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View Full Version : 911 Dispatcher Offers to Shoot Unruly Child

04-14-2005, 01:24 PM
WATAUGA, Texas (April 14) - A 911 dispatcher was reprimanded for responding to a mother's plea for help with an unruly child by saying: "OK. Do you want us to come over to shoot her?"

"I admit what I did. It was stupid, it was inexcusable and I'm sorry," said dispatcher Mike Forbess.

The woman, identified only as Lori in Wednesday's Fort Worth Star-Telegram, said she recently phoned authorities after coming home to find her daughters fighting. She told the dispatcher that her 12-year-old had kicked a hole in the door.

After Forbess' comment, the woman fell silent for about five seconds.

"Are you there?" Forbess asked.

"Excuse me?" the woman asked.

Forbess, a dispatcher for five years at the Watauga Department of Public Safety, told her he was joking and apologized. But the woman was offended, and Forbess immediately told his supervisor what happened.

"This type of response cannot be tolerated, and this letter shall serve as notice that any future unprofessional responses while answering the 911 line will be cause for termination," Police Chief David Van Laar wrote to Forbess.

Watauga is a Fort Worth suburb of about 22,100 residents



04-14-2005, 01:26 PM
whats with these dispatchers lately?

04-14-2005, 01:31 PM
I agree that the dispatchers should avoid saying something like that but seriously, what do they expect them to do... the mother should be held responsible for her children though, not the authorities but thats just my opinion.

04-14-2005, 01:58 PM
Thats not as bad as when the dispatcher that said Good and hung up when those kids were calling about their buddy who just crashed his motorcycle. The kid ended up dying and his buddies had to call back again.

It was all over the news a month or so.

04-14-2005, 02:08 PM
i heard that on goodmorning america this morning. Im not going to lie, i was laughing my *** off. pretty funny

04-14-2005, 02:32 PM
i think its funny also, i dont know if i could have been that nice to the lady. what did she expect them to do? she should be able to controll her kids, sounds like she is a push over mother who wants to be her kids friends and not the parrent. damn parrents these days.

04-14-2005, 08:54 PM
the dispatcher sounded gay as hell ,and i just thought it was really weird..... the guy shouldnt get fired tho, i mean wtf, shes wasting his time,all kids bust **** up and fight 911 is for people who need it, if you cant control your kid well take them and put them in a home, its not the same situation as the motorcyclist who was told too bad

04-14-2005, 09:44 PM
thats funny, her kids start fighting and she calls 911

04-14-2005, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Quiksilver01
thats funny, her kids start fighting and she calls 911

yeah and i heard the tape, she stopped for about 30 seconds to yell at the guy about saying that...must of been some wild kids, u couldnt even hear distress in her voice or any noise in the background

04-14-2005, 10:19 PM
theres also one where a lady called from burger king because they didnt make her burger right. The dispatchers said they arent going to send a cop so they could walk them through how to make the burger for this lady.

04-14-2005, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by EPDP99
theres also one where a lady called from burger king because they didnt make her burger right. The dispatchers said they arent going to send a cop so they could walk them through how to make the burger for this lady.
Yep, that was LA County Sheriff. I love that dispatcher.

This silly ***** needs to STFU. Don't waste the dispatcher and police department's time because you can't control your kids. :rolleyes:

04-15-2005, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by kick
Yep, that was LA County Sheriff. I love that dispatcher.

This silly ***** needs to STFU. Don't waste the dispatcher and police department's time because you can't control your kids. :rolleyes:

I agree. The mother and child need to be ***** slapped.

04-15-2005, 07:11 PM
The motorcycle thing had me pished off. But that is FUNNY.

04-15-2005, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Rico
I agree. The mother and child need to be ***** slapped.

yes sir. seems like the typical democrat stuck up mother who gets offended at anything. god forbid she has to discipline her children, but she can cost some1 their job for trying to bring humor upon an idiotic situation.
she needs to grab the little sobs by the hair give em a swift kick in the *** then a good crack across the face.....usually worked for my mom

04-16-2005, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Rico
I agree. The mother and child need to be ***** slapped.

definitely! she calls the cops for her sons acting crazy...
WTF is that?!

04-16-2005, 09:12 AM
it was her daughters that she couldnt control :D

04-16-2005, 02:34 PM
I deal with this on a regular basis. If she was a parent and disciplined her children from when they were little, she wouldn't be having problems now when they are older. I get a kik out of gettin the call...I need an officer to respond because I just can't control my 14yr old boy. What do you want me to do? Come over and spank him. Make him wash the dishes or clean his room? Give me a break.

I did respond to an uncontrollable 12yr old boy once. I got there and was met with a golf club swingin 12yr old that was bigger than me. I'm 5'10", about 200lbs. BIG KID. He put the club down when I pulled out my pepper spray.

This lady should have been ashamed of herself calling 911 for such a trivial incident. Now I do not agree with the dispatcher saying something like that to her, but IT sure was funny. I can see saying that to one of your co-workers after you are off the phone but not to the comp.
