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03-14-2005, 06:35 PM
well, i got pulled over today for the first time

im drivin my 5.0 and i leave a stop light and i see a cop turn onto another road, then im like 100 feet down and he whips around right in the middle of the road, so im like, ok, he's just ganna follow me cuz he thinks i'll spin my tires or speed cuz im in a 85 mustang gt, so then he passes the car behind me and starts gainin on me, so im like yeah, i'll have to pull over, i thought because i didn't have a front license plate on, so sure enough he comes up behind me and the lights come on, im like dam it, i got to be somewhere

so i pull over and im not nervous at all, my friends are always like about to cry and freakin out, im just like, man this sucks and i was in a good mood though, so he comes up and asks for license and insurance and then says he pulled me over for no license plate in the front, im like, my god, nobody else even notices, so he had his eyes open, good for him, i tell him why i didn't have it on cuz it didn't line up with the wholes and i don't want to go drillin new wholes in my baby (car) so i show him i got the plate, i keep it in the back just incase i get pulled over i can show him i got it

so he takes my stuff to his car and then comes back and stuff and asks how many miles are on the car and compliments me on it, im like thanks man, lol, it was funny that he said he liked my car, so it was cool

i just got a writen warning and gotta have the plate on in 3 days

then i went to where i was supposed to go and man is it hard to go the speed limit, the speed limit is 55 and im like, ok, i'm ganna keep it under 60, and every time i looked down i was doin 65, its hard to keep it down, only that time though, for some reason

so im comin home and this tractor trailer truck stops in the middle of the highway, i think he was lost so 2 guys pass him and the truck takes off, cars were constantly comin the other way cuz i was ganna pass the semi and the other guy in front of me, finally after goin 0-25 for like 2 miles he turns off, and i take off, not even hard, but i do a fast, and hard shift into 2nd and do a 2nd gear scratch and leave posi, 2 tire marks about 10 feet long,

lol, it was sweet

03-14-2005, 08:47 PM
well good for you. you get pulled over for being dumb and then in a mustang you leave 10 foot posi marks...god damn those are huge (if you cant tell thats sarcastic) its nothing to brag about if you cant keep it from breaking loose in a shift but if it does break loose 10 foot posi marks arent anything to brag about either. also if you wanna sound cool for goin over the speed limit its really not cool to brag about it online. plus if your goin to break the speed limit in a mustang 5-10 mph over isnt cool. its just another dumb way to get pulled over. sorry but i was dumb like that too until my insurance went up a rediculous amount and now the cops in the area know my car by heart. it may seem fun and cool at first but its sucks.....

03-14-2005, 08:55 PM
OH YAH, OH YAH, well once i turned a corner without my blinker on OOOOOOOOHH BEAT THAT ******!:bandit: :muscle:

03-14-2005, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex
i tell him why i didn't have it on cuz it didn't line up with the wholes and i don't want to go drillin new wholes in my baby (car)

is it illegal to drill holes in the plate? im not being sarcastic i really dont know.

03-14-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by nosliw
is it illegal to drill holes in the plate? im not being sarcastic i really dont know.

I think it is, as goes for anything else you do to them, but im sure they wont notice

03-14-2005, 09:18 PM
far out :huh

03-15-2005, 03:51 PM
ok, i can leave longer than 10, i said i didn't even get on it and it just did it, my god, reread it and pay attention

and im not braggin about goin over the speed limit, i said it was wierd cuz i tryed to go the speed limit but every time i looked down i wasn't

and he said as long as i don't change the apperance of the plate it was fine, cuz now that i think about it it is just like puttin one of those frames around it and those distract your from it, so a couple wholes won't hurt

03-15-2005, 04:27 PM
i screwed myself bad in highschool when i had a mustang.

im stuck driving a toyota tacoma when i can afford a Benz but im refuse to pay 400 a month in insurance but its all my fault for being a jackass in highschool