View Full Version : extremely mad at steveatv3 now!

03-24-2005, 01:20 AM
well as i posted before i bought a pep steering dampener from him a while back (which he still owes me money for shipping for, for the story look at my other thread). well after recieving the dampener i realized i needed money more than i needed the dampener so i put it up for sale before i even used it. i have never even seen a pep one installed before so i had no idea what one in good shape was sposed to look like. i assumed it was in good shape from what steve told me so i told the guy who bought it that it was in good shape too. well he e-mailed me back and told me this thing is totally screwed and wants a refund. both the heim ends are shot, the stabilizer itself needs a rebuild too. the guy called pep to get a quote to get it fixed and they told him 40 dollars. he asked me for his money back and yes he will be getting it back. but i am pissed at steve for selling me junk! i guess it is partly my fault because i didnt know any better but he should not have sold me crap! steve i want my 70 dollars back, plus the 10 you owe me, plus another 10 to ship this pile of junk back to you!

03-24-2005, 05:34 PM
dude when i had it and when i mailed it to you it was in GREAT cond. the thing has only about 2 months riding on it!

i sent you the 10$ i owed you on tuesday, and that is the only thing i owe you.

03-24-2005, 06:49 PM
maybe the other guy is trying to screw you? Steve seems like a stand up guy, i dont personally know him but almost bought some stuff awhile ago and he was defintily cool.good luck

03-24-2005, 07:09 PM
steve send him his money back....u scrwed him

03-24-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by exracer64
steve send him his money back....u scrwed him

I will just sum this up.

I send you the steering stabilizer witch i know was in PERFECT cond. Yes i do owe you 10$ witch i sent out and you will get by next week. I DONOT owe you anything else and if there even is somthing wrong with it, it is now out of my hands i do not know what happend to it or ware it has been when it was not with me, so i am sorry buddy. But sending you 90$ your a little rediculous

03-25-2005, 02:40 AM
so what are you saying? it magically got all beat up when i had it even tho i never even used it? i know this guy isnt trying to screw me (hes a member here btw- carrie416ex ) either. he wouldnt have sent me a certified money order via priority mail if he was planning on screwing me over? what would he gain anyways? hes getting his money back and i am getting this junk stabilizer back. i would have to agree with the guy because the heim joints were really like loose and wobbley..i just figured they were sposed to be that way. look man its not my fault you sent me the wrong thing in the first place and its not my fault you dont know the difference between a part thats in good condition and one thats worn out. maybe if you payed attention to these things a stabilzer wouldnt get you into so much trouble. i will have carrie come on here and post about it. he races at southwhick so maybe some of you people even have rode with him before. im not going to lose 75 dollars because you sold me junk. maybe this will make you pay more attention to the condition your parts are in before you sell em.

one more thing, this doesnt have a whole lot to do with my transaction with carrie. its completely my fault that i sent him a part that wasnt in the condition i described. HOWEVER, when i get it back i dont want this thing if its junk either. i didnt spend 70 dollars for a worn out dampener. that is why i want my money back...because the part is not in good condition and its certainly not in perfect condition as you just said (however i did not expect it to be in perfect condition, i knew it was a used part, but what i didnt want was a part that is going to cost me 40 more dollars to get to a usuable condition. when i get it back here i gaurentee it will be in exact same condition it was in when i had it. if its not i will eat my words and i will send you your shipping money back as an apology. but i know it will be in the same condition, and i know when i send it back to you it will be in the exact condition that you sent it to me in too! therefore proving that you sold me a faulty part.

03-25-2005, 09:27 AM
Ok I guess i'm on the witness stand.LOL! Well here it goes, I bought the stabilizer from Juggalo. I sent the payment to him and i recieved it quick like he said. I took it out of the box and found that the heims were pretty beat. One is totally shot, almost to the point that the inner is almost out of the heim altogether and the other is not far behind that one in condition. So needless to say i was alittle upset. Then I pulled the shaft out to see how that was. Well at first it seemed ok but then about halfway thru it had a skip in it. So i pushed back and fourth a few times and it skips quite a bit. Well that didn't seem right to me so I called PEP @909-590-4111 and talk to them about it. They told me the skip in it was the foam inners being shot and said I would have to buy the rebuild kit for 18.00 + shipping. So then i told him about the ends and he said they were 11.00 each + shipping. So I e-mailed Juggalo to let him know that i was very unhappy about this and he responded right away! He agreed to send my money back which is the stand-up thing to do and i am sending the stabilizer back to him. I have no hard feelings with him at all, he seems pretty honest to me! With that said I can't say what condition the stabilizer was in when Steveatv3 sent it to him. I can say that Juggalo seems to be a pretty honest person or at least has been with me. Thats not to say Steveatv3 is not an honet person either I just haven't really dealt with him to say one way or the other. I can say if it was me though i would refund the person the price they paid for it if they were unhappy with the item. Maybe the shipping charges should just be ate by both. I would understand not refunding the money if a couple months later they e-mailed you and said it was beat. Just my testamony,LOL! and opinion. Thanks, Carrie.

03-25-2005, 09:47 AM
Dude i know they werent beat when i sent it, and sure be my guesst send the stabilizer back to me it will go right in the garbage cuz it wont fit my 450 and you still wont get your money back.

I did nothing wrong , i wish i didnt throw away the recipt cuz when i sent it to you it was only a couple months old. And we did this transaction in January or around that time and you will get your 10$ and thats it have a nice day that is all there is to be said about this matter

03-25-2005, 10:15 AM
if indeed Steveatv3 sold junk then a full refund should be expected. Steveatv3 you need to look at it again and make sure it was still in the shape it was when you shipped it and not just dismiss this matter because its looking bad on your reputation as a good person to do business with. I think it would be in your best interest to resoulve this matter as soon as you can and chalk it up to one of lifes experiences.

03-25-2005, 10:19 AM
i serioulsy dont even care about this i sold it to him 3+months ago and if there was somthing wrong with it should have been brought to my attention then. And i dont think this 1 matter out of the 50 good transactions is really going to hurt my reputation in business you will never make everybody happy and this is just one of those times

03-25-2005, 11:26 AM
true you did sell it to me a while back but i havent had my quad out all winter! in fact i just rode it for the first time since early october yesterday! so even if i had never sold it i never woulda found out it was shot until yesterday now. like i said it will be in the exact condition you sent it to me in.... BTW...this may be a dickhead thing to do but if you dont send my money back i will respond to EVERY single thing you ever post for sale and tell people about how you ripped me off! that is assuming that your not banned first for ripping somebody off.

03-25-2005, 12:17 PM
Steve, I dealt with another issue with Juggalo some time ago and I know he's a standup guy. You'll have to work this out with Juggalo but rather than Juggalo paying to ship the dampner back to you and you supposedly throwing it away, why don't you just send him a money order to cover the cost of the rebuild kit. That way Juggalo can keep or sell the dampner in good working condition.

03-25-2005, 02:52 PM
i serioulsy dont even care about this i sold it to him 3+months ago and if there was somthing wrong with it should have been brought to my attention then. And i dont think this 1 matter out of the 50 good transactions is really going to hurt my reputation in business you will never make everybody happy and this is just one of those times

If you have a unhappy customer 1 out of every 50 sales then that doesnt sound like a good track record if you ask me and would make me rethink buying from you..

Steve, I dealt with another issue with Juggalo some time ago and I know he's a standup guy. You'll have to work this out with Juggalo but rather than Juggalo paying to ship the dampner back to you and you supposedly throwing it away, why don't you just send him a money order to cover the cost of the rebuild kit. That way Juggalo can keep or sell the dampner in good working condition.

Sounds like a good solution to the problem..

03-25-2005, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Steve, I dealt with another issue with Juggalo some time ago and I know he's a standup guy. You'll have to work this out with Juggalo but rather than Juggalo paying to ship the dampner back to you and you supposedly throwing it away, why don't you just send him a money order to cover the cost of the rebuild kit. That way Juggalo can keep or sell the dampner in good working condition.

yes i would be completely satisfied with that or better yet send carrie the money for the rebuild because he wants the dampener he just doesnt want to pay an extra 40 bucks on top of what he payed for it. if you can work it out i can apologize for bad mouthing you..i mean im not trying to start a fight here or anything i just dont want to be screwed out of the little money i do have! if you do decide to pay for the build charge at pep it will be 40 dollars. thats definatley better than refunding the entire 70 dollars!


03-26-2005, 07:58 AM
an thats a rap

03-26-2005, 02:25 PM
I boguth a wer stabilizer on ebay a few months ago on ebay for like $105. Got it and it didnt work. Contacted the guy I bought it from and told him. He said to send it back and he would give me a refund. He also said it worked when he took it off.

I didnt really want to do that since its rare you see a high dollar stabilizer on there. I came up with the idea if he paid half of the 80 dollar rebuild charge I would be happy. He did and and I had a like new $350 Stabilizer and and only had $160 in it.

I know the scenario is a little diffrent here but, Thats just my experiance .take it or leave it. :bandit:

03-26-2005, 11:56 PM
so what do you think steve? can you pay the 40 dollar rebuild fee?

03-27-2005, 02:57 PM
i just wanted to let everybody know that i recieved the 10 dollars steve owed me for shipping today. thank you steve for that. i also want to set the record straight a little bit. this whole thing is not so much me trying to tell people that steves a bad guy or a scam artist. in fact i think just the opposite...i dont think hes out there to rip anybody off. what i think happened was he took the dampener off his quad..didnt realize it was more beat up than he thought and shipped it out. when the whole shipping fiasco occured he was more than willing to help fix the situation which i appreciated. id just like to be reimbursed for this 40 dollars that its going to cost me to get the thing fixed. its not my fault that its in such bad shape..its steves and he never informed me that it was like that which is why i feel he should be responsible for fixing it.

03-30-2005, 12:49 AM
steve stop blowin me off and respond please!

04-01-2005, 01:02 PM
steve please pay me back...im waiting for your response..this is stupid and its not worth getting banned over!

04-01-2005, 02:04 PM
your the only person on the whole site that has a problem with me i doubt i will get banned because of your opinon and im sure you have people that agree with you. banning me wont help your cause any either. This is all i have left to say about this situation

This is the sent PM in reply to Guy400's


Guy400 wrote on 04-01-2005 03:51 AM:
See my comments in this thread and the replies that follow. I'm not saying that you intentionally screwed Juggalo over but I don't think that steering dampner was in acceptable shape. You don't have to give Juggalo his money back but please consider buying the $40 rebuild kit for him to make this deal right.


I understand that you are a moderator but have you personally seen the dampener and yes juggalo is a stand up guy in your book he is in mine too because i recieved his money in a timely fashion. But if you research my name in the trader feedback you will also see that i do not have any bad comments. Only one other time when i sold beadlocks the person was upset cuz the condition was not as described and when i looked in the thread i saw the i mispurtrayed them and i gave him 100$ from the 150$ he payed me so he got a damn good deal. But on the other side of the coin i have bought many pairs of plastics that were described in great cond. that were beat to hell there is really nothing you can do. I would refund his money if i belived the dampener was crap, but i know it was not i used it 3 days before i sent it out and it was not leaking ect. Also it has been 3 months i do not know if he had it near gas or near some kind of heat stove witch could have hurt the seals ect. If it were only a week or so i could understand.

04-01-2005, 02:39 PM
so i dont understand what the conclusion your coming to here is...are you saying i wrecked the stabilizer before i sent it? are you saying carrie is saying its wrecked to get some extra money for it? or what i just dont understand...why should i have to pay for your mistake? cuz the way i see it is you sold me a dampener that you THOUGHT was in good shape althouth it WASNT. me selling it to carrie had nothing to do with our transaction...he simply brought the problem to my attention because i didnt know anything about it and i never even used the thing! therefore you sold it to me in crappy condition meaning you should reimburse me for the 40 dollars i had to spend to get it fixed!

one more thing...i bought a carb from crapbanshee a while back..he had a buncha good feedback too but the carb he sold we was total junk and didnt even work and he got banned...

04-01-2005, 05:25 PM
Steve, it's truly disappointing that you won't make this deal right. All you're being asked to do is pay for a simple rebuild kit for this, not refund the entire purchase price. As far as I'm concerned, if someone asks me whether or not to deal with you I'm going to tell them not to. Juggalo conducted himself in a stand-up manner. He sold a guy a part and the guy said it wasn't to his satisfaction so Juggalo returned his money - end of story. It's almost laughable to insinuate that the heim ends got worn out and the seals were ruined because he set it next to a heater of some type. The facts are:
1.) You rode this dampner last.
2.) You removed it and sold it to Juggalo.
3.) Juggalo left it in a box for several months and never used it.
4.) He resold it to later find out it's problems.
5.) Juggalo returns the money and takes the dampner back and now he's left holding the bag.

04-01-2005, 07:14 PM
This is a shame:( Jug looks like you need to be prepared to write this off as a loss because it looks like Steve is not going to make it right.

Steve you may think this is no big deal but everyone that has browsed this thread will have this in the back of their mind and will think twice about doing business with you.

Its this kind of business practice that gives buying over the internet a bad name.

04-02-2005, 09:30 PM
wow i have been watching this for a bit now and i just found a rebuild kit on ebay for 19.95 plus 5 bucks shipping for one of these and you payed 40 bucks to have it rebuilt you payed 2 times what you needed to just my 2 cents but here is the ebay item # 4540576847 hope you guys get this worked out

04-03-2005, 06:27 PM
well I learn alot from this site and im not a member here just to sell stuff so if it has to be like this then i will never offer anything forsale on this site

04-03-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by jonc623
wow i have been watching this for a bit now and i just found a rebuild kit on ebay for 19.95 plus 5 bucks shipping for one of these and you payed 40 bucks to have it rebuilt you payed 2 times what you needed to just my 2 cents but here is the ebay item # 4540576847 hope you guys get this worked out

Yes the rebuild kit is that price on e-bay but that doesn't include the heim joints. It's just the inner foam, o-rings and seals. The heims are 11.00 each plus shipping, and the rebuild kit thru PEP is only 18.00 plus shipping. So he didn't pay 2 times! If anyone has any ?'s about the price you can call PEP at the # i left in my other reply in this post. By the way thanks Dave, the m/o came in yesterday. As for Steveatv3, it's pretty bad when a kid is being more of a man then you are about the situation!! I thought you were a pretty decent guy but your proving me and alot of others wrong!!!

04-03-2005, 07:10 PM
i sent juggalo what i owed him, and if others have a problem with it then they can send him sympathy money. But i also have a hand ful of people that agree with me. Think what you might i really dont care

04-03-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by steveatv3
i sent juggalo what i owed him, and if others have a problem with it then they can send him sympathy money. But i also have a hand ful of people that agree with me. Think what you might i really dont care

ur a moron....who is going to buy from u

04-03-2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by steveatv3
well I learn alot from this site and im not a member here just to sell stuff so if it has to be like this then i will never offer anything forsale on this site

Steve it didn't have to be this way. It didn't have to go this far either. If you would've handled the situation alittle differently and made good on what you sold, it would have been over and done with quite awhile ago!!!

04-03-2005, 07:21 PM
well now that we came to this fork in the road you guys can either

1.Sue me
2.Ban me
3.Or leave me alone

04-03-2005, 09:18 PM
ban his *** :mad:

carrie- your welcome...enjoy the dampener..im sure you'll enjoy it more than i did :grr: sorry about all the problems

04-06-2005, 01:35 PM
okay not to stick up for steve in any sort of manner..but since the shipping fiasco...couldnt the other guy who got the stabilizer messed it up before he sent it? cause obviously he had to open the box to know it was wrong? and y didnt juggalo open this product as soon as he got it to tell him what was up? and y would u buy a part you dont really know what it is? i mean it all seems to fishy to me...but im not calling either of your liars by all means...just theres alot of other things that i didnt see anyone post?

1) first guy who recieved the package on accident?
2) open as soon as u get it to check it out would be your best bet next time
3)how can u have a part sit for 3 months and expect a refund...nobody has any idea what u "could" have done to it...

04-06-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by rwhitaker04
okay not to stick up for steve in any sort of manner..but since the shipping fiasco...couldnt the other guy who got the stabilizer messed it up before he sent it? cause obviously he had to open the box to know it was wrong? and y didnt juggalo open this product as soon as he got it to tell him what was up? and y would u buy a part you dont really know what it is? i mean it all seems to fishy to me...but im not calling either of your liars by all means...just theres alot of other things that i didnt see anyone post?

1) first guy who recieved the package on accident?
2) open as soon as u get it to check it out would be your best bet next time
3)how can u have a part sit for 3 months and expect a refund...nobody has any idea what u "could" have done to it...

You hit the nail on the head....first off I know I wouldn't return anyones money 3 months after the fact. I'm sorry but it was juggalos responsibility to check out the stabalizer when he received it. If they were that worn out and he would have checked it out he would have noticed this. But he didnt. I think this would be completely different if Steve wasn't refunding the money say a week after he received it.

04-06-2005, 02:25 PM
i agree, i dont think its logical to want a refund if you had the part for 3 months. Even if you were busy or didnt know it was messed up, its still 3 whole months and who knows what you couldve done with it. it is hard to tell whos responsibility it is because we dont know if steve sent it junked, or it got messed up during that 3 month time period but if i was in Steve's situaution i wouldnt refund anything either. id say 2 weeks is the longest anyone should go asking for a refund

04-06-2005, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by ny300exrider
i agree, i dont think its logical to want a refund if you had the part for 3 months. Even if you were busy or didnt know it was messed up, its still 3 whole months and who knows what you couldve done with it. it is hard to tell whos responsibility it is because we dont know if steve sent it junked, or it got messed up during that 3 month time period but if i was in Steve's situaution i wouldnt refund anything either. id say 2 weeks is the longest anyone should go asking for a refund

I agree. If you buy something from a store you have 30 days to return it after that it's yours.

04-06-2005, 06:09 PM
well first of all i did look at it..a lot. i have never owned a dampener before so i have no idea what one in good condition was supposed to look like. second i highly doubt the first guy who got it did anything with it...why would he? and the reason is sat so long was because it was winter and i wasnt riding at all. my quad was in storage in my friends barn.

ny300exrider- you say who knows what i could have done to it. i guess you cant really trust anybody on the internet but why would somebody like me whos very well known on the forums (ive been here for years and years and have over 4000 posts) and have nothing but good feedback wreck a part and then try to get my money back?

and all you people who say its illogical to ask for your money back you would be doing the same damn thing in my position. why should i have to pay for somebody elses mistake?

and once again to get the poi9nt across i have never seen a pep dampener before i dont know what one in good condition and one in bad condition looks like. so what? i was told it was in good condition so i believed that it was! nobody is screwing anybody over here except steve.

04-06-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Juggalo
and all you people who say its illogical to ask for your money back you would be doing the same damn thing in my position. why should i have to pay for somebody elses mistake?

I would have checked the dampner out as soon as I got it and asked for my money back ASAP.....but I would NOT ask for it 3 months later.

04-06-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by thump4863
I would have checked the dampner out as soon as I got it and asked for my money back ASAP.....but I would NOT ask for it 3 months later.

what dont you understand about i didnt know what to look for?

04-06-2005, 07:21 PM
then y would u buy a part u dont know what it is or what to look for? i mean think of the logic here...u bought something...FIRST thing to do is check it out...i mean i understand if u dont know the skipping or something but chips and nicks in it that werent up to your standard could have made this deal 3 months ago alot easier..if i was steve i would refund your money within a reasonable amount of time..but i cant see me sending the money back after 3 months...and not knowing exactly what u did or didnt do...plus its the net...trusting people on here is pretty difficult...as it is..

04-06-2005, 09:33 PM
wow someone some people are actually seeing it through my perspective

04-07-2005, 12:10 AM
ok rwhitakter do you know how a shock works? do you have an understanding of all the motion dynamics and fluids and spring rates involved and all that? most people dont..i dont either..but does that stop you from buying shocks? nope. from what i could see it seemed to be in good shape. i mean there was a little mark in it but it didnt look like it made a difference and actually i know the mark that was on it didn't. it pulled in and out ok but made a squishing sound, i figured it was normal. sorry i didnt use my xray vision to see if the sponges inside of it were ok! also the heim joints were really lose but once again i figured that was the way they were supposed to be but it wasnt!

even i can admit its a little crazy to ask for my money back for after so long, but i would have asked sooner if i had known. BUT even still...THE FACT REMAINS that he sold me a part that was junk when he claimed it was good. and nobody can argue that fact because its the plain truth. and any respectable seller on this site would have done the right thing and you know thats true too!

04-07-2005, 06:42 AM
You honostly are a ***in *** whole, I seriously even regret sending you the 10$ i did owe you.

Please grow up and stop making new user names to slander my name.

04-07-2005, 09:03 AM
Please grow up and stop making new user names to slander my name.

Who is doing that?

Its obvious that both parties believe they are in the right on this matter, I dont believe there will ever be a resolution to this problem:(

Jug you need to just write it off as a loss however in the future DO NOT wait 3 months to try and get a refund ( I know your reason for this I read the other posts you made)

Steve I think you thought you were selling a good product (Is there a chance that you didnt know it was a bad part?)

Nothing will ever be proven on this so both of you just need to go and live your lives.

04-07-2005, 11:32 AM
how a shock works..ya i know that it should be pretty stiff threw the whole travel of the shock...so yes i know what it is all about...granted u wont know the seals are bad inside...or whatever but...i still know somewhat of what im purchasing..

04-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by steveatv3
You honostly are a ***in *** whole, I seriously even regret sending you the 10$ i did owe you.

Please grow up and stop making new user names to slander my name.

if your accusing me of this your mistaken. ask any mod if i am registered under any other names on this board and they will tell you no.

04-07-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by steveatv3
You honostly are a ***in *** whole, I seriously even regret sending you the 10$ i did owe you.

That makes me doubt your credibility. Period.

04-07-2005, 02:19 PM
Steve is only 15 or 16 , what do you expect ?? He's a little cocky punk teenager who thinks he's god at fourwheeling. We'll see who gets the last laugh, you'll get yours one day Steve. Maybe you should double up on English next year and spell check your website, its atrocious.

04-07-2005, 04:19 PM
well obviously..if ur posting to slander someone...hugeogresteve..u obviously arent to old yourself...cause u would do the mature thing and post facts not **** u can just guess at...and if it was me...after 3 months the kid would be lucky to get that 10 dollars back also...i mean come on..think about it...ALL SALES ARE FINAL....in no way shape or form should that be the sellers fault that a person buying a part doesnt know what they are getting.....so therefore steve still seems like an honest guy to me..and would prolly deal the same way 90% of us here do and will continue to do...and anyone else...try the 90 day rule out and see if u get your money back...to see if its not just steve that would say no...and let me know..

04-07-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by HugeOgreSteve
Steve is only 15 or 16 , what do you expect ?? He's a little cocky punk teenager who thinks he's god at fourwheeling. We'll see who gets the last laugh, you'll get yours one day Steve. Maybe you should double up on English next year and spell check your website, its atrocious.


04-07-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida

i agree

04-07-2005, 04:46 PM
He is 16 , thats a fact.

A person claiming something is in great condition when its broken is false advertisement. Thats fraud.

If you don't know that something your selling is broken, you shouldn't be selling it.

I may be a newbie to this forum but that dosn't mean anything, I'm not a newbie to life.

04-07-2005, 05:07 PM
well obviously u didnt read the thread and the other thread...Y WOULD HE BUY A PART HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT IS..and 2nd...its a pep stabilizer..."REBUILDABLE" so its not broken...so its not fraud...and let me ask u this....just ponder this k..if this kid who bought it doesnt know about it...y cant steve not know something was wrong? i mean if 1 can the other right....and plus...y didnt this kid look at his part within 3 months...its his fault end of story...

04-07-2005, 05:34 PM
All you people who agree that steve did nothing wrong, please PM me, I have a ton of parts in "excellent" shape and in "good working order" that I would love to sell to you for cheap. Now when i say good working order...they might not actually work, but hey, thats ok...right?

04-07-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by HugeOgreSteve
He is 16 , thats a fact.

A person claiming something is in great condition when its broken is false advertisement. Thats fraud.

If you don't know that something your selling is broken, you shouldn't be selling it.

I may be a newbie to this forum but that dosn't mean anything, I'm not a newbie to life.

apparently you dont know my real age, and you are obviously some *** that knows me and is to scared to talk to me face to face. honosltly grow up and save that for bluetraxx

04-07-2005, 05:40 PM
and to juggalo i am sorry what i said before i thought you were the one posting **** about me

04-07-2005, 05:54 PM
but see derek...ill know what to ask for :D so..try and pull that on someone else...and plus..we are close..how bout i come see these parts?

04-07-2005, 06:13 PM
So then that makes you 15 :devil: thats even better. You know they make an edit button instead of double posting so you have more post's so everyone thinks your "elite" :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 06:40 PM

04-07-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by rwhitaker04
but see derek...ill know what to ask for :D so..try and pull that on someone else...and plus..we are close..how bout i come see these parts?

Obviously you missed the entire point of my message.