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View Full Version : Adjusted Valves today

05-06-2002, 06:00 PM
I adjusted my valves earlier and after I finished I put everything back together. I then started up the engine and it made the valve ticking noise and it is worse more now than it was before I adjusted them. one thing I am asking is when it says in the d-i-y valve adjustment tech page that when it has slight drag its perfect. not being dumb or nothing but please somebody explain to me how the feeler guage will feel when moved through the rocker arms at this adjustement how will i know it has slight drag somebody help me on this one how much drag is it really talking about in somebodys else's experience please thanks for any responses. later madmike

05-06-2002, 06:11 PM
i did my valves sat. the drag feeling is just that. when you pull on the gauge you should feel resistance...like its trying to hold it from ya. not keep it from ya...just holdin on while you pull it out. hope it helps

05-06-2002, 06:12 PM
The feeler guage should slide under the rocker 'tightly'.

Not real tight, but like a comfortable tight..

... lol .. it kinda hard to explain how tight. Tight like O.J Simpsons glove.

You did everything like the D-I-Y said? you had the flywheel lined up exactly to the 'T' mark?

05-06-2002, 06:18 PM
yeah i lined up the "T" mark and then proceeded to adjust and the drag on mine is alittle so do you think I should go tighter with the rockers. like for example it can move under the rocker with the guage but it has little resistence so should I go tighter you think. give me some feedback

05-06-2002, 06:21 PM
kinda hard to explain...imagine trying to pull a book from a stack of books. get it?

05-06-2002, 06:25 PM
Make sure that at TDC (Top Dead Center), the sub-rocker arms had some slack in them. This verifies that the valves are in the compression stroke. If the Sub-rocker arms had no slack in them then you may have adjusted them in the exhaust stroke position. If that is indeed the case, you had better do it again. If you are not sure! DO IT AGAIN. You do not want to damage your valves! Also, be sure that when you rotate the cam to TDC, you must rotate it COUNTERCLOCKWISE only. Otherwise the decompression valve will not let your valves seat properly for adjustment.

Good Luck!

You are my lucky 69th post! :eek:

05-06-2002, 06:28 PM
we turned the motor over counterclockwise and I lined it up with TDC and the rocker arms had not much but alittle play in them so I went ahead and adjusted them.

05-06-2002, 06:34 PM
The "play" should be easily identified. The arms will move at least a quarter of an inch! Check the locknuts to see if they came loose or just plain do it all over again to be sure! I know that it's a PITA having to do all of that work all over again!

Oh well, good luck!

05-06-2002, 06:41 PM
yeah that's the plan for tomorrow to take it back apart and fix the problem which is no problem I don't mind doing it again because it actually is quite fun to mess with your own stuff. I just want to get enough advice tonight before I do it tomorrow I do appreciate the help so far from everybody thank you all.