, i like them as well, haven't heard much symphony x though, i'll check em out

i talked to my friend about recording, we wanna make up a couple too and get more songs, like covers and $hit, i got them learnin dig and other stuff, so just hang on a bit, lol

talk to ya soon

Do death blooms, see if they can figure out the real way to play the intro

04-29-2005, 06:08 PM
BTW... try and get them to do covers... you'll learn SO much just from that alone, most get on this "gotta be original" trip, it only hurts the band w/ that kind of attitude, its getting pretty hard to be "original" these days haha

what ever happens... KEEP JAMMIN"! ... even if they arent part of it, dont let others hold you back, theres a million musicians out there to jam w/, you'll all know when you make that "click"

04-29-2005, 06:17 PM
death blooms by mudvayne, lol

yeah, lots of punk bands around here are like, covers are a waste, we don't like to copy, them saying this with thier nose in the air, im like, covers are better than sounding like crap

thanks a lot JTRtrx250r!

how old are ya?

04-29-2005, 06:21 PM
to scott and jtr....IMO doing a couple covers is alright, but spending months and months on just covers is kind of a waste of time, you could come up with your own stuff, and build on it so it doesnt sound like *****. I mean covers are fun to play, i know tons of licks from songs....never have the patience/motivation to learn a whole song....but i just think a band should do a couple covers, maybe 3, so that if they get stuck, they can just practice the covers, and it helps the band work together better. just my opinion, take it or leave it. btw scott, what kind of metal do you guys wanna play once you make your own stuff

04-29-2005, 06:32 PM
Scott ...Im 34, been into it since I was 16-17

Dev.. I do agree, but for guys just starting out, it teaches alot.. structure, arrangement and helps the bands tightness b/c of the variable versitility of jammin' covers opposed to a band trying to pull chit outta there asses w/ no structure, and besides that... you really can learn alot, Dont get me wrong... I want our own sound/style but for guys just getting into it... its a good thing in many ways... just not your own "identity"...yet!;)

Next to riding, its my other passion! I gotta jam everyday(almost anyway) and I like to be challenged w/ new styles/beats as a drummer

Check out Dave Weckl, or Virgil Donatti for some trickery also;) :macho :macho :macho

04-29-2005, 06:35 PM
yea i totally agree, for starters its good to get a couple, thats what i said, but i think doing like 5-6(im not saying he's gonna) is pushing it, cool things to know and be able to play, but IF you can make your own decent stuff, thats better

04-29-2005, 08:36 PM
wow, im gettin a lot of imput and i appreciate it all

im thinkin like black, death metal, hard guitar riffs, maybe some start out melodic stuff then go into the hardcore just bam right into it on the same song, ever hear the song the light that blinds by shadows fall? starts out with electric guitar, no distortoin, then boom, heavy hard hittin stuff

plus, ever see the lead singer from shadows fall's dreadlocks, my god!!!!

keep chattin on here and i thank all you guys

my friend have been makin their own stuff on thier guitars and are givin them to each other to finish and learn it and stuff, so its cool

here he is

you should see this guy circle head bang, i think he took a couple spectators on the floor out when he was on stage, lol, j/k but man its nuts

04-29-2005, 08:44 PM
I dig Shadows Fall! I can relate;)