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View Full Version : friend killed in accident

03-21-2005, 02:46 PM
A friend of mine was killed on Friday night coming home from a party, he was drunk. Another friend of mine was behind him and what it sounds like is he passed out and drove into the ditch, his truck spun around in a 360 then hit a field approch sideways and launched his truck up into the air. he was killed instantly, the paramedics couldent even save him.

its so hard to belive, i seen him friday afternoon and he was telling me about this party. just last weekend we were at the casino.

Please never drink and drive, even if you think you are alright to be driving, its not worth it and this way if you get a sober ride you know you will atleast be around to see another day.

His funeral is tomorrow and im really not sure if i can go, that is not the way i want to remember him/

03-21-2005, 02:52 PM
sorry to hear about your friend man. it really sucks but you should go to the funeral you will never forgive yourself if you dont. but thats just me i guess.

03-21-2005, 03:00 PM
if i were u i would go to the funeral just to pay ur respects man. sorry to hear about that

03-21-2005, 03:01 PM
Go to the funeral. It will give you closure. Just don't look in the casket.

03-21-2005, 03:35 PM
Sorry to hear about your lose man! I've also been in a car accident caused by alcohol, something I'll never forget and shouldn't forget as it was a life lesson learned the hardest way. Just remember you own words "please never drink and drive."

03-21-2005, 03:52 PM
Sorry to hear man. It happens alot. (could and should be prevented though) Two years ago I had a friend killed in an alcohol related accident on their youth groups way to a christian bluegrass music festival. At the time I didnt want to go to the funeral because I had never been to one, I kind of wish I had went to it now though. Going to it is all up to you though.

03-21-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm sorry to hear man it's tough. About a month ago one of my friends committed suicide. It's really hard no one knows why he did it everyone loved him. He really had no enemies and I remember getting that call saying he had just hung himself. I was in disbelief. You do need to go to the funeral though. I know you don't want to see it, but you will always regret it. Pay your respects and remember the good times. That's how he would want it, right?

03-21-2005, 06:21 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend . You should go to the funeral ... it'll help the healing process ... trust me !!!

I know how it is to lose freinds to drinking and driving . I lost 3 all in a matter of 5 months . One lost control of his truck ... he wasn't going fast , but he rolled it onto it's side in a ditch ... his window was open and it crushed his head .Two others died in a snowmobile crash ... they hit head on . Both of them had passengers that were injured pretty badly ... both drivers ( my friends) died .

I've driven home once after drinking .... I scared the hell out of myself the next morning .... I'll NEVER drink and drive ever again . It's not worth killing yourself or especially killing someone else .

03-21-2005, 06:36 PM
im sorry man, thats a bummer

my friends were in a wreck, 1 died and i went to the funeral, and it was neat because they had pictures and memories of him, and his brother who was in the wreck too, growin up

im not sayin you should go, but it is a good experiance

sorry to hear man, you'll start feeling better though

man i would have hated to be the guy behind him, i would have been so scared, and then goin up to the drivers window and not bein able to wake him up

my friend crashed behind me and i didn't see it but after the turn he didn't come out, so im like, oh no, so i hauled butt back there and he flipped it, and he was totally fine, but i was shocked

good luck man, you'll pull threw