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View Full Version : bomb threat at school today

04-22-2005, 03:51 PM
today at school we had a bomb threat. happened at about 10:30. they had the highschool and middle school out on the football field for over 2 hours. there ended up being no bomb. from what i can tell, a kid got arrested earlier in the day for disorderly conduct. i think that one of his friends did it just to be a bada**.
we were sitting there on the bleachers. we had the wave going, we were singing. it was pretty fun. when we left at 1, noone was allowed back in the school. so if your car keys were in your locker, your vehicle stayed in the lot.

my house can be seen from the football field, and me and a bunch of friends wanted to leave and go to my house. i know the superintendant, and he told me that if we left we would be arrested. so needless to say we stayed. :p

i don't know why the heck someone would want to call in a bomb threat. a few weeks ago we had a couple kids pull the fire alarms and streak around the school:chinese: maybe whoever called in the threat today was just trying to one-up the streakers:D

04-22-2005, 04:04 PM
you should try to get one-up on that bomb threat and actually plant a bomb :eek2: :eek2:

j/k man..bad idea

04-22-2005, 06:19 PM
This past week my school also had a bomb threat. No one took the bomb threat seroiusly. I can't imagine if there actully was one................... On a dumb note. The local fire department came in the school and looked for a bomb. They went in the art room and found a project of a students that had a computer board on it with all of the wires and they started cliping the wires thinking it was a bomb......... In movies what happens when they clip the wrong red wire....... some people!

04-22-2005, 09:50 PM
theres been alot of things like this happening lately.........i mean such as riots and bomb threats and such,what ever happened to getting eduications instead of wasting the hole day because of something so stupid(not that it is a bad thing that you are not in classes)