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View Full Version : dislocated shoulder anyone?

03-03-2005, 05:34 PM
cased a double at the track not use to the power just got a yfz450 and i had a 300 before got excited and gased it i usually dont clear that double i dislocated my shoulder landed nice but i guess i was tense from seeing all the air heard that my shoulder will come out easy now its been two weeks still in a sling any advise or coments would help

03-03-2005, 05:47 PM
It takes a lot longer then 2 weeks to heal up if you did some real damage in there. I seperated my shoulder and it now sits about 1 inch lower then my collar bone.

03-03-2005, 05:49 PM
seven do you still ride as hard i mean thru whoops and jumps

03-03-2005, 05:51 PM
I MX almost every weekend. My last Injury was 2 shattered wrists. One was broke in 4 spots the other in 3

03-03-2005, 07:08 PM
i dislocated my left shoulder 8 times ( hospital to put it back) in highschool football. and many moore after school. it's now so loose it falls out if i stand wrong but it goes right back in:D let it heel good u sreached all the ligaments and if u use it they WILL stay that way:( give it 2 more wks then use it a little moore each day. in 3-4 weeks maybee try ridin A LITTLE but take it easy:grr: i was yung and stupid don't mess around or you'll pay for it for ever... on the brighter side the only thing that keeps my shoulder in good condition now, is riding:D i ride 2x a week and it feels awsume. it's the right muscles ur usin.. don't be dum let it heal up right. you'r quad will be there when you'r ready and you'll have the conf. to clear that jump:devil: good luck;)

03-03-2005, 07:23 PM
Ive had 2 broken ankles,(shattered em @ rausch creek) I know this has nothing to do with shoulders, but what other nasty injuries have you had?

kc 300EX
03-03-2005, 08:31 PM
6 hours of ATV America race in Rausch Creek I broke my Collar bone and my Shoulder blade.

Spent almost the whole summer in a sling.

Best Advice: Let it heal!!

If you THINK its feeling better, its NOT. Just wait....

Its gonna be hard.. but stay off the YFZ, stay away from anything physical for a while..

03-03-2005, 08:43 PM
Like 911 mine got messed up from hi school football, and still pops out all the time. Even just from picking something up over my head or something else light. And its been about 9 years so far.

It takes a long time till it will get somewhat normal , but it will never be the same as it was. Even with surgery.

03-04-2005, 07:57 PM
Hey, when did you break your collarbone and shoulder, when I was in the hospital it was the day of a big gncc at rausch creek, and the guy next to my room had a broken shoulder and collarbone,mybe its just a coincident.

03-04-2005, 11:46 PM
yep i have in hockey 3 times all my right shoulder
doctor told me i would be out for 6 wks

03-04-2005, 11:46 PM
yep i have in hockey 3 times all my right shoulder
doctor told me i would be out for 6 wks

kc 300EX
03-05-2005, 05:49 PM
It wasn't the GNCC race, it was the 6 Hours of ATV America Race, July 15th last year.

03-06-2005, 10:55 AM
I dislocated my shoulder last June at the Casey GNC. probably the worst pain in my life so far.. if its been 2 weeks you should take it out of the sling.. the longer you keep in it the sling the more tense it will become. you need to start physical therapy.

With the physical therapy you'll build your muscle tissue back up around the shoulder rotator cup and it'll help keep the shoulder in the cup. Mine still falls out from time to time by just doing little things (like getting a book out of my locker and giving friends hugs..)

Im getting surgery once the season is over, getting the shoulder wired to the cup or something, and recovery time after surgery is about 3-4 months.

450 Racer R
03-06-2005, 01:25 PM
go to the doctor and see if anything's torn. The tendon that holds your shoulder in place, mine ripped off the bone in my left shoulder and I got it fixed. I haven't had any problems with it at all since surgery. I have the same problem in my right shoulder, the doc wants to fix it, but I don't want to. It only goes out when my arm turns a certain way. Just have to watch the way I land.