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View Full Version : shifting/gear question

03-15-2005, 01:52 PM
hey guys, since i got my 05 450r ive noticed that i have been mishifting quite a bit. i only rode it on dirt once while breaking it in but i just took a ride and it happened twice within 10 minutes. what happens is i will be riding , shift up give it some pretty good gas and it will "pop" out of gear into a nuetral type spot and rev real high. It scared the crap out of me at first and its kind of annoying. im coming from a 400ex so im thinking i still need to get used to the 450 gear style. do i have to kick up on the shifter harder so it fully engages or is this something wrong. I run the red bottle tranny oil and raised my shifter 1 click for boots and it still did it. Should i just work on kicking the shifter harder because im getting ready for the spring so i can head to the track and it seems like its going to happen while riding/racing and that would be a pain. Anyone else ever have this happen and what was your solution, thanks

btw ive been riding for a few years and i know how to shift, it just seems like i might need to get used to it and shift harder, anyone notice this when they switched from 400 to 450

03-15-2005, 07:15 PM
iwent from a 300ex to the 450 and yes at first it seemed
a little different and i miss-shifted twice the first day i got it but ever since then it hasnt happened
i think if you just ride it a little more,your body will adjust to the way the 450 shifts

03-16-2005, 04:29 AM
ok sounds good, i have a 3 year warrenty so im not really worried but i think the tranny needs to break in and loosen up, it is probly very tight in there and i can see why it would slip once and awhile. Warm weather is coming so well see what happens, cannot wait

03-18-2005, 04:50 PM
I bought my 450r a year ago and I still miss shifts once in a while. I missed them about 2 times a ride when i first got it. I started to shift harder and now I rarely miss shifts. Believe it or not, i went from a 250ex to a 450r. It took some getting used to the change in shifting that you are talking about and especially the power difference.