View Full Version : ???? for WoodsZrider

04-12-2005, 08:29 AM
If they run another Ironboss race in November, we need to hook some teams up and and give it a try. Would you be interested? I figure you know where it's at but if not, it's up in Martinsburg.

04-12-2005, 12:55 PM
I would be interested. I don't know where it is, but I'm in!
Was you at the race this past weekend in Charleston?
It was great weather for a race.
I placed 2nd in my class and 11th over all.

04-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Yeah, i was there but i was late. I came as a spectator and boy did it suck. It reminded me of before when i wanted to race but could'nt cause i did'nt have anything to race. What class did you run? I think i saw you fly by but i was'nt sure. Anyways, i'll work on some details with the other interested parties and let ya know what i come up with. At the moment i have 6 of us willing to try it. I plan on heading that way IF we do this and maybe get some practice time on the track, if they allow it. I figure that we'll have all of the classes covered if we have someone else that will run pro. The good thing is the different bikes we'll have, my KFX, your Z, 1 Cannondale, 450R, Predator, and a 330R. Hopefully this will happen. Are you racing anywhere this weekend? I'm going to Wolfcreeck in Proctorville to watch my nephew race ( weather permitting ) maybe you can run over and we can talk. Let me know.

04-12-2005, 01:38 PM
Yea i know where Wolfcreek is, i've been there. What day are you going to be there?(Wolfcreek) Go to www.koontzadventures.com and go to (off road results) and you can see all the results. I am #818 (james marcum) but everyone calls me jd. No races close by this weekend for me. What is the track like? How far is the drive from here?

04-12-2005, 01:42 PM
Your in Huntington right, i think you are anyway. From Huntington it's about 20 minutes into Proctorville, Ohio. Its a little mx track, nothing special and really theres nothing big there to do. It's a good beginner track. Oh yeah, i'll be there saturday, gates open at 10, practice at 11 and race at 12.

04-12-2005, 01:47 PM
I'll see if i can go.
should be no problem.

04-12-2005, 01:56 PM
I'll keep an eye on the weather and send ya a PM to let you know we're definitly going.

04-12-2005, 02:06 PM
Thats cool,
yea did you check out the pics of the race?
www.leisuresportsphoto.com has pics of the race.
they are are some really nice pics on there.
Quads start on page 7 i think,
click on motorcross,then motorcross again, then east coast race series then the date 4-10-05.


Here a few pics of me

04-15-2005, 08:29 AM
As far as right now, we are going to Wolfcreek tomorrow, if anything changes i'll pm you as soon as i know of any changes in plans.

04-15-2005, 01:10 PM
I think I may go riding tomorrow, i have a race next weekend and i don't want to get lazy. I don't have time to ride during the week so i take advantage of any riding time i can get. Would you like to go? Let me know and i could meet you some where and you can go with us. You can bring all you friends, the more the beter. Let me know something.

04-18-2005, 12:47 PM
Did you get to ride? I had a miserable time trying to get to Wolfcreek. Do you ever go to Milton? They're opening Firday night if your interesred.

04-18-2005, 07:54 PM
We have a race this weekend, and I think we are going by your house. You should load up and go with us. It's in marietta Ohio, that's not that far. Let me know if you want to go, it's on sunday. We are leaving early, our race starts at noon. Just let me know if you are interested.
By the way, yea we road, we had a great time!

04-19-2005, 06:25 AM
I figure it's a woods race, correct? I don't think my little mx tires would work very well. I'm gonna race Friday night but i may be interested in going as a spectator!!! I may decide to try a woods race but i'm not to familiar with parts i would need to make sure i don't break anything. What time are you leaving?

04-19-2005, 12:26 PM
If you want to race i have a set of wheels and tires you can use, if you are interested. they are my stock ones. i'm not sure the time we are leaving yet. i'll let you know more later in the week.
yea it is a woods race.

04-20-2005, 10:47 AM
I have to work this weekend and Sunday will be the only time i have with the boss ( wife ). We will definitely get together some time. Did you notice at the race in Charleston what the mx track was like?

04-21-2005, 09:28 PM
they don't have a mx track yet.
they are going to build one someone said.