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04-19-2005, 09:30 PM
well i was going to get in the shower and there it was one of those brown lucklse {SP} spiders sitting there...i like to chit my pants. could some one post pics of one and wat would happen if i would have got bit thanks!

04-19-2005, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
i like to chit my pants.

Woah:eek2: That sounds like a personal problem. I don't think you want the entire world knowing that. That's a good way to get teased:p :D

04-19-2005, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
Woah:eek2: That sounds like a personal problem. I don't think you want the entire world knowing that. That's a good way to get teased:p :D

hahaha lol that was a good one

04-20-2005, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by tp300ex
...i like to chit my pants.

lmfao thank you very much. i woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning with a very long day ahead. so thanks for giving me a good laugh.
and as for spiders i know what your saying man i am so paranoid of them. i went in to work yesterday and a medium sized one was sitting on my damn desk. well i threw a tissue over him then he got introduced to mr stapler

04-20-2005, 07:05 AM

04-20-2005, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by Aceman
Woah:eek2: That sounds like a personal problem. I don't think you want the entire world knowing that. That's a good way to get teased:p :D I bet hes got a fetish for stuff like that...

04-20-2005, 08:25 AM
when i went to friends house like a couple weeks ago i got to hold his taranchula....that hing is huge!! it was like crawling on me and then it was just sittin on my shoulder...

later when i went home i was like hey dad can we get a taranchula he was like F no,if you bring one of those things in my house ill kill it with a dam hammer so much for that pet idea

(my dad is deathly afraid of spiders)

04-20-2005, 08:43 AM
dont get bit by one

04-20-2005, 08:45 AM
here's what the little bugger that did that looked like:

04-20-2005, 12:11 PM
Yea don't get bit, i think it burns a little bit

04-20-2005, 12:17 PM
Ok.....I think I just lost my lunch. Didn't want it anyway......

I've been bit several times....it's not that bad if you get it taken care of pretty quick. Those are nasty.....NASTY pics.....:eek2:

polaris bob
04-20-2005, 12:47 PM
When those pic's of that guys hand came out a while ago there was a whole story that went along with it. Those little buggers are a real nasty bug to say the least. I think he got bit putting on a set of gloves to go water skiing or something like that. He is damm lucky that he did not loose his thumb!!

04-20-2005, 01:23 PM
all that can happen from somethimng that small:huh

04-20-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by DeerNuts
here's what the little bugger that did that looked like: omg thats wat it was he whent down the hole in my tube tho lol

04-20-2005, 03:45 PM
They have what looks like an up-side-down violin on their backs, thats when you know for sure it was a brn recluse, ppl have had to have limbs amputated b/c of those things:huh

04-20-2005, 08:05 PM
hey deer nuts is that a picture of your leg? or just one you got off of the internet?

04-21-2005, 08:47 AM
OMG.. Those pics are sooooooooo GROSS!!! That had to HURT!!:huh :eek: :eek2:

04-21-2005, 09:02 AM
i bet that persons hand that got bit probably had to get his hand amputated

04-21-2005, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by blaster_rider68
i bet that persons hand that got bit probably had to get his hand amputated Im thinking your right And IF he got to keep it.. I bet he had ALOT of skin graphs!

04-21-2005, 10:16 AM
Those cant be from spider bites. I live in Iowa and we have a lot of farms as you may know. Ive been bit by many things and a friend got bit by a black widow. hes ok but he had to go to the hospital quickily cause he could of died. Nothing looked even close to that big. Also did you know the daddy long leg is the most poisionous (sp?) spider in the world? Only there teeth are way to small to penetrate our skin so they cant hurt us.

04-21-2005, 10:20 AM
Those ARE brown recluse bites.....severe reactions, but they are spider bites. Recluses are more poisonous than black widows....but either bite is nasty if you don't get it treated.......

04-21-2005, 10:35 AM
every person reacts differently to bites. Some may have like an allergic reaction . I know when Our house was first built I got bit by "something" didnt realize what it was until the secnd day I was sick like I had the flu and I had this round spot on my tummy that looked like a bulleye that kept getting bigger and bigger I went to the Dr and was put on meds for it and was told that I prob. got bit by a spider and was having a reaction to it ,to this day it left a small scar where the round hole was , I had my house exterminated that week. lol

04-21-2005, 10:37 AM
The wounds can look like that if you don't go to the hospital. The venom will eat your flesh from the inside out. Thats why it makes a huge hole like that. I'm sure those people neglected the fact that it could have been a poisonous spider or even a spider at all. If you have any reason to think its a spider bite, go to the hospital. It will be worth it to keep a limb.

04-21-2005, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by nebjamin
Also did you know the daddy long leg is the most poisionous (sp?) spider in the world? Only there teeth are way to small to penetrate our skin so they cant hurt us.

Didn't they proove that wrong on mythbusters?

I saw this huge spider in my basement the other day, it was the biggest spider I ever seen around here. Damn near scared me half to death.

04-21-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by nebjamin
Those cant be from spider bites. I live in Iowa and we have a lot of farms as you may know. Ive been bit by many things and a friend got bit by a black widow. hes ok but he had to go to the hospital quickily cause he could of died. Nothing looked even close to that big. Also did you know the daddy long leg is the most poisionous (sp?) spider in the world? Only there teeth are way to small to penetrate our skin so they cant hurt us.

wrongo, daddy long legs can bite us they jsut are not aggressive at all. On mythbusters, they tryed it and one of the guys got bite a few times and only felt a bit disy(sp?).

04-21-2005, 02:33 PM
I thought they said that there wasn't enough venom injected b/c their fangs are so small. Maybe I'm wrong but I think I watched that episode. :rolleyes:

BTW, my roommate is terrified by spiders. One day we were walking on a side walk when he glanced down. What he thought was a spider was actually a leaf that had been deteriorated a little. I admit it looked like some sort of bug. My roommate damn near jumped out into on coming traffic when he saw it. I was scared just by his reaction. He startled me b/c he panicked so bad. If we see one in our apartment, he can't even look at it. He has trouble watching them on tv.

04-21-2005, 03:59 PM
yesterday in my basement there was a spider a decent size on to but the great baseball p[layer i am nailed it with a baseball grabbed my gatorade and left it there lol

04-21-2005, 05:06 PM
i found a huge jumping spider on my floor like an hour ago........i beat it to death with my xbox controller:cool:

04-21-2005, 05:46 PM
we had some big huge nasty looking spider in our shrubs once by my house they had chrome looking shiny bellies on them but A full can of carburator cleaner took care of those ******es

04-21-2005, 06:40 PM
ill let u guys in on my secret bug killer. Industrial adhesive in a can( spray glue). my deck has those giant bumble bees on them along with wasps and spiders, one hit with spray glue and they are stuck in thier tracks:D

04-21-2005, 07:32 PM
Why bother them if they bother you? If they are outside leave em be. Mostof the time they will just leave!:rolleyes:


04-21-2005, 07:41 PM
yes those pics are from brown recluse spider bites.

yes they are gross looking.

no, i dont know if that happens to everyone or just certain people, kinda like QJ said.

never heard the whole deal about daddy longlegs. they may be poisonous but they arent spiders (my mom is a science teacher). they dont have enough body segments or legs or something to be classified as spiders.

anyway, this thread is great (maybe cuz its flame free - a rarity these days :( ) i love listening to the spider stories and picturing all you people in your individual battles against tiny "insect" vermin :D . i find it highly amusing and i mean that in the most sincere and unoffending way.

did you know that statistics say we each eat about a dozen spiders/insects each year in our sleep? ill let you "chew" on that for a little while, haha.


04-21-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by lil400exman


if you have a phobia of spiders it can be a very serious mental illness. So its not really just beeing a "wussie". i am personally petrified of spiders and i will freak out if i see one or if one is on me, i cant explain in words how scared i am of spiders...

and where are the spiders (the bite pics)...like what states or area are they located in?

04-21-2005, 08:10 PM
i had a pet black widow for a month then my mom found out that i had it in the house and drowned it in the pool.

Got nads?
04-21-2005, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by ThumPIN_450R
we had some big huge nasty looking spider in our shrubs once by my house they had chrome looking shiny bellies on them but A full can of carburator cleaner took care of those ******es

That is funny because I do the same thing, but sometimes I go for the WD-40 with a lit match!:devil:

04-21-2005, 11:52 PM
I used to catch tarantulas all the time with my bare hands. We have a canyon near my house that they migrate through in the fall.

I'm not afraid of Black Widows, but I'm not too keen on them either. If I see one, I'll kill it, but I don't go overboard and mutilate it with power tools. A simple thumb usually does the job.

I AM afraid of the brown recluse, simply because I'm not familiar with it. I can easily recognize a black widow, but brown recluses are very rare where I live, so I can't immediately recognize them and the danger they present.

04-22-2005, 04:33 AM
A guy in my town had been bit by one of those or some kind of spider with the name "brown" in it, anyways, he must not have had it treated right away because the guy was in the hospital with a huge hole in his back where he had been bitten, never seen it or anything but he was in the hospital for a while. Pretty nasty stuff.

Me and my good friend were playing xbox and the biggest spider I have ever seen crawled in between us and the xbox/tv, we took pictures of it on my phone because it was so big (big for around here). I can not stand spiders, call me a wussie I dont care, just something about them that makes me hate them/ be scared of them lol. I dont mind like snakes or almost all other bugs, but spiders just freak me and my dad out, my dad is worse than I am.

04-22-2005, 06:53 AM
I know of 2 people that were bitten by those little suckers in the past couple years. One was my Mom. She left it go for a few days not realizing what had bitten her (Since we aren't supposed to have them in PA) and then she had gotten pretty sick. I asked her to let me see the back of her leg, and it was black. She went to the hospital and was put on heavy antibiotics and pain killers. Up until that point, I wasn't familiar with the spider.

04-22-2005, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Honda400exrox
hey deer nuts is that a picture of your leg? or just one you got off of the internet?

god no that picture is not of my leg! You can thank google for that one.

Im not that dumb. If i got bit by a spider (and we do have those brown recluses here too) i would immediately get attention to it.
You cant fool around when you get bit by one. Like someone said, the venom actually eats away around the bite site from the INSIDE out. Thats why a hole will form before you know what happened.

Just a reminder, these things like to lay around in towels occasionally:eek2: Well, Im not sure if that applies to the recluse, but I always shake out the towel before using it ever since i heard that said on a TV show when I was like 8.

04-22-2005, 07:21 AM
ill remember that next time i get out of the shower to dry off

04-22-2005, 05:33 PM
We "supposedly" dont have them her in az but I've seen 3 or 4 in the last year or 2 ad spiders scare the hell out of.

Ridin' Jesse
04-22-2005, 05:40 PM
...i have severe arachnaphobia arg lol

04-22-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by ThumPIN_450R
we had some big huge nasty looking spider in our shrubs once by my house they had chrome looking shiny bellies on them but A full can of carburator cleaner took care of those ******es

carb cleaner works the best. Spiders hate that crap. The other summer ago there was a web across the side of my porch. and the porch is a good 6-8ft wide and 5ft tall and the spiders wed stretched across that whole m efer. The spiders back side was atleast the size of a quater and was orange. Took carb cleaner to that ****** and he fell from his web and said hello to Dr.Foot. I also experiments on other spiders with carbcleaner. Beats out spider killer and getting bit trying to get it outta its web:devil:
im also dang scared of spiders.:scary:

04-22-2005, 06:10 PM
I gotta TRUE STORY about my brother. Hes scared of spiders too same as me if not worse. One day he came down stairs and sat down on he couch and hes like dang my "inner thigh: is itchy. And hes sitting there for like 20 min scratching and he kinda lifts up his short leg and out runs one of those common house spiders. He nearly chit his pants. and he makes me kill it. hes 17 and im 14:rolleyes:

04-22-2005, 06:23 PM
i HATE spiders holy cpap, this thread made me put my shoes on incase theres one crawling around on my floor.

anyway I was at my freinds house and we were just playing ps2 and crap and we go get food and on the way back there was a spider on the wall, holy crap we flipped out and was trying to kill it and we were so afraid of it, it took us like 15 minutes to kill it. Were both 15 and we were screaming like little girls lol:eek2:

04-22-2005, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by fst400exrider
carb cleaner works the best. Spiders hate that crap. The other summer ago there was a web across the side of my porch. and the porch is a good 6-8ft wide and 5ft tall and the spiders wed stretched across that whole m efer. The spiders back side was atleast the size of a quater and was orange. Took carb cleaner to that ****** and he fell from his web and said hello to Dr.Foot. I also experiments on other spiders with carbcleaner. Beats out spider killer and getting bit trying to get it outta its web:devil:
im also dang scared of spiders.:scary:

diesel works good too:devil:

04-22-2005, 06:42 PM
I just found out a local welding shop got infected with these recluse spiders or whatever they are. No i have been going around the house all peranoid. I have my big racing socks on, jeans, and slippers. My dad is getting pissed...hes saying "its a damn spider all you have to do is step on the damn thing"

04-22-2005, 09:09 PM
ya know ever since this thread started i have been seeing alot of spiders(2)lol i have killed both of them but still...its kinda wierd

04-22-2005, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by blaster_rider68
ya know ever since this thread started i have been seeing alot of spiders(2)lol i have killed both of them but still...its kinda wierd

It's a sign... lol

04-22-2005, 09:47 PM
some one is tryin to tell me something...it could be a bad omen lol:D