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04-07-2005, 04:01 PM
I changed the oil yesterday and guess what I found. About 10-20 small flat squares of metal on my drain plug. I hope this helps with figuring out my problem of why its burnin oil.

04-07-2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by yellowWB400ex
I changed the oil yesterday and guess what I found. About 10-20 small flat squares of metal on my drain plug. I hope this helps with figuring out my problem of why its burnin oil.

Can you post a pic. Sounds like broken piston ring or rings to me. Of course, this assumption is purely a guess without see pics.

04-07-2005, 05:50 PM
sorry I cant post pics cause I all ready got rid of the drain oil and cleaned the bolt off and put new oil in. I can tell ya more though they were like square flakes about as thick as a playing card and about 1/16" or less by 1/16" or less and shinny. They were at the top of the drain bolt when I took it out so they went ot the bottom. I didnt notice a power loss or comp loss. Im still drivin it prob a bad thing though.:ermm:
I dont know what else to put so just ask more.

04-07-2005, 05:56 PM
Those don't sound like piston ring pieces. Hard to what they could be.

04-07-2005, 06:04 PM
check your clutch basket i know my banshee and my 400 both went through a clutch basket sometimes the clutch "fingers" that slide into the slot sop they dont spin freely aren't tight enough fit and smack back and forth eventualy wearing away your basket and you wont notice and power loss just crummy oil when you change it but open that up immediately and check if gone long enough it will break the "fingers off the clutch basket then you WILL have problems i learned it the hard way on my banshee:( dont want you to have to do the same thing its not fun :macho

04-08-2005, 07:57 AM
I'd say it's time for a rebuild. My 2001 needed it about 2 months ago. Piston rings don't last forever.

Actually I needed new rings and a new sleeve, Or I could have opted to go to a bigger bore but I got a free sleeve so I didn't.

04-08-2005, 08:54 AM
Any one else on the clutch thing. I never heard of that before. I dont want it to be that. Anyone else think it would be that.

04-08-2005, 10:05 AM
Could just be regular shavings from the tranny, things just wear, I have yet to see a motor torn down that didn't have some shavings. When you take the side cover off check the filter screen, it's a ten mm bolt under to the right of the clutch. Clean that out good and go from there. If no lose of power, clutch is ok, and you aren't hearing any noises, ride it a while longer, unless you just want to rebuild it.

04-08-2005, 05:37 PM
i would say its the rings its just more reasen to get a 416 or 426:)

04-09-2005, 06:33 AM
were the shaving thick? or just very thin

ryann mx68
04-09-2005, 07:52 PM
normal shavings are usually ''fine particles'', its hard to say without seeing it but could possibly be the retainer from a bearing, ive had it happen to me on 1 of my mx bikes. i couldnt figure it out until i split the cases. the bearing spun, heated the retainer [holds the bearings in place between the inner and outer races] small chunks came off, went all around inside, came out shiney and flat. not good!!! i'd tear her down now , before something major happens, if any is in the crank- shes toast. new gaskets and bearings are cheaper than having to replace the bottom end, you need to pull it apart and find the cause or youll be doing it anyway probly sooner than later

04-10-2005, 06:29 PM
They are flat about the thickness of a playing card or so. I rode it hard yesterday, found some mud:devil: but towards the yend she got pretty doggy and was loosing power. It would start to pop on decell maybe she just sucked some water though the filter was clean.

04-11-2005, 07:37 PM
Im kinda in the dark when it comes to the motor so Im gunna bring it to my local mechanic on Wednesday and let him tell me whats wrong. I wish I was more mechanically inclined when it came to motors:mad:it would save me some money.