View Full Version : coolant leaking

Martin Blair
03-21-2005, 05:05 PM
well the last week we were at the dunes for spring break. I noticed that my bike was throwing some collant out of the overflow, i couldnt understand it, it was in the 40s and wet most of the time, and the resivor was never full. I was wondering if anyone else has ran into this. I think it might be from sitting on the down side of some of the razorbacks, and the front part of the resivor fills with collant, then when i go up the next dune quickly a little collant that is left in the front part of the resivor, runs out the tube and down onto the front of the motor, I cleaned if off and it keep happining, but it is coming from the overlflow tube, and it not overfilled, any other ideas?

03-21-2005, 05:44 PM
no idea but i can see where your comin from on sitting on the downslope then going up the next one fast. your motor just might be getting extremely hot or something.