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View Full Version : prob with clear coat

03-15-2005, 08:17 PM
i shot some clear over this clutch cover the other day and it didn't turn out very well. it looks like it has little specks of stuff all in it. i washed the part really well before i put the clear on. what do you think i did wrong? here's some pics. click on them for larger ones. and they are a little dirty too. the last pic is from before i put the clear on.

Thanks, Josh

http://img97.exs.cx/img97/676/clutchcover12ht.th.jpg (http://img97.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img97&image=clutchcover12ht.jpg)

http://img97.exs.cx/img97/8964/clutchcover28dn.th.jpg (http://img97.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img97&image=clutchcover28dn.jpg)

http://img226.exs.cx/img226/4808/10013514pa.th.jpg (http://img226.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img226&image=10013514pa.jpg)

03-15-2005, 08:34 PM
When I starting pcing using a hobby gun it would always be from other powder being mixed with another color. You need to clean your gun out better, take a rubber hammer and tap it where the split is on the tub, pull it off and the plastic screw should be taken out and use an air chuck to blow air through it, also make sure you clean your parts very good before coating, use rubber gloves to handle the part and I recommend using a torch to burn off the lint which also could be your problem.

03-16-2005, 05:59 AM
another tip would be to heat the part to cure temp, then let it cool. blow it off with air then begin the coating. its almost impossible to wash off the polishing compounds unless you use mec as a wash solvent, and i still run the part thru a cure cycle to try and prevent this.

03-16-2005, 07:28 AM
thanks for the tip pappy. but i didn't polish it after i coated it black. it had to sit around for a few days, so i thouroghly washed it and then heated it up before i put the clear on. one prob i forgot to say that i saw was that it kinda clumped up in a few spots. but it seemed to all flow out good. i just can't figure out all the little specks in it. i used black in the gun before the clear, and i blew it out pretty good. do you think i just missed getting out some of the powder?

03-16-2005, 09:43 PM
LMAO! it looked like a polished part with clear:p sorry my moniter isnt the best:(

id say it probably has to do with the fact you didnt clear the part once the black coat was done, or you didnt have the gun as clean as you would have liked:p

05-15-2005, 09:50 AM
pappy, it might be his powder is contaminated or system not cleaned well enough it looks like white powder specks great job on your forum powder coater from fla ,Big guy:) :)