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View Full Version : Bikes get CANCELLED at Steele Creek

Bonnie Cook
04-03-2005, 08:30 PM
Can you believe GNCC cancelled the Bike race on Sunday, after the quads raced Saturday at the Steele Creek GNCC. Saturday night, winds reached 50 mph they say and when we got there Sunday morning, power lines were down in the road entering the track and the morning race still hadn't started and it was 11:00 am.
So, we walk around a bit and I see my dad, Buren Hamrick, who helps Jeff with the courses and he is FREAKING OUT!!! "I need more chain-saws Bonnie!!!," that was all I got and away he went.
Later, nearing 12:30, Carrie Jo made the announcement, the race was cancelled. They are rescheduling the event for the weekend after Big Buck - Bikes only on Sunday.
So, what is up with this!???
Last year, track conditions in Sparta were horrible - but they put the quads through it, now the track for the afternoon race was wasting away with each lap, and now, once again, the quads were the test pigs to go out and see how bad it would get, and the bikes get a fresh new track with better conditions!!!

Oh well - glad all of those that raced were able to survive.

04-03-2005, 08:51 PM
is damn i know that mideast would not give in to call a race:p

04-03-2005, 09:41 PM
WOW, I am glad I got out of there when I did which late Saturday right before dark because get stuck there would have been icing on the cake for my weekend.

Atleast, I made it home to provide the GNC Coverage and work on the GNCC Coverage.

Thanks for the info Bonnie

04-04-2005, 10:07 AM
It was not a question of track condition....the track would have been awesome....it was the trees and power lines coming down everywhere. A young lady was luckily uninjured when a large tree came crashing down at the wooden bridge and just grazed her. Another tree came down on top of a quad. Another tree on top of a truck. And this was in the pit area.
Buren said there was a tree down every 100 yards on the track. The bikes could have raced but I don't think racer productions wanted to take a chance of having a tree fall on anybody during the race.

chad duvall
04-04-2005, 04:10 PM
We were there all nite in a motorhome and it was like being on a boat in the rough ocean! I was very upset during the nite and I am sure I didnt sleep at all! Chad of course thought I was over reacting but it was really bad you dont know how bad unless you were there for it! I felt bad for Jeff and all the others that had to be out there that AM(earlie dawn I heard) because it was very dangerous for them too! There was a NO win situation for racer productions and I would not of wanted to been in their shoes! Now another trip to the South for Thad to race. :ermm: