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View Full Version : Problems with 300ex tranny

04-20-2005, 10:12 PM
Ok, my tranny is making some funny noises. When I let out the clutch, either from a standstill or going into second, I hear an awful grinding/ clunking sound from the transmission. It sounds like its not completely getting into gear. I was wondering if anyone could help explain what may be causing this sound. Also, is there anything I can do to slow or fix the problem, or should I just ride till I somthing more happens?

04-21-2005, 06:00 AM
You need to tear it down and have a look see. I wouldn't keep running it, transmissions are expensive and you don't want to ruin any more parts. You could have bent shift forks, bad shift drum or some of the dogs could be worn down letting the gears engage. Either way it's teardown time.:(

04-25-2005, 10:42 PM
I changed the oil, and the noises stopped; but i'm not sure if that fixed the problem or just silenced it. Should i tear it down and look or just ride and see if it starts up again?

buddy what not
05-02-2005, 03:45 PM
well how much shavings or a silverish colour was in your oil ? anmd also did u change ur oil filter to ?

05-04-2005, 11:53 AM
No, there weren't any shavings or silvery colored oil, and yes i replaced the oil filter. The oil was as black as ink though. After i changed it the knocking stopped. It helped that i learned to let of the gas when i shift. lol. It feels like there is some play in 2nd and 3rd gear though. Well anyway, thanks for the help guys. If anything comes up i'll give u a holler.