View Full Version : NEW PRODUCT - need some feedback on a new product

03-26-2005, 08:16 PM
Okay guys, we have come up with a new product. It is called visiwhip. It basically is an indestructible lighted flag pole. Tale a look at it and give me/us (my co-inventor) some feed back! It is not on the market yet, but will be VERY shortly. If you are interested in one, I MIGHT be able to get you guys one.
Take a look, I think you will find to WAY COOL!!!


03-26-2005, 08:17 PM

03-26-2005, 09:05 PM
It looks pretty nice. Seems pretty heavy duty too!

03-26-2005, 09:45 PM
looks awsome!!!:) :) :) :D

03-27-2005, 07:25 AM
thats cool:cool:

Bill Fuller
03-27-2005, 07:41 AM
Great idea!

03-27-2005, 11:49 AM
Hmm, I wouldnt pay that much for one though... But its still pretty sweet.

03-28-2005, 09:05 AM
Check out the site again, we added a picture of it on a buddies 400ex.
We also PUNISHED it by slamming it on the goround, there is video on there of us doing it. You can see how strong it is.

It is not the same thing as the Wired Whip, MUCH stronger! requires NO batteries, runs off your quad. It is designed to run off of your tail light wireing, so you turn off your headlights off, the whip goes off.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

VisiWhip (http://www.lspsonline.com/visiwhip.htm )