View Full Version : race cut plastics

03-24-2005, 11:01 AM
what do race cut plastics do. and what do you think of the adapt graphics kits

03-30-2005, 11:01 PM
they make it so there isnt as much air resistance. To me, i think they look like crap and dont think they help that much. Yea, its real fun when u get soaked when u go thrugh a small puddle b/c theres no fenders.

03-31-2005, 08:16 AM
some people dont ride through the mud and puddles, or ride in areas that have that at all.

Think of that before you bad mouth them.

Theres no real reason to it, some people say wind resistance, some do it for looks, and some do it so they can see their wheels.

I did mine for looks

04-02-2005, 04:56 PM
lol mostly people do it for looks but it at the same time saves you alittle bit of wait on the bike aswell.

04-04-2005, 06:17 PM
it makes the bike look good and also makes it more arow dinamic

04-06-2005, 05:01 PM
There is a lot of wind resistance caused by the front fenders, because of the way they're shaped. They basically just act like a big air scoop. However the areodynamics are something you'd prolly not really notice unless you where running top speed all the time. Of course, it can make a difference on MX also though. Any wind caught in the fenders while you're in the air can blow you around in the air. Say you're clearing a jump just fine, got it figured out so you're landing perfect, then you go to jump it into the wind, and a hard gust comes, it could actually make you come up short.

It's also nice because you can watch what your front wheels are doing. It can help with jumping and such. Lets you know where your front wheels are going to be when you land.

I personally just love the looks of it, and being able to see what my front suspension is doing.

04-06-2005, 05:21 PM
I've never had any problems with wind resistance nor did I notice it being any better when I put race cuts on. Personally I could not stand not knowing where my front tires were going. Its so much nicer to see if your going to hit something or not. So it opens up your visibility in the front and just looks good.