View Full Version : SikBlak400

03-10-2005, 08:39 PM
Just to let everyone know about this kid. SikBlak400 was formally known as exracer12 on this site and ripped quite a few people off including me. He took my $160 last April and I can't get it back from him. I've talked to him on the phone a number of times and he just keeps blowing me off. This is just a heads up cause I know he's selling quite a bit of stuff on this site and I don't want him to rip anyone else off like he did to me and a few others!

03-11-2005, 01:59 PM
Go to the authorities. Don't let these little punks get away with this chit.

03-11-2005, 04:14 PM
I know, I need to do that. I got the names and numbers of some officers in his local hometown. I'm going to give them a call next week and see what I can do.

03-11-2005, 05:48 PM
i just did a deal with him and it turned out well :confused:

03-13-2005, 10:39 AM
blue416ex, I'm glad that everything went good for you. I just wanted to give people the information that they shouldn't do business with him. He screwed quite a few people over in the last year and most of them were never repayed. I believe he has been banned on here a few times and just keeps coming back with new names.



03-13-2005, 08:54 PM
This little POS needs to be delt with.

He has a set of Fullbore plastics and Hellbound Grapics for sale and they were supposed to be in on the deal with the 400ex I traded him for. I went all the way to his house to pic up this stuff and I talked to him face to face in his living room and he told me to meet him down the street at his fathers shop because that where the parts were and he would meet me there in his car.
I went down there and sat with his dad and brother for and hour and a half trying to reach him on his cell and house phone to see where he was . finnaly I got his girlfriends cell no. and called her and she said he was at the mall with her where she works . so me and his brother went up there looking for him and we got there talked to his girlfriend and she was talking to him on his cell in the mall he said were he was in the mall and his brother told him to stay there we would be right there , when we got to were he was supposed to be and he was gone again. his girlfriend calle him again he said he left the mall.

All this went on from 5:30 till almost 9:00 with my family in the car waiting for me. with a 2.5 hour ride back home.

Needless to say I want to beat the crap out of this kid and he let me know to much about him I know where he lives, where he works, his dad, all his phone numbers but he has caller ID so he wont answer the phone (PUNK) , where he rides , his girlfriend and where she works.

03-13-2005, 09:01 PM
Buy the way,

Just a heads up on this guy he will probably cange his name again , he has an 01 Cannondale Cannible so look for somthing in that area.