View Full Version : 2004 Shift Mach Camo Jerseys?

Golden Joker
03-27-2005, 03:29 PM
Hi, I've looked almost everywhere for 04' mach camo jerseys but everone said, they were discontinued.

I might call shift to ask if they have any left. Would that be a good idea?

I found www.shiftmx.ca but I don't know if their discontinued, and I dont know how to order from canadian sites.

Anyone know where I can get them?

03-27-2005, 04:09 PM
yup I cant find the pants and oneal is sponsoring me this year so im gonna use theres..How much will u pay for one of those jerseys ( good condition) haha....I got one...but it still wear it sometimes when its muddy


03-27-2005, 04:22 PM
yeah they are discontinued but i have the 04 pants and bought the 05 jersey and they match just fine