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View Full Version : Socom 3..yeah

03-11-2005, 07:09 PM
WELL socom 3 is coming out this fall sometime,ive been a fan of this game expecially cuz of online and i started out on socom 1 which game out when i was in 7th grade and im not in 8th,but for all u other socom fans,you will be able to swim and sumberage under water,drive over 20 vechials(land and sea,no air)over 900 wepons and gear combinations and they said single player missions will take hourss and also theres now muti-player so thats all i want to share with u guys

03-11-2005, 07:11 PM
i ment i started out on socom 1 in 7th and im now in 9th

03-11-2005, 09:51 PM
who cares about single player? they havent released any online info yet...so i aint interested

03-11-2005, 11:30 PM
Oh God, not again. I know this is only bad news for my life, I used to play Socom 2 for 14 hour straight stretches, and Socom 1 religeously before that. I was ranked about 30-35,000 before they redid the ranking system.

03-12-2005, 02:17 AM
I cant wait, but I know alot of my time will go back to playing that game again..I used to come home from work and just play socom online for hours and hours with my clan and have a great time..Got tired of the same old maps n stuff and bored of the game so I quit, but I know once 3 is out I will be ALL OVER IT!!!

10-16-2005, 07:39 AM
Well has anyone get it yet. I just got it a couple of days ago. It's great. Now all I have to do is get better at it and I'm all set.


10-16-2005, 08:42 AM
lol its been out a lil but just moved and no dsl out here ? i know its so stupid so ima wait a nother month or so and buy it for my psp :blah: and plus i dont have $50 to sink into a ps2 game that id jsut buy for online use and yea i started out in socom 1 and man i love it n im in 9th grade my freind dosnt like it and says he likes halo 2 better i dont really like halo cause its 2 futurelistic i like socom wayyyyy better.

10-16-2005, 10:46 AM
I got it the other day, but for some reason i cant get connected online, and I really dont have any desire to beat the missions as of yet. Im not a big fan of the driving physics, seems a little too glitchy to me. Ill play it for a few hours today and post again.

10-16-2005, 11:28 AM
I got it for my birthday on Friday and have played it every night..I havent played online though yet because I havent played socom in about a year so I am not very good again yet..I have beaten about 4 missions so far..The only thing I wish they would have done with the game though is make you teammates smarter and I dont like some of the controls like the reload feature..it takes longer then it used to which sucks..

10-16-2005, 01:58 PM
i had it tuesday..a day before its scheduled release...i was ranked 78 before the weekend where i dont play as much, i think i dropped down to 3k now...ah well.

my name is Stalin on there...feel free to send invites.

I usualy play in east 3 or west 1