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View Full Version : lowering help

03-15-2005, 07:45 PM
I do some drag racing in the summer and i made some lowering bars for the front of my 400ex with some square steel. its fine on the dirt where i race but on the blacktop and harder surfaces it feels like the front tires are pushing against each other could this be a problem and what are some suggestions thanks

03-18-2005, 06:57 AM
Check your tire alginment. Sounds like you have too much toe in. Do a search in the forums on it. Thats how I learned how to set mine. Later Joe.

03-18-2005, 12:26 PM

03-23-2005, 08:07 PM
i went to a local junkyard and ofund an old four wheeler sure sure what kind,maybe a suzuki),and i too kthe old shocks off of that,they worked alot better than the squre tubing and a bette ride.