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View Full Version : why have a race quad

03-10-2005, 07:51 PM
i understand why you should havea a race quad but my dad is haveing problems w/ it. could someone explain why its better to have a race ready quad that has aftermarket suspension, motor work, etc. then it is to have a stock quad.

03-10-2005, 08:22 PM
It is better to progress your way imho. Start w/ a stock quad and then slowly add parts and get used to it before you add too much stuff. If you were to start out on a full race yz426 or something you could either injure yourself really bad beacuse you don't know what you are doing and are not used to the quad or you could just not have any fun while riding.

03-10-2005, 08:36 PM
thats not what i ment. i ment my dad just wants to put like nerf bars on it and raceit the way it is there. nothin changed or even change anythin down the road. we used to have 250r's and i've ridden just about every sport quad out there so i know what to expect. but can you explain why it wouldnt be good to race an all stock quad compared to somethin that is set up for it. thanks

03-10-2005, 08:46 PM
I am not going to get into motor and exhaust because power in itself is not what make you a faster rider. Only exception is if you are going down a lot of flat straightaways.....

What does allow you to become a better rider, is suspension. I won't say that its safter, because this depends on the self-discipline. The added width in the a-arms and axle will provide better stability and lesser prone to tipping. The aftermarket shocks will provide better travel, but that built for your weight, riding style and riding experience.

Suspension is everything on a quad as far as I am concerned. Anything outside of that is just a luxury.....

Johnny & Monica
03-10-2005, 08:56 PM
The stock class is plenty competive class ask Harlen an others who battle Fl. Gncc last weekend on stock quads.:eek2:

03-10-2005, 08:58 PM
thanks man thats what i was tryin to tell him but it wont go through is head, he thinks a stock quad is just fine. he doesnt understand what i'm saying

03-11-2005, 08:01 AM
what kind of racing are you doing?

I race a stock quad in Missouir on the Cross country races. I have done things like nerf bars, tires and what they allow me to change but every thing like motor and suspention are stock.

You will how ever do much better and be much faster with good suspention no matter what kind of racing you do. If you do moto cross I would change to after market in a second if you don't you will kill the quad and frame in a hart beat. If you are doing Cross country you could stay stock if you know and remimber your on stock. If your wishing to make it to A class or even B class leavel racing you will have to change over. A stocker will not live thought that.