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View Full Version : Anyone good at painting cars?

03-09-2005, 06:51 PM
I am going to be repainting my '92 s-10 in the spring/summer. I'm doing it myself because it doesnt need to be a beauty piece, the paint on it now is de-laminating. I am just looking for any suggestions on paint type, spray gun or anything else. Any websites, books, dvd's etc.... that would help. Thanks...

03-09-2005, 07:38 PM
For the gun you want an HPLV, high pressure, low volume gun. For the paint, I use PPG, and Omni products in my auto boady class, Omni is just a cheaper branch of PPG. Visit your local suplyer of paint products, and they can hook you up nicely.

As for books or dvd's I'm not shure where you can get those, but I know how to do just about everything on how to paint a car, other than the paint numbers, and the corect mixing ratios, but those are usualy right on the bottles.

03-09-2005, 07:39 PM
um.....kinda depends on how much you wanna spend.

But on the s-10 you know the body line that runs from the front fender to right under the door handle nad on back to the end of the bed. well make shure to get in their and sand real good. and be careful while painting to not get it to built up in their b/c it will run out of their like crazy if you do. and if ur gunna do it out side make shure it isnt half shaded or half sunny or viceversa b/c thats how i got a run on my truck b/c it wasnt in the shade when we started painting but the front fender had about 6 inches in it when we did the last coat and it ran a lil.

03-09-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
For the gun you want an HPLV, high pressure, low volume gun. For the paint, I use PPG, and Omni products in my auto boady class, Omni is just a cheaper branch of PPG. Visit your local suplyer of paint products, and they can hook you up nicely.

As for books or dvd's I'm not shure where you can get those, but I know how to do just about everything on how to paint a car, other than the paint numbers, and the corect mixing ratios, but those are usualy right on the bottles.

Yea I was told PPG k200 for primer. I know a really good painter, but he wont tell me anything, I guess he doesnt want to give any secrets out, I dont blame him. Last time I was at a auto paint supply store it was over $1200 in paint just to paint my s-10. I dont really know what I need, and they know that so they just try to sell me everything under the sun.

03-09-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by chucked
Yea I was told PPG k200 for primer. I know a really good painter, but he wont tell me anything, I guess he doesnt want to give any secrets out, I dont blame him. Last time I was at a auto paint supply store it was over $1200 in paint just to paint my s-10. I dont really know what I need, and they know that so they just try to sell me everything under the sun.

Go to a shop that doesn't paint the cars, and just deal with the paint and other materials. Find a good shop and you will be goin there for a while for all your needs.

03-09-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
Go to a shop that doesn't paint the cars, and just deal with the paint and other materials. Find a good shop and you will be goin there for a while for all your needs. They dont paint cars there.

03-09-2005, 08:01 PM
How you worded it, it sounded like the painter was trying to rip you off, so I just guesed cause he wanted your money for him to paint it not you. Try online too, PPG's website is www.ppg.com I'm shure you could just order all your stuff online.

03-09-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
For the gun you want an HPLV, high pressure, low volume gun.

:huh You mean HVLP, high volume low pressure?:confused:

03-09-2005, 09:14 PM
Alright, if you paint it yourself i know a couple thing

-hose the room down with water, it stops all the dust from
floating around and messing up the paint job, cuz dust in the
paint makes it look bad
-once paint and clear is dry, go over it with 1500 grit sandpaper
then buff it, then clear it again, then it will look great
-don't put it on to thick, get an even coating around the whole

have fun


03-10-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
:huh You mean HVLP, high volume low pressure?:confused:

Yea I thought I might have been off. Thanks for correcting me.

Scott-300ex- once the paint is sanded and buffed there is no need to re-clear it. The point of sanding and buffing is to get out all the orangepeal, so that the paint is flat and smooth. Putting more clear on it would kind defeat the purpose of sanding and buffing.

03-11-2005, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
Yea I thought I might have been off. Thanks for correcting me.

Scott-300ex- once the paint is sanded and buffed there is no need to re-clear it. The point of sanding and buffing is to get out all the orangepeal, so that the paint is flat and smooth. Putting more clear on it would kind defeat the purpose of sanding and buffing.

Not exactly, if you sand it with 1500 and it is a completely smooth surface you can get a really deep shine with little to no orangepeel. Most orange peel comes from the initial tack coat, because you don't put a full wet coat on 1st you start with a rough texture to begin with. With that said, when you sand it with 1500 you don't put on a full wet coat but you don't put on a light tack coat either.

03-11-2005, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by KFX21
Not exactly, if you sand it with 1500 and it is a completely smooth surface you can get a really deep shine with little to no orangepeel. Most orange peel comes from the initial tack coat, because you don't put a full wet coat on 1st you start with a rough texture to begin with. With that said, when you sand it with 1500 you don't put on a full wet coat but you don't put on a light tack coat either.

Put that way it makes sence, I never heard of people doing that.

03-11-2005, 03:34 PM
actually, i wasn't sure if you put another clear on, but i just wrote it down cuz i thought thats what they said they did

if it looks like it needs clear then clear it again, if not then don't

03-11-2005, 08:59 PM
Also remember to do about 3 mist coats first then let them dry. Then you can put on 2 wet coats. Then I would clear it and sand it with 1500 grit paper once everything is all dry.

03-13-2005, 12:11 PM
There is a section there devoted entirely to bodywork and there is alot of knowledgeable people on there.

Aarons 01 400EX
03-13-2005, 03:49 PM
Don't use PPG. That stuff is crap compared to Sikkens... :devil: :devil: :devil:

03-13-2005, 04:07 PM
just got to a macco(sp) dealer cheap paintjobs but actually pretty good for the price

03-13-2005, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Aarons 01 400EX
Don't use PPG. That stuff is crap compared to Sikkens... :devil: :devil: :devil:

Thats right, the bodyshop I work at (my uncles) uses Sikkens paint and Sata guns. When cleaning the guns Spray two 1/4 cups of paint thinner threw it then take dissisimble the Nossle and let it soak in thinner. While thats Soaking take the cup off and wipe it down goods. If you paint red completely dissisimble the gun and thourghly clean it. When you let it set after you have put it back together, pour some thinner in the cup.