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View Full Version : NEW ATV Insider ON THE WAY!!

03-30-2005, 08:16 PM
For all those who have seen or heard about ATV Insider,
our second issue (April) is hot off the press. Some of you ATVA members will be receiving them by mail, others may pick them up in Macon, Georgia at the GNC or in South Carolina at the GNCC. Keep your eyes peeled, this issue is awesome.
For all those who want to subscribe go to: www.atv-insider.com for more details.

03-30-2005, 08:18 PM
lookin good:macho

03-30-2005, 09:46 PM
Will this be coming to wal-mart or hastings by any chance? Or do we have to subscribe? It looks great by the way:macho

03-31-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
For all those who have seen or heard about ATV Insider,
our second issue (April) is hot off the press. Some of you ATVA members will be receiving them by mail, others may pick them up in Macon, Georgia at the GNC or in South Carolina at the GNCC. Keep your eyes peeled, this issue is awesome.
For all those who want to subscribe go to: www.atv-insider.com for more details. Keep u pthe good work, I have really enjoyed your last issue! :blah: :macho ;)

03-31-2005, 10:39 AM
I just sent my subscription thing in the mail, how long do you think till I gte the issue. I can't wait to see the new issue.
The letter is coming from Pa.


03-31-2005, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by vasura450
I just sent my subscription thing in the mail, how long do you think till I gte the issue. I can't wait to see the new issue.
The letter is coming from Pa.
Tony, depending on when you sent it in, your subscripition will pick up with this second issue (April) or possibly the third issue (June). If we've received it over 2 weeks ago you'll be getting the second issue in the mail any day now. If you just sent it within the last 2 weeks your sub. will start with Issue 3 which won't be out for 2 more months.

03-31-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by TheMachine
Will this be coming to wal-mart or hastings by any chance? Or do we have to subscribe? It looks great by the way:macho
No newstands for now. We're just getting started, we are still in the promotional phase. The best thing to do if you're interested, is go to www.atv-insider.com to get our mailing address, send us your name, mailing address and a check for $10 to get signed up for a subscription. Or you can email us your credit card info:

03-31-2005, 07:54 PM
Looks great!

04-01-2005, 09:36 PM

02 Red Rider
04-06-2005, 10:13 PM
Bump for this.

If you haven't read the Insider yet, DO IT! It's a great publication IMHO, keep up the good work.:cool:

04-06-2005, 10:55 PM
Is the 10 dollars for a year? Would i get the issue that you are talking about if i signed up soon? Even if it comes right near when the next one would come out. It looks like it would be interesting, and im getting sick of the catalogs worth of ads in dirtwheels.

04-06-2005, 11:18 PM
sounds like a good mag, im gona subscribe:cool:

04-07-2005, 03:58 PM
I send my money out today so i know i will have to wait for the june issue but is there away to buy the april issue.

04-07-2005, 07:08 PM
I just issue 2. it's great better than the first I think!!!!

If you like atv racing at all you will love this publication!!!!! $10 a year!!!!!! that's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT

04-08-2005, 07:27 AM
Bump because it's that good!

02 Red Rider
04-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Maybe the Mods could Sicky this for a little while.

And I agree, it's that good!

04-09-2005, 02:41 PM
Thanks guys, we really appreciate all the good comments. We're bustin' butt to deliver a true race mag for all you true race fans. We've been on the road, hitting as many races as we can. We're receiving support from more and more advertisers, and Issue 2 has generated even more interest throughout the industry.

ATV Insider would like to thank Harlen for contributing his photos as well as allowing us to plug our publication on this site, Stephani McIntyre, Bonnie Hamrick, Ray Gundy, Nathan Delabar, Julie Farr, Lisa Breashears and all others who have helped us out in any way. For helping us distribute the publication we'd like to thank Mickey Dunlap, Dirt First & Andy Lagzdins, HMF, Mark Baldwin, Kevin Mummah at Lost Creek, Mike Chirden, Ridge Motorsports (local Kasea guys), National Tire and Wheel in Wheeling, WV, and Jorge Cuartas. Sorry if I left you out, but I'm just rattling this off.

ATV Insider will continue to grow and get better every issue, no doubt. Keep us in mind if you are a racer or rider, you'll enjoy the magazine. It's a great read, awesome pics, necessary humor, up-to-date race reports, polls, interviews, quotes, bios - you name it, it's in there! Thanks again - Go to www.atv-insider.com

04-11-2005, 09:12 PM
Subscribed a long time ago. Said the susricption would pick up with the april issue, i also bough the first issue. recived it, but my april issue still has no come? my name is mitch werbell just checking to make sure the the suspcirption is active. please reply back here or giv eme a call at 404 513 8442 great publication and im dying to see the april issue!

04-12-2005, 07:42 AM
Hang tight Mitch, your subscription is on the way.

04-12-2005, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
Thanks guys, we really appreciate all the good comments. We're bustin' butt to deliver a true race mag for all you true race fans. We've been on the road, hitting as many races as we can. We're receiving support from more and more advertisers, and Issue 2 has generated even more interest throughout the industry.

ATV Insider would like to thank Harlen for contributing his photos as well as allowing us to plug our publication on this site, Stephani McIntyre, Bonnie Hamrick, Ray Gundy, Nathan Delabar, Julie Farr, Lisa Breashears and all others who have helped us out in any way. For helping us distribute the publication we'd like to thank Mickey Dunlap, Dirt First & Andy Lagzdins, Mark Baldwin, Kevin Mumah at Lost Creek, Mike Chirden, Ridge Motorsports (local Kasea guys), National Tire and Wheel in Wheeling, WV, and Jorge Cuartas. Sorry if I left you out, but I'm just rattling this off.

ATV Insider will continue to grow and get better every issue, no doubt. Keep us in mind if you are a racer or rider, you'll enjoy the magazine. It's a great read, awesome pics, necessary humor, up-to-date race reports, polls, interviews, quotes, bios - you name it, it's in there! Thanks again - Go to www.atv-insider.com

Hey I know some of those people!!!!!!! they are real people in our sport not just people who have a jurnalism degree that happen to work for a quad publication!!!!!

04-13-2005, 06:50 AM
I suscribed and everything, excellent race coverage, I love the point that I dont have to flip through about 4 or 5 pages of advertisements! :)

You guys should cover some of the d-6 harescrambles, chris borich does well in it too. :macho

04-13-2005, 11:04 AM
can i pay by paypal?

04-13-2005, 06:02 PM
apprecite it. came i todya. asweosm issue good job guys

04-14-2005, 12:26 PM
If send $20 can I get the two back issues and a subscription??

04-14-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by BLAZE1
If send $20 can I get the back two issues and a subscription??

Better yet, if you send $17.00 you can get a subscription and the 2 back issues.
Back issues are $2.00 each + $3 shipping.

04-14-2005, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by chad502ex
can i pay by paypal?

Sorry, no PayPal. Send us a check, or call 740.264.7134 and pay by credit card or debit card over the phone.

04-14-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
"Better yet, if you send $17.00 you can get a subscription and the 2 back issues.
Back issues are $2.00 each + $3 shipping."

Quit arguing! :mad:
Your getting $20 and that is final!

:Dthe check will be in the mail on friday!

04-19-2005, 10:23 AM
Don't let this thread die... we want to hear your feedback! Good or bad - let us know. Thanks -MB

04-19-2005, 02:39 PM
on the first page it says that some atva members are automatically subscribed I signed up to be an atva member at glen helen will I get a subscription also or should I go subscribe now so I don't miss any more issues?

04-19-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by ThumPIN_450R
on the first page it says that some atva members are automatically subscribed I signed up to be an atva member at glen helen will I get a subscription also or should I go subscribe now so I don't miss any more issues?
Sorry dude, ATVA members aren't automatically subscribers, we sent complimentary copies to ATVA members for issue 1 and 2 as part of our promotion. In order to get all issues, you must subscribe ASAP and buy the two back issues seperate.

04-19-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
Sorry dude, ATVA members aren't automatically subscribers, we sent complimentary copies to ATVA members for issue 1 and 2 as part of our promotion. In order to get all issues, you must subscribe ASAP and buy the two back issues seperate.

thanks for the reply I'm gonna get on that right away I got the first issue at glen helen and all I can say is that is an awesome magazine and it will go very far if it stays the way it is

04-20-2005, 11:00 AM
I agree it is the best magazine out there wish there was one every month cuz reading the dirt wheels and atv sport get boring while I wait for ATV Insider.

04-28-2005, 10:38 AM
I sent in a payment about 3 weeks ago and still haven't gotten my copy.....:mad:

04-29-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Rico
I sent in a payment about 3 weeks ago and still haven't gotten my copy.....:mad:
Your payment for a Subscription or your payment for a back issue?
If you sent for a Subscription you won't get your copy until the new issue is available - June.

04-29-2005, 11:39 AM
Well that sucks....:ermm:

It was a $10 payment. what does it take to get the latest issue?? I hate to have the first issue, miss the second and then get the rest of them....:ermm:

Hook a brotha up...:)

04-30-2005, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Rico
Well that sucks....:ermm:

It was a $10 payment. what does it take to get the latest issue?? I hate to have the first issue, miss the second and then get the rest of them....:ermm:

Hook a brotha up...:)
Your $10 was for a sub., your sub will pick up with issue 3, the June issue.
Back issues are $2 + $3 shipping, you'll need to call and let us know you want one and we can accept payment by phone and we'll mail it to you.

06-15-2005, 02:01 PM
can u get copies at ridge motorsports cause im really close to them

06-15-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by trick250r
can u get copies at ridge motorsports cause im really close to them
They are at Ridge Motorsports in Richmond, OH. Our office is 15 minutes from them.

06-15-2005, 10:05 PM
What all will this mag contain? Any posters:D I like posters:blah: