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05-06-2002, 02:29 PM
Look at this site www.bennettlawfirm.com/index.html
Its people like this who ruin are sport because they say atvs are dangerous and tippy just like 3 wheelers.
I sent this guy an email telling him what I thought about his P.A.P.A organization.
You guys should too.

05-06-2002, 02:53 PM
its not leting me go to the site?

05-06-2002, 04:58 PM
Here's a better link...


Those guys are crap heads...

Wonder how many injuries happen on bicycles...

How many child deaths happen in cars, trucks, etc...

I can pretty much come up with an argument against anything just to make some money...

Accident reports show over 500 children and teenagers die on bicycles each year, I think we should ban bicycles...This is a true statistic....

We should bombard these guys with emails...


05-06-2002, 04:58 PM
Here's the email I sent them :)
There are about 500 deaths of children and teens each year caused by bicycling accidents. I believe bicycles should be banned, and everyone that is injured riding one should file a lawsuit against the manufacturer. You're good at pressing such frivelous suits as ATV legislation, etc, maybe you could spearhead this movement.

They say putting training wheels on bicycles gives a false sense of safety when it comes to children. Believe it or not, children have died bicycling with training wheels. Talk about a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Good luck in your pursuits. By the way, you may want to get you're facts straight. ATV's go much faster than 50 mph. Obviously you're off to a good start with your inaccuracies and misrepresentations.


Go ahead guys, add to the fire :)

05-06-2002, 05:08 PM
I've seen this posted in just about every forum that i've been on before , its pretty old and these guys obiously aren't having much if not any impact on our sport.

05-06-2002, 05:39 PM
This link manages to pop up every few months, I think it makes rounds on the ATV discussion boards :D

Somehow I think emailing them is a waste of breath....


05-06-2002, 06:13 PM
Well I had nothing better to do, so I voice my opinion to them, and it is included for those of you who choose to read it. Let me know if you understand what I am talking about.

I just visited you site at http://www.bennettlawfirm.com/atv.htm. And boy let me tell you what a load of crap this is!! I have been on an ATV since I was 12, and have never been hurt on one. ATV's are not the only thing that people can get hurt on. There are so many kids that are out there on their rollerblades and skateboards that are getting hurt just as bad or even worse than some ATV injuries. And also there are a heck of a lot more people getting hurt in automobile accidents and such. ATV's are one of the safest recreational vehicles to be on as far as I am concerned. You guys really need to think about what you are saying. You try and use all these big numbers to show the people how many people have died on an ATV, when in reality all of these numbers mean nothing! They are a load of bull. They pale in comparison to the amount of injuries that occur in other motor vehicles like cars and trucks. There is no reason to make such unheard of claims toward the ATV community. I think that there would be a **** of a lot of people that would back me up on this in saying that you people are totally wrong. As I stated before, there are many other ways that kids can get hurt at a young age, but everyone targets ATV's in general. There are people out there that have been on an ATV since they were just able to walk, and they get hurt yes, but that is something that comes with the sport. Some people ride outside of there limits and pay the price. The only thing that is needed for the younger generation is supervision. Some people neglect this, and that is where the injury comes from, not because they are on the ATV. In conclusion, I feel that your claims are completely wrong, and that you should rethink all of this before you start telling people that all of these injuries are from the ATV's when in fact they come from irresponsible and inconsiderate people that have no idea what they are doing, just like you people!

Concerned ATV Rider.

05-06-2002, 06:46 PM
why do people always try to ruin everything fun like skateboarding (back in the day AKA last year) and now quadboggin and why dont people ever attack the birtbike riders like when they say those things are so loud etc why do they always blame quads??!!

05-06-2002, 07:01 PM
This is what I put:

I dont get you lawfirms , and lawyers. How many hours have to
racked up on a three-wheeler, or four-wheeler?If you actually knew how much family fun they where, maybe you would re-think your positions.It should be the parents decision whether they want their child to have an ATV or not.Its lawfirms , and people how have never even sat on one telling them that they cant let their child have this, or that. Its firms like yours that are making the US people slowly loose their rights.I will fight you crazy laws. etc. until you get the idea that people dont want to loose their right to do what they want, when they want, and how they want to.I think most people are behind me when i say that, most people arent going to let the lawfirms steal our rights to live freely. It should be up to the parents whether they want to allow their children on a ATV or not, not some city-slicker that hasnt even rode an ATV, or even know how fast they are.Im 14 and can control about any fourwheeler. And a 90 CC fourwheeler would not fit me, I weight 145-150 pounds, and my knees would surely rub the fron fenders. To this, I think this is unsafe. Most 90 CC quads dont have sufficent braking power, or the frame capable of hauling a 150 pound kid.Maybe you people should realize that 90 CC for a 15 year-old boy these days will hardly pull his weight!And its not the fourwheelers fault that it tipped.Its completely the riders fault, how could a fourwheeler suddenly flip going in a mudhole? Its the riders fault for attempting something to this degree.
Well, ive done enough blabbing just like you talkers.
I think your statistics are wack , and go look at the deaths in car acidents, shootings,and anything else. ATV's are more popular, and thats why all the deaths, etc. are going up. Like this story of this kid in pennsylvania. He was going over a double jump,and flew 46 feetfrom the bottom of the second ramp. If you actually knew what one looked like you would know.This shows that he would have not known his limits.

Maybe you high-paid lawfirms and lawyers should actually try riding fourwheelers. I think you would actually have alot of fun.


What do you guys think>?

05-06-2002, 07:26 PM
hey i understand , its called the all mighty dollar!the lawyers would sue their mothers if they could get the money out of them! why!? wasn't that kid wearing a helmet!? now all of a sudden it's the atv makers fault ! :huh

05-06-2002, 07:51 PM
Most of the time people are killed on an atv they are 1. not wearing a helmet, 2 intoxicated.

05-06-2002, 08:03 PM
those ppl just have nothing better to do...ive had my 3wheeler for over a year..and never had one single problem with it tipping on me..yeah it tips..but im not a complete idiot and i know how to control it...i think if parents or someone would teach all their kids the responsible way to ride we would never have these problems come up..i think its BS that we even have to discuss all this.

05-06-2002, 08:07 PM
i forgot to mention that my dad..who bought me my 3wheeler never taught me to ride responsibly..i just used enoguh common sense..what many ppl lack..anyways..that whole bennet law firm is a bunch of BS..ppl with nothing better to do than try to get everyone against atvs and believe that they are "unsafe" when thats untrue..the bikes are perfectly safe..its the rider that makes them dangerous..just like the saying 'guns dont kill ppl..ppl kill ppl" the same goes for atvs

05-07-2002, 10:18 AM

05-07-2002, 11:29 AM
they are just the dorks and nerds from 30yrs ago, trying to get all the "cool" for roosting on them while they where riding there bicycle in woods with there grandma (or something like that) all i can say about them are that they are money crazed-like mr. crabs on spongebob

05-07-2002, 03:05 PM
man those people they stink but how do they know that the steering wasnt fooled with before the ride

05-08-2002, 06:19 AM

Every on should send them emails until they give up