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View Full Version : 4 Officers Lost in the line of duty

03-08-2005, 09:25 AM
Here's the link to the story . This was the single deadliest incident in a 120 years of Canada's national police force . Take a moment to read and reflect on the incident . My prayers are with the families and fellow officers .


03-08-2005, 10:02 AM
Here is the memorial page.


I know my partner Chris Clites will welcome them into the heavens of heros.


03-08-2005, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the links to the 2 pages ... it's nice to see webpages that honour the fallen men and women that protect us .

I'm also sorry to hear about your partner .... but I'm sure he's watching over you each and every day when you are out to help keep the community safe .

03-08-2005, 01:48 PM
my condolonces (sp) to the family's....

03-10-2005, 03:25 PM
Well they had the national ceremony for the four officers today . WOW ... what a ceremony it was !!! The building was full to capacity with more than 10 000 officers attending and at another building there were more officers in the town . From coast to coast officers and citizens gathered to remember the fallen officers .

I think I speak for most everyone in this country when I say thank you to those that help to serve and protect . These officers will never be forgotten .

Also it was very nice to see officers from all across the United States of America attend the ceremony . Many of them were sent by their departments .... but many also paid their own way to attended the ceremony .

This will surely be a ceremony that I won't soon forget .

03-10-2005, 03:32 PM
The March .... thousands of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Mounties) and other officers marched 1 kilometer to the Edmonton memorial.


03-10-2005, 03:40 PM
Pictures from the funeral of Const. Peter Schiemann.
One of the officers had told his family that if he were to die , he'd want to be buried with a flashlight and a bag of potatoe chips ... just in case he were to come back to life , he'd have light and wouldn't be hungry . :)


03-10-2005, 03:42 PM
Vigils and memorials have begun for the four RCMP officers killed near Mayerthorpe, Alta. They were Const. Peter Schiemann, 25; Const. Anthony Gordon, 28; Const. Lionide (Leo) Johnston, 34; and Const. Brock Myrol, 29.
Flowers at the foot of a flagstaff alongside the portraits of the four RCMP officers, outside the RCMP detachment in Whitecourt, Alta., Sunday, March 6, 2005. (CP Photo /Tom Hanson)


03-10-2005, 04:57 PM
Thats great to see Canada honor those officers nationally like that.

I dont think that when our country loses 4 officers at one time we honor them like that. Maybe a lot more of our officers are killed in the line of duty compared to Canada:confused:

God bless all of them for serving their country.

03-10-2005, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by DeerNuts
Thats great to see Canada honor those officers nationally like that.

I dont think that when our country loses 4 officers at one time we honor them like that. Maybe a lot more of our officers are killed in the line of duty compared to Canada:confused:

God bless all of them for serving their country.

Thanks .... we do take great pride in the lives of those who die to protect our society .

I personally believe that any officer or soldier that dies for his or her country ... helping to protect it's people ... should be recognized for their bravery and commitment.

This was the single deadliest incident in Canada's police history in the last 120 years .... we have ceremonies for our fallen officers ... but when it is one of this magnitude , it recieves national recognition .

I'm sure all American officers receive great ceremonies .... but you might not always hear about it . I think the main difference between the 2 countries , is our sizes . The United States has a population of 250 million ( I'm probably wrong on this number) , as where Canada has a population of 35 million . Things just hit very close to home when you come from a smaller country .

In the 22 years that I've been living in the same community of 150 000 people ... only 2 incidents of policers officers being killed on the job ( by gunfire) come to mind .

Thank You to all those that help keep us safe !!!

Like I had mentioned earlier ... it was very heart warming to see Officers from all across the USA attend this ceremony ... many of which had paid their own way to get to Alberta . One Boston area police officer had said that everytime one of his fellow officers has been killed on the job , he always sees atleast 1 red suit from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police among the people attending the funeral ... and it's been this way for as long as he could remember . It's great to see such a great brotherhood among police forces and amungst Nations .

03-10-2005, 07:44 PM
That's terrible:( I can't believe one person killed that many cops. Do they wear bullet proof vests?

03-10-2005, 07:45 PM
RIP to all of them:(

03-10-2005, 07:50 PM
Yeah Greg you're exactly right I think on why the countries honor fallen officers differently: size and/or perspective.

Not for anything, but I think the US population is around 350 million:confused:

03-10-2005, 08:17 PM
They were wearing light body armor , but it was no match to the high powered assault rifle that the killer used . Apparently one of the officers didn't have a weapon with him .... and they weren't expecting this type of event to happen . They didn't know that the killer was in the building at the time .... they thought he was at a different location ... and when they were approaching the building that was under investigation , he opened fire on the 4 officers . They responded with gunfire but he shot them to death first . Officers that were at the road tried to contact the 4 officers near the building , but none of them responded to their radios . The other officers called for armored vehicles to be brought into the scene , along with a S.W.A.T. Team . After about 2 hours , the team was able to get close enough and found the 4 dead officers and later found the killer had shot himself .

DeerNuts .... yeah the size of the countries makes a huge difference . It's like having a murder in a town of 4000 people ( where everyone knows eachother) and a murder in a town of 4 million .

Thanks for updating me on the USA's population ... I was just taking a guess .... I knew it was a hell of a lot more than Canada . LOL . Heck I think there's more people that live in California , than there is in Canada !!!:cool: