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03-31-2005, 04:28 AM
Looking for ppl my age to ride with,,..Anyone over..30,,That is out west

03-31-2005, 07:56 AM
Here is a better site for IL riders.


Are you riding this weekend? If so, where?

03-31-2005, 10:49 AM
Yes i will be riding this weekend,,,i ride almost every weekend i ride at home we have some trails-- yes i know about the site,, if i can ask where u are from..

03-31-2005, 11:25 AM
I live near fox lake.

How much land do you have to ride on?

03-31-2005, 12:27 PM
About --300 acres,,,or more

03-31-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Night-rider
About --300 acres,,,or more

You let anyone ride out there?:D

What type of terrian?

03-31-2005, 06:24 PM
Not everyone can ride there you have to know someone. There is no public parking. looking for someone to ride with...on the weekends. the terrain is everything you could ask for!!!!!!!
from woods to trails to open land to hills to mud pits when it rains!!and best of all not alot of traffic....lol

03-31-2005, 07:38 PM
I'm assuming your your located in Byron. If your looking for people to ride with, I'm looking for a place to ride.

Let me know.

03-31-2005, 08:06 PM
Not sure how old u are i am 43,,Me and my son ride alot he is 11,,,,,,So if u can tell me how old u are that would help..lol

03-31-2005, 08:07 PM
Yes i am in Byron,

03-31-2005, 08:19 PM
this is the dumbest thread yet, you determine your riding buddies by age. Just say your old and slow, and young guya won't want to ride with you anyways

04-01-2005, 04:03 AM
dritriderex...old and slow come on thats not it i just dont need any kids out here getting hurt,, i dont think this kfx700 is that slow if u are 30,,or over, this way if u get hurt i dont have to call your mom to come and get u... u Must be a kid,, i can see why u dont get it,,

04-01-2005, 04:22 AM
yeah I understand, just giving you a hard time

04-01-2005, 07:24 AM
One thing about old and slow..if your lucky, you'll get the chance for it to happen to you :macho I'm 45 and while I may not be able to go as LONG as I used to, I'll hang with the best of them especially in the woods. Night-rider it's good to see us older guys still hangin in there :D

04-01-2005, 08:07 AM
I feel old being 28. I'm in Galesburg, and always looking for people to ride with. I go to Aledo, Astoria, and some local places. Racing flattrack in Pekin this Sunday.

04-01-2005, 08:54 AM
One thing about old and slow..if your lucky, you'll get the chance for it to happen to you I'm 45 and while I may not be able to go as LONG as I used to, I'll hang with the best of them especially in the woods. Night-rider it's good to see us older guys still hangin in there

I agree:cool:

Us older guys are the ones that usually get stuck with scraping the younguns off the trail and having to drive there arses to the hospital:D

04-01-2005, 09:22 AM
Us older guys are the ones that usually get stuck with scraping the younguns off the trail and having to drive there arses to the hospital

Translation....my 20 year old son... :devil:

04-01-2005, 09:30 AM
I'm 29, but if I run my quad up the tree, I hope you would still take me to the hospital. Or at least call 911 for me.:eek:

04-01-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Night-rider
Yes i will be riding this weekend,,,i ride almost every weekend i ride at home we have some trails-- yes i know about the site,, if i can ask where u are from..

Your GMFast from the other site.

04-01-2005, 06:25 PM
Yes i would call 911..lol....i am not that mean,,lol...what i do meam is i dont need any kids come out to my home to ride i dont want to be responsible for them,,,Now if u have kids thats all good,,,they come with u,,,I am only responsible...4,,mine dont need any more,,,lol,,,Looks like we mite not get any rain out this way..so i will be out riding,,saturday,,if u can get out this way let me know,,,i will be back on this computer,, about,,,,10 to night got some thigs i got to do..be back at 10....

04-01-2005, 06:30 PM
Not sure what a gmf..is?....kinda new to this computer thing..lol......got to go be back at 10

04-01-2005, 09:26 PM
MSL......we got to hangin in there..lol...we are not that old..i feel good at 43...Roostin..u got that right..lol

04-02-2005, 06:13 AM
hello rider , id ride saterday , i was thinkin of ki track maybe , im 30 i guess that would pass eh?;) if you are going today give me a call if ya want at 815 637 4366 , im Garett btw i have a 2 quad trailer also if anyone else needs help thx

Aarons 01 400EX
04-02-2005, 12:08 PM
I'm 29 and still do the retarded things that I did when I was 20... :D The pain just makes my work week longer

04-02-2005, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Night-rider
Not sure what a gmf..is?....kinda new to this computer thing..lol......got to go be back at 10

Thought you might be someone else.

If you are going to ride tomorrow (Sunday), I'm looking for a place to ride.

May be heading to Fox Valley or Cliffs, never been to Cliffs yet.

Should be muddy:eek:

04-02-2005, 05:25 PM
doibugu2--some of us guys mite be going to Ki track its out here by byron-garett,,mite pick me up i dont have my trailer done yet but if he is not going out there i will be riding at home why dont u come out this way..,,he came out to my house and we had a good time he is a good guy,, i have to go but i will be home latter..if not i get up early...about 5am...look me up in the morning and we will ride not sure where yet ki track or my house

04-02-2005, 05:27 PM
man we rode all day , thanks night rider, i had a blast was alot of fun . its great when you can meet good folks on this site, and then ride in groups , thx again .
ps .....i atleast should of let ya win 1 of those races ;) lmfao j/k bud .......................

04-02-2005, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Night-rider
doibugu2--some of us guys mite be going to Ki track its out here by byron-garett,,mite pick me up i dont have my trailer done yet but if he is not going out there i will be riding at home why dont u come out this way..

That sounds good. PM me directions.

I live in Round Lake so I'ts going to take me almost 2 hours to get out there.

I'll keep checking back to see whats going on.

04-02-2005, 06:47 PM
here ya go bud
all the info ya need if ya need any help more call me at
815-637-4366 ask for Garett and dont flirt with my wife hehe ;) lmao

04-02-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by garett
here ya go bud
all the info ya need if ya need any help more call me at
815-637-4366 ask for Garett and dont flirt with my wife hehe ;) lmao

Are we just going to meet there? What time are you guys planning on getting there?

04-02-2005, 07:34 PM
i dunno , i got to put a crib together in the morn , ill see what time Cris wants to go....they open at 10am i think , i get up early , so ill prob be ready by then im sure .

04-02-2005, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by garett
i dunno , i got to put a crib together in the morn , ill see what time Cris wants to go....they open at 10am i think , i get up early , so ill prob be ready by then im sure .

Check your PM's. 10 it is.

04-02-2005, 10:41 PM
I let u win,,lol,,lol,,,Not,,,,some day i will get there..lol..Just let me know whats up in the morning...if u are all going...if not i will ride at home,,lol..had a good time my son is still taking about that hill...lol

04-02-2005, 11:01 PM
I will be on here at 7am to see whats up..got home late need to get some sleep.....lol.,..

04-03-2005, 06:48 AM
ok i see no one is in here,,lol,, need to do some work on tha v..be back at 830am,.,,,or call me..garett

04-03-2005, 07:10 AM
I'm up and getting ready to head out.

Night Rider, I sent you a pm with my cell if something changes.

04-03-2005, 05:10 PM
thanks alot doug and cris i had a blast , we need to ride again soon !!!! im taking my ride in to see why its backfiring alot, felt good today out there tho .......... great job out there guys ...... keep in touch maybe attica soon?

04-03-2005, 07:44 PM
we all will hook up soon not sure about this weekend i need to get some things done at home,,but i had a good time take care see u all soon....

04-04-2005, 08:20 AM
Yea it was a good time. You sore Garret?

Just give me a couple days notice for when we want to go ride again.

04-04-2005, 03:41 PM
am i sore? lmao does yogi know booboo? lmfao see ya soon buds

04-05-2005, 09:48 PM
Looks like we got some rain on its way...I want to ride this weekend but i got so much i need to do this weekend i like it when it get a little muddy out on the trails,,,,

04-17-2005, 06:06 PM
Looks like i could be going out on saturday,,,,Need to get out and do some riding,,,,,Looking good so far....