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View Full Version : Cross Country Racing strategies?

03-14-2005, 03:29 PM
As the racing season is real near, I am going to try my hardest to do most of the races I can. I am going to race in the 4 stroke c class with my stock 400ex. I have not done a real race really but I think I am relatively quick. The race is for 1.5 hours so what are some good tips for me? Should I go as hard as I can from the start and go as fast as I can the whole race OR for the first lap or lap and a half go at a good pace but not all out. Then the last laps speed up and go all out towards the end. I like that idea the best I think because towards the end there is not as much traffic and I can go all out where at the beginning of the race just work through the traffic at a good pace. Thanks for any tips you can give me!

03-14-2005, 03:50 PM
Try for the hole shot and keep a steady pace. Dont charge to hard from the beginning, or you will get burnt out. Make sure you are in excelent condition! Exersize, drink lost of water, stay away from caffine, work your fore arms because you will get arm pump real quick if they ar not in great shape. Make sure you do a lot of stretching during the week and right before the race. Know you limits dont do something stupid that might put you out of the race.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

03-14-2005, 03:52 PM
seeing you new to racing first thing to do is have fun. Realy just have fun.

Depending on the size of the track don't worry about laps it the time thing. Try and get a good start, don't worrie if you not first, ride a good pace but not one that will wear you out or so fast your out of controll. Ride at a speed you feel good at and can carrie the hole races.

The group will spead out once that happends if you with someone stay at that pass or if they are slower pass them and try to pick up someon that is at your pace. they two of you will push each other and be faster then if you are all along.


you have to finish a race if you ever hope to win one. So don't try and ride over your head.

03-14-2005, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by honda400power
As the racing season is real near, I am going to try my hardest to do most of the races I can. I am going to race in the 4 stroke c class with my stock 400ex. I have not done a real race really but I think I am relatively quick. The race is for 1.5 hours so what are some good tips for me? Should I go as hard as I can from the start and go as fast as I can the whole race OR for the first lap or lap and a half go at a good pace but not all out. Then the last laps speed up and go all out towards the end. I like that idea the best I think because towards the end there is not as much traffic and I can go all out where at the beginning of the race just work through the traffic at a good pace. Thanks for any tips you can give me!

lol i member those days, thinkin i was fast, then racing, only to find out im not, ill put it this way man, pace yourself, and dont ride hard jus cuz they r faster i placed pretty badly last year, in the high 20's and low 30's, this year im top 20 all the time, and have been top 10, after your first 3 races, you will get what u need to do :macho

03-14-2005, 03:54 PM
Go like hell at the holeshot and never look back!

03-14-2005, 03:57 PM
i have my first race sunday too. we ride for 7-8 hours sometimes but never all at once. I agree with everything these guys said above. my strategy for my very first race is just go out and get a feel for the whole thing and not let the adrenaline get the best of me. Im not too concerned about the holeshot. since its my very first race i may let people get ahead and just hang back so i can guage my skills and endurance. thats the plan anyhow, im super competitive so i may have to really fight wanting to go all out though.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/jeepnrocks/banner.jpg (http://www.****************.invisionzone.com/)

03-14-2005, 04:17 PM
If someone comes up behind you let them by. If you wreck trying to hold them up then where will that get you. If they caught you chances are they are faster, and heck they may not even be in your class. Once you let them by try to follow them and watch their line, you might learn something.

Remember what goes around comes around.

03-15-2005, 09:11 AM
Good advice!

Have fun, focus on finishing and not riding over your head. I crashed about 4 times my first race and bent my steering stem. Lucky I didn't get hurt. I have a few friends that crashed pretty hard their first race too. Point is - we all thought we were pretty fast and rode over our heads.

03-15-2005, 10:16 AM
That first race will be an eye opener. In addition to all the good advice so far, make sure your equipment is ready. Check the simple stuff, double check the tough stuff. Practice a few starts, most XC races start from a dead start. Arm pump, blisters and nerves were my biggest enemies. Good gloves and goggles with either tear offs or roll offs are very valuable. Good luck on that race and remember it's only an hour and half surely it won't kill you..........

03-15-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by geogeorge


you have to finish a race if you ever hope to win one. So don't try and ride over your head.

I have a buddie, that always rode over his head, And finally after one Season he caught up to his riding skills.

But like geo said dont ride over your head. Go at a steedy speed, that u feel comfortable with. If u push hard u will be beat twards the end of the race. After a few races u will be able to puch the intire time!

03-15-2005, 02:24 PM
Dont get discouraged the first time out if it all goes wrong and everyone is faster, I thought I was fast when I started on a Banshee in the senior class +30 ,I got the hole shot believe it or not but that only lasted till I got in the woods, Got my butt beat by a bunch of guy's I thought I could beat , sodont get discouraged.
It's fun whether you win or not.

03-15-2005, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Duncan313
That first race will be an eye opener. In addition to all the good advice so far, make sure your equipment is ready. Check the simple stuff, double check the tough stuff. Practice a few starts, most XC races start from a dead start. Arm pump, blisters and nerves were my biggest enemies. Good gloves and goggles with either tear offs or roll offs are very valuable. Good luck on that race and remember it's only an hour and half surely it won't kill you..........

very good advice here but trust me if your not use to riding like you do in a race your going to thinkk it killed you after that hour and half. I have been racing for 15 years and I still think I'm dieing after each race. But I love it.

Scares heal, bones mend, but racing last for ever.

03-15-2005, 08:19 PM
good advise from all...just have fun.....i also thought i was reasonable fast untill i started racing lol....i went all out at the first hs i ever did....i was passing people left and right...for about 20 min. then i was on the side of the trail blowing chunks :o lmao

03-15-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by yfz450xc
Dont get discouraged the first time out if it all goes wrong and everyone is faster, I thought I was fast when I started on a Banshee in the senior class +30 ,I got the hole shot believe it or not but that only lasted till I got in the woods, Got my butt beat by a bunch of guy's I thought I could beat , sodont get discouraged.
It's fun whether you win or not.

Hay buddy an't that still happening to you? I know I'm getting my bu** kicked by guys I think I should be faster then. Whats even worse is when you start to lose to the girls. NowI kow there are some fast girls out there but still for us old guys that is hard to take. :D