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03-27-2005, 07:51 PM
alright, my dad treats me like $hit, i didn't want to post this but now i'll let ya know

my dad blames me for everything, even **** that didn't happen, so i show them how they are wrong and then my dad starts yellin at me, so then my voice gets louder and my dad yells at me not to yell, wtf is that about? its all my dad, he tells me to get something from up town i get it and he says i didn't say that, im like, F YOU!!!!!! i get blamed for everything and yelled at all the time by him, when it couldn't even be my fault, and im smart, i know what to do

seriously, he treats me like so much **** and i don't bring it on either, he just comes up and starts yelling, the last 2 years or whatever he is being the biggest *** ever

so i try and leave and get away from him and when he yells i go to my room a couple times and ignore him and not say anything and i get yelled at for that too!!!! i can't do anything to stop him from being stupid

i never knew a friggin PARENT would treat their kid this way i don't know what his problem is, i think he has a problem and takes it out on me so dam bad

ok, we were doing something, me and 6 other friends and we didn't hear these people calling us and my dad came over and yelled at me cuz apparently it was all MY fault that no one heard, then my friend was like, "OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ACTED LIKE THAT" im like, that was NOTHING oh yeah, and this was taking it easy and my friend was shocked

i want to move out but i want my girl to come with me and a real good pay income and im ganna be finishin up high school but then have to go to college, my dads like you don't know how tuff it is out there, im like, easier than here how i get treated

and i plan on goin ridin tomorrow with some friends but now i can't take the truck and head out cuz the way i treat him cuz he grounded me when he's the one who starts it, im just standing up for myself, cuz he talks so much bs, so im ganna get my friends truck and take it out there and show him

i mean, hes not mean all the time, a lot of times he's real cool and we get along great cuz we like quads, cars, and other stuff, but he just blows up for no reason

i had the volume up one time and he told me to turn it down, im like ok, hes like, thats so immature
im like what are you talking about that makes no sense
and compared the the people at my school, i am very mature, i act my age and stuff

now i get blamed for stuff i have no idea why, cuz im smart and have a lot of common sense, more than anyone else i know, but what he says doesn't even make sense, i don't know, it pisses me off, and my computer is begining to mess up and man, if one kid starts stuff at school with me, he will feel the worst pain from me ever cuz i will tear him up

oh man, i am pissed!!!

so all of this was for me asking

what should i do?

03-27-2005, 07:54 PM
my god, thats long

now don't go thinkin i should call the cops cuz he's a nice guy, just gets on my nerves and he don't abuse me or anything like that at all

just makes me angry

03-27-2005, 07:56 PM
just about all of us went thru this at some point with our dad.

suck it up, you will do alot of growing up as the years pass and figure out alot of things that make no sense right now

03-27-2005, 07:56 PM
For some reason I have a feeling a lot of people will try to back your dad up here.

If what your saying is like all true, then there is something wrong with that guy....That isn't right...yeah some will argue the fact he's paying the bills and giving you food and shelter...but doesn't mean he has to be a ***** about it...Sorry man...I don't know what you can do.


03-27-2005, 07:58 PM
If your so tuff and thinking of moving out, tear up your old man. Either he will know you'll step up and back off or you got what you asked for and your out.

03-27-2005, 08:01 PM
sounds like my dad. he blows up over the smallest stupidest things and its almost like he likes to argue. we get along good and everything but he just gets pissed at everything!

03-27-2005, 08:02 PM
me and my mom argue sometimes but nothing real serious and me and my dad yell now and then but we always appologize. one thing that might make your dad yell and stuff is he might have a drinking problem and get violent maybe? theres probablly not much you can do but suck it up, move out, show him you mean business, or even go to like a family therapist or something. best of luck man.

03-27-2005, 08:10 PM
Me and my mom argue, she always tells me if im pissed off to not say anything, so when Im pissed and I dont say anything, but then she gets pissed because she thinks im ignoring her... This can go on for days (uh yea u know why). But I just deal with it, I dont take it too seriously and I dont let it bother me.

03-27-2005, 08:10 PM
Seriously though, when I was your age I thought I knew everything too. Parents are hard dont get me wrong. When I was in high school I new it all and my parents new nothing. Give it a couple years and you'll thank them. I had a step dad and its not the same. We got in numerous fights broken walls and such. They may be maybe wrong sometimes also but they want the best for you.

03-27-2005, 08:12 PM
thanks guys, that helps me relize some stuff

he doesn't drink, never goes to bars ever, lol, and don't drink beer unless his stomach feels bad, he likes the taste of wine but only drinks a glass or 2 like twice a month, mainly just at gatherings

i'll just try and take it easy and deal with it, like i have been


03-27-2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by chucked
Me and my mom argue, she always tells me if im pissed off to not say anything, so when Im pissed and I dont say anything, but then she gets pissed because she thinks im ignoring her... This can go on for days (uh yea u know why). But I just deal with it, I

same with me:(

03-27-2005, 08:15 PM
Fights happen, Me and my dad dont really argue when we fight, its more or less fist fights etc. It happens but its normal in no time. Just dont smart off to him or do anything to disrespect him, Most dads want their sons to respect them, Once you disrespect them its kinda like a slap in the face, thats how it is here anyways :ermm:

03-27-2005, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
just about all of us went thru this at some point with our dad.

suck it up, you will do alot of growing up as the years pass and figure out alot of things that make no sense right now

yep thats the truth. like 5 years ago when my mom left my dad used to flip out over EVERYTHING and blame me for everything. nothing i have ever done was good enough for this man even to this day. he tried fighting me for getting mud on his driveway when it was going to rain the next day. so yeah i can def relate to what your saying. back when my parents were together, my mom was very psycho too so life sucked. the thing that made my father stop trying to fight me was one time when he tried punching me i had enough and broke 3 bones in his hand. ever since then he never tried again
my advice (or what i did) was go live with my mother. because my dad is a complete control freak. and the time apart was the best thing that could have happened. he learned he doesnt own or control you. when he pisses you off just leave, let him know you dont need his house or that stuff. now we get along better than ever seeing each other maybe 5 hrs a week or so. but definately have your father in your life because noone can replace him.

03-27-2005, 08:28 PM
when id get yelled at by my parents i would just listen to whatever they had to say, kinda nod my head in agreement, not say anything and just let everything go in one ear and out the other.. trust me it works.

03-27-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
when id get yelled at by my parents i would just listen to whatever they had to say, kinda nod my head in agreement, not say anything and just let everything go in one ear and out the other.. trust me it works. There ya go!

03-27-2005, 09:15 PM
^^^ thats wat i do lol nd yes it does work ;) :p

03-28-2005, 09:00 AM
I am a father of 2....

If I was your Dad....I would woop you for asking for help on an ATV forum. It's your world after you reach 18.....take it like we all did......stop the pussification of America.

03-28-2005, 02:58 PM
ya this happend to my dad and my bother once....my bro WAS a state champ wrestler... my dad walked over to me and my bro in my bro's room and just blew up at him...they got into it...like fighting and **** any my bro took him down and told him whats up.....lol my dad doesnt blow up anymore about dumb **** anymore

03-28-2005, 03:34 PM
Honestly, my first impression is that you probably DO deserve it, and you're most likely a self-centered little *******, and the sooner you realize it, the sooner you can work to correct it.

I've seen both sides of the fence. Some parents ARE controlling, and some guys DO routinely blow up at their kids for no reason. But those kids have seen it their whole lives, they have been abused (mentally or physically) their whole lives, and are pretty meek and shy. Afraid.

It's the spoiled little brats that are always complaining.

I saw it first hand. My parents would yell at my brother just for having a few friends over. O poor me, it's so unfair, it was just little friendly get-together. But he never bothered to look at it from my PARENT'S point of view. All his friends would come over, raid the fridge, eat all the food in the house, and leave the mess for somebody else to clean. His little 'friendly get-togethers' were costing my parents hundreds of dollars in food, PLUS the mess left behind.

Just the fact that you're complaining about getting yelled at says to me that you're a self-centered little brat. Maybe you should think about how you're actions affect other people, and stop being so self-centered. There are other people in this world besides yourself.

03-28-2005, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by baja_racer
I am a father of 2....

If I was your Dad....I would woop you for asking for help on an ATV forum. It's your world after you reach 18.....take it like we all did......stop the pussification of America.

I do it with my parents all the time. Usually with my parents i just like think in my head stfu, screw you, **** off. That way it stays with you. With my sister when she like pisses me off i pull a fast one on her *** so somethin comes back at her. I'll prolly go to hell but hey its all in the name of the game.

03-28-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by ericstam07
ya this happend to my dad and my bother once....my bro WAS a state champ wrestler... my dad walked over to me and my bro in my bro's room and just blew up at him...they got into it...like fighting and **** any my bro took him down and told him whats up.....lol my dad doesnt blow up anymore about dumb **** anymore

Your brother is a ***. Overruling your parents is like beating down your little sister. Your dad should chop his balls of and shove them in his mouth.

03-28-2005, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
and you're most likely a self-centered little *******

Haha call me imature but that made me laugh:D

03-28-2005, 03:50 PM
Fight your dad, if he's gunna be an idiot jus show him whos boss and if not then dont come cry about it. Some people have it worse actually getting beaten, but if your a teenager and your still getting yelled at I would just get out of the house, unless you dont have any friends or places to go.

03-28-2005, 04:08 PM
you just gotta take it man. my dad's a HUGE ******* to me and my brothers (he treats my sisters like damn princesses)

we all turned out good from it though. that's why kids today are such dip****s. instead of a whippin like your supposed to get they get time-out.

03-28-2005, 06:24 PM
wuts up with u idiots fighint ur dad i kno one thing i would never fight my dad he would wreck shop maybe u should just stop being a pain in his ***** and have a one on one talk! learn some freaking manors who the hell beats up there parents :grr:

03-28-2005, 07:24 PM
yeah, i new i'd get some of you guys on here that knew it all and would say i bring it on myself and wilkin with his self-centered crap

except im not, my sister used to stir up stuff, but that always turned out fine, but now she moved out because they were old enough, not to get away, just to be on her own with her boyfriend, now that she moved out, my dad doesn't let up at all

and stop talkin crap about me wilkin, you don't have any clue about me or who i am, ask my friends, i'll give you their emails and you ask them if i am a little dick, im shy, but i got a lot of friends because they like me

i don't start this stuff and why would i? so i can get yelled at for no reason? i've tryed to leave when my dad pisses me off, but my mom says i can't leave mad cuz she thinks i'll drive crazy, which i have taken some pain out on my driving, but only like 1 or 2 times

and im not spoiled either, i payed for my car, quad, all the stuff with them, my dirtbike i got when i was a kid, my fast food, i work for what i got so don't go thinkin im spoiled either

03-28-2005, 08:01 PM
You know wilkin does go hard on everyone because hes good at it. He can curse people out to make em feel like ****. Sure thats cool if you did something bad and ***k around. Trust me he doesn't wanna email your friend and ask them. He could really careless. Just get your **** together and your parents will leave you alone.

03-28-2005, 08:48 PM
I'll admit, I haven't met and studied every single person on the planet. But of the many people I have met and known, a few patterns are ALWAYS consistent.

You're young, that's pretty obvious from your post and your attitude. Young people are ALWAYS self-centered.

Originally posted by Scott-300ex
and i plan on goin ridin tomorrow with some friends but now i can't take the truck and head out cuz the way i treat him cuz he grounded me when he's the one who starts it, im just standing up for myself, cuz he talks so much bs, so im ganna get my friends truck and take it out there and show him

I'm just curious, is this HIS truck you are planning to take? So now, you're pissed off because he won't let you take his truck? Sure, you're not spoiled OR self-centered.

And borrowing your friend's truck to go riding is the perfect solution. That's SURE to make your father happy after he grounded you. I'm sure that will fix all the problems between the two of you. So you can add Intelligence and Foresight to your list of good qualities along with not being self-centered. I hope you catch the sarcasm, because I'm laying it on pretty thick.

Originally posted by Scott-300ex
so then my voice gets louder and my dad yells at me not to yell, wtf is that about? its all my dad, he tells me to get something from up town i get it and he says i didn't say that, im like, F YOU!!!!!!

And now you're yelling back at your father, and telling him to F-off? Yeah, you're a model son, apple of his eye, I'm sure. I don't care who started the arguement, it would NEVER cross my mind to curse at my parents. If I did, I'd be expecting a whole lot more than a grounding, or removal of the truck priviledges.

Originally posted by Scott-300ex
ok, we were doing something, me and 6 other friends and we didn't hear these people calling us and my dad came over and yelled at me cuz apparently it was all MY fault that no one heard

Did you ever think that it might be inconvenient and annoying for him to answer every single person that comes calling for you? He's not mad that you didn't hear, he's mad because YOU are forcing HIM to answer your social calls. Regardless of the reason, of whether you can hear or not, HE is still being forced to answer the calls.

Yeah, you're not self-centered. :rolleyes:

Maybe he is a little ill-tempered, maybe some of the stuff is unjustified. But I'm pretty sure some of the stuff IS justified. And maybe, just maybe, if he wasn't yelling at you for the stuff that IS justified, the stuff that IS your fault, then maybe it wouldn't seem so bad.

03-28-2005, 10:17 PM
That sucks my friend.. My pops and I get along pretty well. I do what is expected out of me.. I give him his space.. He gives me mine.. Plus if we are always mean to eachother it prevents any big blow outs.. We call eachoter fat.. (even though neither of us are fat) .. Call eachother a titty baby ( gota watch the movie my dog skip) call eachother a fat titty baby (see above) lol My mom even gets in on the name calling. My g/f was shocked when she heard me call my dad a titty! then she realized it was cool.. Same with the rest of my friends..oh.. sometimes he also likes to land a nice punch upside my head if i take it to far.. But i always understand.. Or doge it before it hits me.. And who knows dude. Maybe your pops don't drink enough beer.. that could be his problem

03-28-2005, 10:38 PM
I think this was just alot of smarting off and it bit him in the *** finaly. I'm not as smart was wilkin but he is completely correct. When growing up with a abusive parent and or a drunk you tend to be shy and afraid all the time. I know because my mother has been one since she was my age. I've been VERY shortfused and hot tempured my hole life. I guess from seeing my mom it wore onto me, But I get pissed about anything that will tick me off.

My boss asked my dad today why I am so scared when working, Everytime he would walk in I would kinda look at him and ask him if I did something wrong, and if he came near me I would be really jumpy and scared. It kinda sucks but once you get a certien age it all goes away. Alot of it is because your growing older and your not your dads little boy anymore, It kinda hurts them seeing you grow up and move on. It reminds them they are getting old (funny but its true) and they dont like the thought of being closer to death.

Best advice is, do what your dad wants you to do and RESPECT HIM. I grew up with a Italian father, When he grew up the father is the head of the house hold. You respect him or you get your *** beat. But it teaches you to be mature, and not out of line. All the fights I have had with my mom have ruined a relationship there, I pretty much dont have a mom, Dont let that be the case with your father! You'll regret it everyday till you pass away..

03-29-2005, 08:43 PM
ok, im not even ganna get started on wilkin so this thread don't get closed, even though he don't know me and is wrong he KNOWS EVERYTHING :rolleyes:, I can see what he's talking about cuz from the way he acts on here it sounded like he deserved it and asked for it from his parents

03-30-2005, 11:48 AM
You want me to stop nitpicking and give you my honest advice?

Try to look at the problems from a perspective OTHER than your own.

A simple example. Let's say you are an employee. Your wife/girlfriend has the car, and she doesn't come back in time, so you're late for work. A few days later, you blow a tire driving to work, so you're late again. Later on, power went out overnight, so your alarm clock doesn't work, and you're late again. None of this is your fault, right? So why are you getting fired?

Now, pretend you're the boss, and you have an employee that is constantly late. Sure, he swears up and down that it's not his fault, but he is STILL always late, and it's costing you money. Did you start this buisiness to be nice? Did you start this business to give people jobs? NO! You started this business to make money. If one of you're employees is costing you too much money, you fire them, regardless of who's at fault.

Now think about the situation when your dad yelled at you because you didn't hear somebody calling you. Your perspective is "It's not my fault, I can't hear it". But what is your father's perspective? Somebody is calling for you, but because you're hanging out with your friends, you can't hear it, so your father is forced to deal with it. How is it NOT your fault?