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04-21-2005, 01:11 PM
Hi All~ its been like forever since i gave you all a update on my mom's fight with cancer. Well we have good news to tell and bad...good news is she went in for surgery today Thursday 4/21 and came out of it with flying colors (whoohoo) but they did some pooking around and they found more cancer near her esphigas (sp?), arota (sp?) and the tube that holds the lungs together. They took pieces of each one and will send it to the lab to find out exactly what type of cancer it is and the best chemo treatment to fight it off with. She is in the ICU right now and will be there for the next day or two...and than she will be moved to a regular room where she will be told the findings...(they don't want to tell her now so it won't screw up her recovery). My family & I are just trying to keep our chins high and know that we have a long battle ahead of us and we will get through it as we have with other battles in the past (none of course this bad)....but we have family, friends and of course you guys to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks everyone!

04-21-2005, 01:14 PM
Foxy, thanks for the update. I was actually thinking about this last night.

I hope for the best for your mom and your family! Your guys are in my thoughts as always!

Take care!


04-21-2005, 01:22 PM
dude.....i hope your mom gets better and wins against the fight with cancer.

i lost my dad last year on december 30th cause of cancer.

i hope for the best for you guys.

04-21-2005, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
dude.....i hope your mom gets better and wins against the fight with cancer.

i lost my dad last year on december 30th cause of cancer.

i hope for the best for you guys.

Sorry about your loss but its not a dude. She is a she.

Foxy, your mom, you, and your family will all be in my thoughts and prayers. Just keep your chin up and hope for the best. Live strong.

04-21-2005, 05:34 PM
Good luck on her recovery and everything to come in the future. My mom had something similar and after about 2 weeks battling it, she didn't make it. Hopefully its something not as major.

04-21-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by I-7
She is a she. .

when i said guys was meaning everyone...if thats where u got she is a she

04-26-2005, 02:26 PM
Ok, here is the latest....as I first reported eariler she got throught the surgery just fine, and was waiting on some test results from the doctor.

Our primary care doctor came to see her this morning and she said that it is a slow growing cancer & will be knocked on its ***** (not in those words) with chemo. When i spoke to my mom this morning she was in good sprits and said she is a survivor & we will beat this thing! A positive tude is all we need right now and lots and lots of prayers. Though the final word has come down from the oncologist of exactly what needs to be done & how long its going to be for the treatments but I think we can get through this....

As soon as i hear anymore i will let you know!

04-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the update I was wondering how she was doing.
I hope you and the rest of the family are doing well also.

04-26-2005, 05:50 PM
I hope she gets better soon!

I just lost my grandma in may last year, and my grandpa in october last year. Both to cancer. It was really hard on my dad to lose both of his parents within 6 months.

04-26-2005, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Astars_250r
Thanks for the update I was wondering how she was doing.
I hope you and the rest of the family are doing well also.

04-26-2005, 09:42 PM
Thats good, I hope you guys all come out strong.

My Grandpa has had cancer in the past and beat it both times. Now this 3rd time they found a baseball size tumor on his lung. I will know whether he will make it or now on thursday.

04-26-2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Foxyangel0425
Hi All~ its been like forever since i gave you all a update on my mom's fight with cancer. Well we have good news to tell and bad...good news is she went in for surgery today Thursday 4/21 and came out of it with flying colors (whoohoo) but they did some pooking around and they found more cancer near her esphigas (sp?), arota (sp?) and the tube that holds the lungs together. They took pieces of each one and will send it to the lab to find out exactly what type of cancer it is and the best chemo treatment to fight it off with. She is in the ICU right now and will be there for the next day or two...and than she will be moved to a regular room where she will be told the findings...(they don't want to tell her now so it won't screw up her recovery). My family & I are just trying to keep our chins high and know that we have a long battle ahead of us and we will get through it as we have with other battles in the past (none of course this bad)....but we have family, friends and of course you guys to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks everyone!

sorry to hear bout that. I know what its like to have somone close to you having cancer, it terrible.:( Hope everything works out