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View Full Version : YAY!!! my 1st concution(sp)

03-13-2005, 09:16 AM
welp... i was ridding in a field yesterday in about 4th gear and a BIG 10x10 pot hole like thing... my friend said i hit went about 5ft. in the air bike landed on me hit the ground again the bike bounced about 15ft. in the air and thats when it came back down and landed on my back... and smashed the virtiba in my lower back or something... i cant remember anything from yesterday... i fliped 97ft. and my bike fliped 110ft... i suposebly got up walked around rode my quad back home and some other crap but i dont remember anything... my mom and brother said i just got a cast off my leg friday from 5 weeks but i never remember having one... my KFX has a BAD bent sub-frame and i think my brother said the stearing stem is bent to... but ill get down there this week and see what al is wrong with it...

thats why you always wear your chest protector and halmet and boots... if i didnt have those on i wouldnt be here right now... that halmet and chest protector saved my life yesterday!!!

03-13-2005, 09:28 AM
ur happy that u fell off your quad and got a concution?

03-13-2005, 09:31 AM
:ermm: i was being sarcastic!!!

03-13-2005, 10:22 AM
ouch. get some pics of your bike's injuries

03-13-2005, 10:42 AM
i'll try... man my grab bar is like /l as in the "l" being the swing arm and the "/" the sub-frame

03-13-2005, 11:44 AM
glad your ok, take it easy man, chit. wait till your head gets back together before you post again, you spelled a bunk load of words wrong. lol:rolleyes:

03-13-2005, 11:53 AM
So you had a cast for the last 5 weeks and just got it off, and you dont remember even having it????? Thats pretty damn bad.

03-13-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Atkins450
So you had a cast for the last 5 weeks and just got it off, and you dont remember even having it????? Thats pretty damn bad.

ya LOL...my profile still says im about to get it off but i never remember having one...

03-13-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
ya LOL...my profile still says im about to get it off but i never remember having one...
thats crazy! what id the doc say about that:confused:

03-13-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
ya LOL...my profile still says im about to get it off but i never remember having one...

lmfao, last time i got knocked out I didnt remeber jack chit about the crash or anything that happened, I didnt remeber who I was hanging out with, The ride home I didnt remeber. When I got home I went to the shower and saw blood so kinda rushed to the emergency room lol. How long were you knocked out for?

03-13-2005, 01:04 PM
a few hours... i didnt remember the ride home ether... i was aobut to hope in the shower but i went back there and my mom came back there and i was just siting there stairing off into space and my eyes were diolated o somthing... i didnt even remember my name... when i went to the hospital the lady was filling out a fourm and she asked what my name was and i sat the for about 30 sec. looking around trying to think of my name... but i remembered my birthday though...

sorry if i miss spell a lot of words im still kinda nto right...

03-13-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
a few hours... i didnt remember the ride home ether... i was aobut to hope in the shower but i went back there and my mom came back there and i was just siting there stairing off into space and my eyes were diolated o somthing... i didnt even remember my name... when i went to the hospital the lady was filling out a fourm and she asked what my name was and i sat the for about 30 sec. looking around trying to think of my name... but i remembered my birthday though...

sorry if i miss spell a lot of words im still kinda nto right...
damn, you going to be all right man?

03-13-2005, 02:22 PM
you must have hit your head pretty good to be happy about it:huh

03-13-2005, 03:54 PM
yeah, i got in an accident and i don't remember anything like 4 hours before it, of course i went into a coma for 2 1/2 weeks but hell, coma and concusion but once i finally got back into it i was totally fine

you'll be alright man, you'll get it all back and everything

and your wreck sounds bad, if i would have seen that i would have been so scared, im surprised you made it out of that, and the quad landing on you, ow man, sick *** crash, but im glad you made it out


03-13-2005, 04:24 PM
I got 2 cuncussions this year in football. They really suck and u will probably be throwin up in a few days and other stuff. Take it easy man.

03-13-2005, 08:50 PM
wait, so you forgot about having a cast on but u remember to come to the forums and tell everybody about it

03-13-2005, 09:02 PM
ya lol... i forgot about everything in the past like month... i've known how to post on here for years so i guess i didnt forget it