View Full Version : New 05 z400

03-25-2005, 04:19 PM
I just went to Leipold Motor Sales and talked to the owner about a new z400 i asked whats the best he could do on the quad he told me $5925 OTD i was woundering if that was a good price or not? i was looking at getting one for $5700 OTD. there is a few more places i need to go and see what they will sell one to me for i would liek to get the kfx400 but what ever place gives me the best deal gets my money.

03-26-2005, 04:33 AM
well i got mine for $5800 OTD, but that took a lot of looking around and shopping and lots of wheeling and dealing with the dealer (my mom helped him lower his price:D )

03-26-2005, 07:00 AM
That price is not that bad, I got mine for 5700 OTD, but they were having a special on them so that is a decent price.
go for it

John Ragon
03-27-2005, 03:21 PM
Suzuki has definitely made some marked changes to their 2005 Z400. I've had mine since December, and have been extremely pleased with the extra gusseting on the frame and all the other detailed improvements.

John Ragon #98
Psalm 37:4

03-27-2005, 04:32 PM
I've been quoted $5630 OTD for a 2005 KFX at my local dealership. That's with 8.25% sales tax added on ($5199 + tax). You should be able to do better IMO.