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View Full Version : How can I get my PS2 to play in HDTV?

03-30-2005, 07:08 PM
Ok guys my dad just bought a 30" HDTV widescreen Samsung TV. But when I play my PS2 on it it just goes to the square screen and crappy picture(compared to HDTV). My Picture is calibrated to fit the the Tv screen so it cannot be that. How can I get it to play on HDTV & Widescreen?? thanks

03-30-2005, 08:07 PM
you may have to buy the hd cords for the ps2.i know they sell them at walmart.

03-30-2005, 08:14 PM
First off you need to setup your playstation for 16:9 to get widescreen - some games do not support this. This setting is in both the game and the basic config of your PS2 - when you turn it on without a game in it...there is the config menu - pick 16:9 there as well... you'll also have to make the change here when you buy the new cables I mention below.

Second, you will NEVER get a true HD signal out of the PS2. The ONLY PS2 game that does output a 1080i (HD signal) is Gran Turismo 4, and this is an "upscaled via software" 1080i signal... not a true HD signal - just slightly better than the 480P from the looks on my HDTV.

The best you'll get out of PS2 on some games will be 480P - NOT HD, but its a step up from the standard 480i signal your used to. You will need to buy the component cables (red/green/blue) for the PS2 - you wont get the progressive signal without them. Best Buy or Circuit City will have them in stock.

03-30-2005, 08:24 PM
here is the componet cable. its only $12 and it is for both the xbox and the ps2 componet cable for ps2/xbox (http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=2697526&cat=118405&type=50&dept=101846&path=0%3A101846%3A101856%3A118402%3A118405)