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View Full Version : need help working photoshop

cool 300ex
03-15-2005, 09:30 PM
Well guys i wnated photoshop so bad and i have tryed getting it so many times but never got it to work. But i was going through files trying to remove spyware when i found it photoshop 7. But the thing is i am totaly confused how to use it. I opened one of my images up but how do i put them cool backround sin and is there any way to do you frame the good way not the crappy way like in paint? If someone could just help me out on some basic's and stuff in photoshop that would be great. Thanks!

03-15-2005, 09:33 PM
really the best way to learn is to just get the tools and do random things to the image and see what it does after you get all the tools figured out do searches on google to find instructions on making stuff

03-15-2005, 09:51 PM
in the tool bar sas filters... try playin a little it with them..

then u can select ur self with the lasso tool and then go to filters and well...

and if u want to paint the frame do this....

create a layer...go to layer i the toolbar then create new layer then in type of layer select overlay, then use the rush and start painting the frame...is easy as hell u just have to understand it.....

03-15-2005, 10:20 PM
if u want to really get to be a pro with photoshop, dont use many filters... i dont use many filters, i used to, but after a lot of schooling and classes, filters arent the way to go...yeah they are cool and if u just wanna play around, but if u want something to look really professional then all those cheesy filters like plastic wrap dont cut it