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04-05-2005, 04:00 PM
does puttin a rm250 motor in a banshee frame sound lie ka good idea i got a awesome banshee frame and a awesome dirtbike but im not in ot dirtbikes anymore lol i need a top end for the banshee but the motor is gettin old and i dont want to be puttin money in to it right now i have a garage where i can modify the frame and everything
would it be fast? haha also i ride XC if that helps

what does everyone think??? can it be done or should i get a 250R frame?


04-05-2005, 04:43 PM
The banshee frame has probably the worst geometry and handling characteristics ever. I would NEVER use that frame as a basis for a conversion. There is a reason the banshee was never as popular as the 250r for racing.

On a side note, which honestly has NOTHING to do with my above opinion, are you looking to sell the banshee?

04-05-2005, 04:52 PM
umm im not sure yet the banshee needs topend stuff. it has some good parts and everything i would trade all of it for a good chassis for the rm motor thou

so u think that would be a good motor for a 250R frame? the RM motor is perfect condition and has a barnette clutch etc
so i wanna use it in something other than a dirtbike haha

04-05-2005, 05:14 PM
I understand the appeal of conversions, projects are fun. But honestly, I think you would be better served to sell the complete RM250, and put that money into upgrades in the banshee. Or sell both, and buy a complete, running 250r.

If you are set on doing a conversion, however, I think the best would be a 250r frame.

04-05-2005, 06:28 PM
eh ya stole my name :grr:

as for the conversion, it would be more hassle than its worth. like wilkin said, if you like neither of what you have sell and get a decent used quad for around 2-4k