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View Full Version : Elka screwed me...please help!!!!

05-10-2002, 08:25 PM
Ok, here's the deal. I ordered a set of econo tripple's from Marty last week. He calls me 2 days later and tells me he can make me a sweet deal on a set of tripple's wit rez's and comp adjust. I said lets do it. They were to arive by wednesday. Wednesday gets here and no shock. I call marty. He's gone for the day. I call the next day....oh, the were never shippped. Fine then, i was getting such a great deal i figured i would eat the $40 to overnight them. I need them asap so i can get used to them before my race on the 19th. Well, the arived today. i niticed that one of the crossover rings were up side down ( this seems to be a reoccuring problem). I i flipped it. I pulled the 2nd shock out to flip that one and THERE WAS NO 2ND RING!!!!!!!!! There wasn't a 2nd crossover ring on the other shock! What in the HE!! is going on here. I bust me ***** to afford,what is supposed to be one of THE best, shocks and this is what i get?!

I work ALL day nearly EVERY day. I was going to ge tsome seat time on them sat. and sun. after work. The only day i have off this coming week is Monday.

What should i do folks?! I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!

05-10-2002, 08:27 PM
Does anyone have any they can get to me by monday?! The one ring i do have measures to be 7/8 inch.


05-10-2002, 08:41 PM
someone help this guy!

05-10-2002, 08:42 PM
Man that blows. Makes me rethink what I want to buy.

05-10-2002, 09:46 PM
Was it Elka or the Quadshop???

05-10-2002, 09:48 PM
Send them back. Man this makes me think if PEP`s again.

05-10-2002, 09:50 PM
I don't know who it was. I really DON'T think Marty could overlook something like that. Plus, when they sent them, they were still in the ELKA box. So, that leads me to believe it was elka who fowled up, NOT Marty.

05-10-2002, 09:58 PM
I think it is Elka that screwed up. Nausty's rear shock was all screwed up...and I think that he sent direct to elka.

05-10-2002, 10:32 PM
have you talked to Marty or Jeff yet..?

let us know how you made out..


05-10-2002, 10:38 PM
Well, i just got done "creating" what might be a short-lived substitute. It is by NO means a crossover ring, but it might get me riding untill i can get some new ones. I PMed marty and will be calling him first thing tomarrow. Assuming they are going to be there. I'm sure he will hook me up with something quick....i hope...

05-11-2002, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Alky472
I think it is Elka that screwed up. Nausty's rear shock was all screwed up...and I think that he sent direct to elka.

Actually we ended up having it sent to c&d racing and elka didn't sent the blown out seal for like 2 or something weeks. So they ended up having to send the seal to c&d after we sent them the shock and then they had to send it to us. Its probably elka and not the quadshop and c&d sent us money for when we shipped it to them and with a letter. I road all day yesterday around here just launching off natural terrain jumps and they rocked on everything I was doing because I would just hit jumps a gear higher and I would be sideways and launching cricked and totally screwing up my landings and it just soaked them up so I couldn't feel a thing when I would normally rack my self on the seat from landing perfect. I can't wait to test them out on the big jumps NEXT weekend. D*** RAIN. Its been like 4 weeks while only riding once with blown seal and now RAIN.

05-11-2002, 04:14 PM
There is no doubt that the Quadshop or Elka will Fix your Problem, but it may take longer then you want it to.